Insights into ‘Life in the Spirit’ Virtual Reality

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Insight into a ‘family life’ in ‘Life in the Spirit’

When the above experience is over the awareness reduces tremendously. At first the VR belongs to the first heaven. Mark is exhausted. The setting in their country house forms. About 5% of human visual reality - but that is workable and seems almost like life. The brain in skilled users tends to become lazy and reluctant to form strong mental imagery. Helen is sitting on their lounge in a large room downstairs. Mark is stretched out. His head on her lap. She is caressing his hair. A soft feminine flow “Wish to make love?” Mark is aghast. “Sweetheart. I don’t think I have the energy to imagine myself walking upstairs to our bedroom.” A relaxing feeling, as she keeps caressing his hair. Mark is nostalgic. “You know. I recall, when was it, 40 years ago? You still look exactly the same as when I first saw you. Lovely. So lovely. But, what was I thinking? Oh yes. I remember the first time I saw this house and the bright green fields and the large disk of the golden Sun. The mountains at the front of the narrow dirt road. The vision so strong. The sensations, the feelings, divine. I recall thinking to myself “What the hell is this?” Helen smiles. “And I recall trying to teach you our Way. For years I thought you were a Jew. When it became clear you could not possibly be, I was mystified. How is this possible?”

Young ones, perhaps in appearance between the ages of 4 and 14, all neatly dressed, rush into the house and then rush upstairs. Mark wonders. “I recognized Cindy. She is always cautious with stairs. Who were the others?” Helen isn’t sure. “I couldn’t tell. They did it too quickly. Katy and two friends? They were playing ball outside, before they came in. I could sense that - like hearing a whisper in the wind.”

A while passes. Cindy, a 4 or 5-year-old mental image, comes downstairs with a piece of white paper. “Mum. Katy’s friend is teaching me to write.” Too excited to wait for a response she is off upstairs again. Helen decides they ought to go upstairs to their bedroom. They are in their bedroom laying close to one another. “Let’s make love”. As she says this her WILL locks with Mark’s fantasies. Instantly they are in a new virtual reality. An image of a large inner palatial chamber from a Star Wars game Mark had recently purchased. Helen had not seen any of this yet. A long large room with columns at one end. Past these an open view of an alien world. Their mental images are kind of life-like, just slightly surreal, smaller than true life people, with light-sabers by their side. In her silver space uniform - tight fitting, miniskirt and knee high boots - she looks sexy, but Mark is excited about the surroundings. “Wow! Brilliant.”

Helen looks about “What is this?”

Holding her hand he brings her to an edge between two columns. “These are from a game I recently acquired. Look at this! What a great artist put this together. A beautiful alien world. So fantastic. I love the blue sky and the orange clouds. More orange here than in the game. The tall trees, so tall, so green and leafy. They look real!” As she binds his WILL in this way he takes her through his memories of parts of this game, as a setting after setting forms in super fine detail and seems so real. Mark is explaining in an exciting way what each sequence is about. After a fairly long time Helen asks. “Is there a bedroom in this game?” Mark wonders “Wait. Yes. In a personal spaceship.” She responds to his memories and the imagery alters to them running into a large hanger with a personal white spaceship and then inside it. A dark-red interior. Golden symbols on walls. Mark hesitates. “Hmm. I thought there was a large bed?”

“How could you miss a double bed?”

“Well, you see, in this sequence the back is open and a sloping platform leads inside. I run into this spaceship, but there are enemies chasing me and firing at me so I have to defend myself.” Mark looks about. “I was sure there was a large bed.”

“And you always win?”

“No. I have to save the game regularly because I am always killed. I restart from the time I was alive. This is fun. Let me think. What can we do now? I know! There is a sequence when the hero, me, saves the love of his life who had been captured by a dark lord and held in prison.” Helen responds to his thoughts and Mark is now running through a truly giant spaceship and works out where Helen is and how to open the door to her cell. As the door slides open she comes running and tosses arms around his neck. “My hero!” Mark clarifies. “Actually, you are supposed to say what took you so long.”

Their fantasy is interrupted. The bedroom setting returns because Cindy came in. The door had been left open. (Cindy looks like a human child but she maps onto a chimp to whom she refers as her ‘mother’). She clambered onto the bed with her white piece of paper with words she was learning to write. Helen sat up. “Very nice, love.” And then, just to see if Cindy can cope, she used her WILL to form the large room again with the columns. Cindy with them (her mental image) and she also with a light-saber. She looks about. Claps her hands. “Wow. There is never any end to heaven.” Mark flows to Helen “It is written Wisdom comes from the mouths of babes.” Helen brings them back to their bedroom setting. A few seconds later Cindy falls asleep. “I thought so.” Helen explains. “I can’t use my usual technique with Cindy.” Mark is surprised. “A chimp is much stronger than a human being, and yet your WILL exhausted her?” Mark sits up. Imagines a notepad and pen and draws a chimp’s brain and major areas, and symbols in parts. Mark is busy with this. Katy knocks, enters. “Are you busy, mum?” Helen glances at Mark so absorbed in what he is working on. She shifts from the bed and stands. “Not any more. What?”

