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Seek compassion not perfection

Seek techniques of reconciliation


Let your faith be simple but strong

Let your warmth touch

Let your light illuminate

From the moment of your birth among mime

I shall be with you, a soul at peace.


In the present time humanity has evolved to dispense with ancient myths and to begin understanding the Dimension of Life. It has always been my aim to improve the quality of life for those who listen to me, but also to give everyone a chance to be born in a new way. A way that can transcend mortal death. In modern times in ‘The Science of Life’ terms I am a dimension, a consciousness, an energy formation invisible to senses without adaptation. (A flow from the spirit of the Hebrew God)


”When the Spirit of Truth comes, who proceeds from the Father, he shall lead you into all truth. The Holy Spirit is an integral part of the Spirit of Life in him. He will remind you of all I said and will draw upon the Old and the New.” (John 16:13)


In part short stories discerned from the spirit. In part a scholarly work. In part flows from the spirit and insights into the Dimension of Life. The novel uses a theme to make it easier to put matters into perspective. Compiled over 40 years of ‘in the spirit’ experiences.

To order a copy click to go to publisher

If you need a non-English version of ‘The Third Testament’ sent an email and explain purchase date and name on purchase. You will be sent links to documents. Each less than 250 pages. Together these are ‘The Third Testament’. Check to see if you can use Google translate to convert these.


- Interesting and entertaining.

- Historically reliable scholarly chapters. Non-religious and non-folklore insights into the ‘Hebrew God dimension’.

- Insights into the ‘Dimension of Life’ and the ‘kingdom of heaven’.

If ordering from Australia the book is delivered within a month. Probably the same from other countries.

Your chance to understand the kingdom of heaven. A chapter is dedicated to each character mentioned in the book. Chapter 1 contains instructions and the modern ‘Laws of the Heart’. The Bible is ancient and, as scholars keep proving, parts are forgeries. There are contradictions (link). Even Genesis has been tempered with (link). Do not be concerned if you are gay (or non-binary) or a sex worker or ostracized by religions. Do not be concerned if you had an abortion. In nature it is the mother’s choice to abort a pregnancy or reject a newborn (link). (But, consult a psychologist if you plan to have one.) In this regard John 14:2 should only be “In the Lord’s house are many rooms”.


Why not have a go at trying to understand in a non-religious way? According to psychologists religions are declining but spirituality is not (link). The needs of your ‘spiritual side’ may not be something you are too aware of, and yet that can improve your mental health. Psychologists have provided useful guidelines about your spiritual side (link).

Adapting to ‘Life in the Spirit is like learning to swim. An uncertain and worrying time because it is a new experience.



How to Read/Study ‘The Third Testament’

For practical reasons consider ‘The Third Testament’ as fiction and ‘Life in the Spirit’ and the characters and settings as the product of the author’s imagination. The theme: the ‘Spirit of Truth’ (Holy Spirit) has been born. The Holocaust has disrupted a natural path of evolution. The ‘Spirit of Truth’ is ‘son’, in relative sense, of a different celestial life to the Hebrew God. His mission is to reconnect ‘Life in the Spirit’ to the Hebrew God. A 40 year long journey. While Mark was already an adult human being, his alien ‘eternal companion’ gave birth. Amy was not about to wait and decided she will find her ‘dad’ to make sure he comes home safely. (In the book Mark’s adult eternal companion is named Kim).

‘The Third Testament’ is mainly stories with some scholarly chapters.

Most chapters, in the form of a novel or extracts from one of the books on the Novels page, provide insights into ‘Life in the Spirit’ and ‘Realms of Life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’. Ideally you read these and find one you like best, then work with it by developing the theme or rewriting in your own style. In this way this becomes an interesting time for you. The themes vary from ordinary life drama, or romance, or mystery, to fantasy and science fiction. Even a military theme.