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The brain, sitting inside the head, is responsible for controlling movement, thought, bodily temperature, and all manner of things to do with being alive. Every woman who gives birth knows the inherent miracle of a baby. Evolution as advocated? Unlikely. A powerful intelligence put all that together. But things can go wrong.
The book The Science of Life (including Dimensional Energy Physics) suggests that DNA, the basic chemical present in almost every living cells and responsible for creating human organs, is of alien origin. Each strand of DNA is a primeval consciousness. Together, these form the instinct of a life-form, of a species of life.
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YOU are not your brain.
The more you learn about your brain, the better YOU can think and reason.
Many a person is interested in how the brain works and reasons and thinks. This book has been put together to explain in a simple uncomplicated way, and to include interesting aspects such as ‘split-brain’ patients and what medicine has learned from such about the consciousness in a person.
Interesting bits of information too. Did you know it takes about 1 million electrical pulses in the brain to form the simplest of human thoughts? How large is that? It would take 12 days to count to one million if you said a number every second and had no breaks at all.
Everything important is covered. The target audience is a typical person with little knowledge of the brain.
Chapter 4 Brain Functions
In about 75% of people the brain is typical meaning specific areas are responsible for specific functions. These people are right handers. In about 15% of people the opposite configuration is in place. These people tend to be left-handers. In about 15% both brains seem to share functions in a way which is not consistent with the typical. In such a case such people tend to be able to use either hand to write. However, even in atypical brain configurations, in about 97% of cases the language areas, namely Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, are still in the left brain.
In a typical brain configuration, you would use your right brain (right cerebral hemisphere) to locate your car in a car park, but it is the left brain that understands the difference between your car and the car next to it. If your left brain switched off, you would never find your car in the car park only its approximate location. If your right brain switched off, you wouldn’t understand where to look for your car.
Gorillas and chimpanzees don’t have a voice box like a person does, but they can learn a large sign language and communicate with people using sign language. This has been demonstrated in laboratory conditions. One gorilla knew more than 600 words