Soon after Katy, a 12-year-old ‘dimensional body’ not just a mental image, is by swings on the side of the house. Cindy comes running and sits in the red seat. “What took you?” Katy inquiries. “Dad was explaining something interesting, but it is not useful to me.” Katy starts to push the swing. “Mum and dad are both very good at that. Explaining useless things. Don’t tell mum I told you this, please.”

Lisa, white top and long red pleated skirt, about 14 in relative age, joins them and sits on a dark-blue seat and swings herself slightly. Katy is impressed. “You made it, Lisa. The first gentile to be born into the first heaven. I don’t count dad as a gentile because no one can make sense of what he is. Must have something to do with you being a Missionary of Charity.”

“What is that please?” Cindy asks. Katy replies. “I have no understanding how to explain that to your monkey brain…sorry, I am sorry… to you. Let me wonder about that.”

Lisa flowed “Long ago I explained to dad, I knew him as Mark then, why I became a Catholic sister. He explained to me that my strong vision of virgin Mary was because I was sensitive to ‘Life in the Spirit’. The way he explained made so much sense. Now, Cindy, how do I explain to you what a Missionary of Charity is? I wouldn’t recommend it. It is work which is emotionally so draining. My human body looks after the poorest of the poor. Uhm. Uhm. Those who have few bananas to eat.” Cindy, she is highly intelligent, took a while but she managed to understand. “Yes, I understand. Silly work.”  Katy and Lisa laughing. Then Lisa asked Katy. “I have to ask dad how can Cindy use our words so well. Chimp’s don’t speak.” Katy replied. “I know that. Chimps do speak in their own language, mainly using gestures and apparently there is a great many subtle gestures they use. They don’t have a voice box like people. Their brain language areas are much the same as in people. In fact, dad explained to me, even deaf and dumb people use those areas for sign language. He had a term for them. I don’t recall, maybe general interpretation areas?”

Cindy understood this and shook her head. “No. I don’t know…English…my mother senses the flow and replies with a sense which to you comes out in English. Or Indian in Lisa’s case, I guess.”

“Cindy. I am originally from Canada. I understand English.” Lisa clarified.

“Where is that please? A forest? What kind of forest? Lots of bananas?”

“Shit…uhm…uhm. Later, Cindy, I will explain on a globe of the world.” Katy replied.

Later a setting in the kitchen. Helen made Cindy a cereal with banana slices. This she enjoys even though there is barely any real taste. Helen and Katy and Lisa sitting at the table. Katy and Lisa with a milkshake and yellow straws. Mark comes into the kitchen with his notepad. “I worked it out. I think.” He sits next to Helen and shows her the notepad. “Chimps, like cats, see rapidly. Flash numbers on a display too fast for people to see so the display looks blank. But, chimps will not only see each number but will remember where each number was. Bottom line. To form a better WILL with Cindy, you need to reduce these square wave peaks I drew.” With a finger he traces the peaks on his notepad. “That’s a brain wave pattern when a WILL begins to form. Cindy’s brain’s visual cortex areas are so fast that the way you do it now, is fine for people but much too slow for Cindy’s brain to lock into the pattern. Her brain tires out because it is not connecting correctly with these areas.” He drew various connections so Helen could follow. Then more when Helen asked to clarify parts.

“Mum. Is dad technically a gentile?” Katy asks.

“I have no idea what he is. I have given up long ago.” She laughs, then gives her husband a kiss.

A girl ‘being’, say 7, comes into the kitchen. She gives the impression of someone who is an efficient busy individual. She imagines the kitchen larger and imagines a chair and sits next to Katy. “Good news. Our Noble Way has been approved to reserve the name of ‘Immortal Lord’.” She turns to Lisa whom she had no met before in this setting. “Shalom. I am me.” She points to herself. “Amy-2. I tried to imitate the real Amy at low levels, which she has no access to because of what she is, but she is much too complicated. So I gave up. I might be stuck with that name ‘Amy-2’.” She nods.

Privately Lisa flows to Katy. “What is an Immortal Lord?” Katy flows privately back. “Don’t ask. It is a ridiculous theme. So complicated no one knows how to explain it.”

Cindy walks to Amy-2. “Why is your chair yellow? That means a weak link to our family.”

“No, Cindy, well, yes, at some low steps it is a weak link. But this setting is in the first heaven and this becomes a strong link vertically. You need mum to explain this to you.”

