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They were as different as the creatures of the sea are to the creatures of the land. They were a people-in-the-spirit and children of their God. Among them a stranger is born who teaches:

The Way of the Holy Spirit


Against the background of a legal scam in Australia, and romance between Darth and Helen, Jewish and other Life in the Spirit techniques are presented in the form of stories. Especially of groups known as Noble Ways. Such are into themes across the mystical plane – a form of virtual reality, strong mental interactions. Helen is a Jew. Darth isn’t. The two hit it off.  The first novel that tried to explain ‘Life in the Spirit’ in a simple way. In hindsight, the novel is a stepping stone only into a higher awareness of Life in the Spirit.


Understanding the mystery of the Hebrew God is a daunting mission. Like steps of a pyramid. Each step has to be conquered before it is possible to climb and see the view from the next step. At the top step a shock, a revelation, a surprise – what are people talking about when they talk about God?

The Appendix contains ‘The Third Testament Creation’ (‘The Third Testament’ is a book by the same author).

Each person learns differently. There are a number of novels which have a spiritual theme. Depending on how a person learns, it may take more than one novel to explain ‘Life in the Spirit’.

If you wish to purchase an ebook of any of the books mentioned, go to our purchase page and follow instructions. Cost is $US3 for each ebook.

While this book may also be available from Amazon and others, none are the latest editions which is different to the early edition.

Chapter 1 The Beginning


Can a picture step out of the cover of a magazine? It seemed that way. On the way to a local court Darth stopped by a Newsagent.  A woman on the cover of a fashion magazine caught his eye. Long blond hair, soft waves, blue eyes and a pristine figure. She was modeling a business suit. A white shirt and a dark-red jacket. A brief dark-red skirt. Shapely legs of course. Set against a modern ten story office building. Mostly dark glass. Sun reflecting off it. A brilliant blue-sky. Next to that magazine a history magazine with the front-page header, “he ideal Aryan” Blond blue-eyed teenagers on the cover. The magazines stirred his imagination.


To modern people with a sense of right and wrong, it is impossible to understand Hitler and the NAZIs. Hitler and his few trusted ones modeled their way of conquest and war on Ancient Romans. The Ancient Romans were brutes, slaughtering women and children and babies. The aim to spread so much fear that cities not under their control accepted Roman rule.


Helen stepped onto the upper floor. She had never been in a court of law. She was looking for a door number. A man caught her eye. Sitting alone. Dark-blue business suit. A matching tie. Good looking. Likely a lawyer. That could be her best bet. She could sense he was admiring her, especially her legs. Not unusual. Why not sit next to him and inquire about a matter? Why not let her dress slip as far as it could when she sits down next to him?


Now that very picture was walking toward him! Eyes turned as she walked. The upper floor of Paramatta Court, Sydney, Australia, was long and wide. Many doors into hearing rooms. In places dark lounges or various shapes. Most occupied by so many people.


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Chapter 5 Woman and Man


That night Helen was in his thoughts. She was nice. Certainly attractive. Did she look an Australian-German? The ideal Aryan myth aside, did Germans have a distinct look? She had fine features and soft sensual lips. He closed his eyes and into his head faint images popped. He imagined being a small man standing with a small woman in a light blue kind of old-fashioned dress. She was using hand signals. He worked out what they meant. She was going to show him something from ancient times.


The imagery faded. That night he couldn’t sleep. At first light of dawn came a strange sensation. A pleasant one. A sexual one in a way, as if a woman’ body was blending with his. Perhaps not a true sexual experience, but certainly special and kind of sexual. In another house far away, he imagined a woman resting in her bed.


A strong force, felt like a tension headache, formed around his head. He closed his eyes. Was it lack sleep?


Then faint imagery formed and he, a small boy image, imagined waking in a green field with a girl image in blue. It seemed to be a forest setting. Amid the forest a large green area.


He heard her flow. “This is Life in the Spirit. It is telepathy in modern terms too, but nothing like people imagine what telepathy is. This energy field around us is the Spirit of God. That is what I understand. We are ‘in the spirit’.”


Darth wondered how he managed to hear her? It seemed she talked, but how? Was it his brain that was imagining a female, and gave the image a woman’s voice and tone?


(end extract)