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Journey in the Spirit

Arthur Winarczyk

Back Cover

Stories or explanations, some very short, giving insights into matters not of this world such as the Hebrew God, the Buddhist equivalent of Life in the Spirit, dimensional alien life, Dimension of Life and the Dimension of Eternal Life. These defined and explained in the book titled The Science of Life (Including Dimensional Energy Physics and the Intelligent Design of Evolution).

The Appendix contains The Third Testament Creation.

Quotations from the scriptures are quotations from the spirit. These may not be exactly the same as found in versions of the New Testament.

People are different and learn and understand in their own way. There is no easy rational way to put all the information together to satisfy every reader. The information herein is appropriate for a certain level of understanding. There are more complex works by the same author including ‘The Science of Life (Including Dimensional Energy Physics and the Intelligent Design of Evolution)’ and ‘The Third Testament.’

Content (Partial)

Chapter 1 Mysteries of Old

The Beginning (Overview)

Days of the Ancients


Woman Created from Adam’s Rib

With God Nothing is Impossible


Earth had one Language

And Adam Knows Eve

Ancient Egypt and Moses

Sodom and Gomorrah

Son of Man

Daughters of Lot

Life in the Spirit After the Holocaust

Promised Land

Labyrinths of the Deep

Moses Lived 900 Years Never saw the Promised Land

Book of Enoch and Revelation of Saint John

Chapter 2 Keys to the Kingdom Of Heaven

Saint Paul

Carnal Thinking

Jesus as Man and ‘man’


Give Away All You Have and Follow Me

God is the God of the Living

Mary Magdalene

Do Not Commit Adultery

Spirit of Truth Coming (A promise of old)


Give to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar

Purpose of Law, Commandments, Instructions


1st and 2nd and 3rd Heaven Spoken of by Saint Paul

Chapter 3 Dimension of Life

Realms of Life

Hebrew God dimension

True Jews

Vault of Heaven



Insight into a Heaven

Birth of Spirit in a Person

Spirit of Life (Protecting Enduring Life)

Chapter 4 Beginning of Life in the Spirit

Common Basis of Life in the Spirit and Enlightenment

Jewish Life in the Spirit

Roman Catholic Life in the Spirit

Islamic Life in the Spirit

Buddhist Life in the Spirit

Anglican Life in the Spirit and Others

Psychic Circle

Chapter 5 Purpose of Life in the Spirit/Enlightenment

Chapter 6 Advanced Life in the Spirit

Man Meets Woman (Jewish Life in the Spirit)

Man Meets Woman (Catholic Life in the Spirit)

Man Meets Woman (Islamic Life in the Spirit)

Man Meets Woman (Buddhist Way of Life)