“Not important. Sounds complicated.” Cindy shakes her head and turns to Helen. She imagines an empty bowl in her hands. “Can I have more please, mum.” Helen walks to a preparation area and peels a banana and cuts it up.


Insight (Business. Mid range ‘Life in the Spirit’)

Just like the Sicilian Mafia myth inspired media sensationalism and books, it also inspired what seems to be a group of Sicilians (or Italians or a mix) to form their own version of ‘Life in the Spirit’. However, this gave birth to a ‘dimension’ named Isabella.

As the setting (VR) begins the family is in Palermo, Sicily. Mark’s memories are used so this is almost like real-life. There is Mark and Helen. Isabella is in the image of a 7-year-old in a spotted dress, yellow and dark-blue patches, holding Mark’s hand. There is Amy-2, and Lisa and Katy. Lisa as a 14-year-old. Katy as 12-year-old. Both dressed like girls in a private school might be. There is Cindy holding Helen’s hand. The VR, to an observer, could pass as real life. Helen looks about 25 so having daughters aged 14 and 12 is unlikely in ordinary life, but that’s about the only difference. Amy-2 is at the front looking about. “Where are we going?” She turns to Isabella. “Business meeting.” “What sort of business?” Katy asks. Isabella: “No, this is Mafia turf. You don’t ask that question. You wait until we are at a meeting.”

They walk. It is almost like true life, glancing at shop windows. Crowds of people on streets. They find the cafe. Inside. A heavy doorman closes the door immediately and puts a sign out “Closed for lunch.” They sit at a table. A waiter brings plates of lasagne. The only one not enjoying this is Cindy. Helen asks the waiter if he could bring a bowl of corn flakes with banana pieces. This is arranged. Cindy is happy.

The meeting is about how to organize this group to be a Noble Way. Amy-2 explains this is simple. She needs to be nice to one Rabbi and then when the council comes around this will be easy. She imagines a notepad and writes some points.

“Amy-2. That is not the Mafia way. We need to find…work out…like an offer he can’t refuse.” Mark explains. Amy-2 closes her notepad.

Marco is sitting next to Mark. He is the ‘Don’ of this group. Time passes. They eat and think. Well, only Mark and Isabella and Marco are thinking about this. They explore ideas. A woman, Vittoria, elegant, lovely, comes into this cafe and sits behind their table. A few men come in also and sit in places. An idea begins to evolve. Lisa, who maps onto a Roman Catholic Sister, could authorize Vittoria to be a Catholic sister for a time. The idea is to pressure the Rabbi in question, to have no choice but support this group’s application to be a Noble Way. When they finished their meal, Vittoria asks Marco to do a test run with this. She walks to the front and Marco joins her. She flows. “You be Rabbi. So, Rabbi. Of course there was a Jesus Christ. Not in the body. Saint said he didn’t know that, but in ‘Life in the Spirit’.” While she is flowing all this she is using hand movements, flicks of her hair, slight body movements. Mark is fascinated and to Helen. “I could fall in love with her. The way she can do that.”

Vittoria comes over, stands behind Mark, slides her hands down his chest, and to Helen. “I could seduce him, you know. A Rabbi won’t be that easy.” She walks to the front. Marco had worked out a counter argument. “Impossible. Jews in the spirit are much too sophisticated and complicated. Saint Paul imagined his experience.”

Amy-2 says. “The flaw here is this. Why would Lisa, such a conservative and dedicated Roman Catholic sister in real life, authorize a Mafiosi former sex-worker to be a Roman Catholic Sister? She has to, else the Rabbi will instantly sense she is not.”

A man sitting behind Amy-2 leans forward. “Ah. Lisa has about 30 sisters in her group, but no men. Our intelligence is good. The three who could be, can’t step up to where Lisa needs then. Sicilians have many men. A ‘Life in the Spirit’ group can’t function without some men. A favor for a favor principle is at the heart of Mafia respect. Lisa does us a favor, a time will come when she needs a favor from us.”

Amy-2 opens her notepad and jots “Blackmail is part of this group’s code.”

At the front Vittoria and Marco are discussing a strategy. They start again. “Rabbi. Surely you believe Saint Paul was a real person, a Rabbi. Sometimes he preached, spoke, to his Jewish congregation. Quite a few too, as his letters suggest. Surely at such times, now and then he was Jesus in the flesh too. If so, then surely at times he was Jesus in the spirit too.”

Mark turns to Helen. “When the time comes, could Vittoria have a sister’s uniform, old-fashioned, but with a long split down one side? She has exquisite legs and the Rabbi is still a man.”

Before Helen could reply he was booed by his daughters. Even Cindy said “Not appropriate, dad.” Vittoria came over, stood behind him and again hands slid down Mark’s chest, whispering. “There are ways a woman can hint she has legs worth looking at. Leave that with me.”