5GL-Doctor for Windows The Science of Life Neuroscience Novels/Books Elusive Scent Shadow Theory Hebrew God dimension

Some 1700 years ago a Rabbi, later known as Saint Paul, anticipated a time when the ‘Spirit of Truth’ will explain the mystery of the Hebrew God. The time appears to be NOW.  The author of ‘The Third Testament’ and ‘The Science of LIFE’ appears to satisfy Saint Paul’s prediction. If so, then the ‘Spirit of Truth’ presents ‘The Third Testament’ and ‘The Science of Life’. Why now? One possible reason is that knowledge of physics and neuroscience and DNA is adequate to explain a path of natural evolution (hence ‘The Science of LIFE’). Also, historians and archaeologists have discovered enough to put together a non-religious perspective. While it can be argued that religions belong to a simpler time when people believed the Earth was endless and in the sky a god or gods, nevertheless you have a right to believe in El Dorado or Shagri-La or Atlantis, or any religion (stick to mainstream).

Life in the Spirit (Kingdom of Heaven)

The authors of the legitimate part of the Bible were a telepathic culture (link1, link2, link3). Legitimate parts of the Bible are few. Much is the work of charlatans (link1, link2).

‘Life in the Spirit’ may be known as ‘in the spirit’ or ‘Tale in the Spirit’ or ‘Promised Land’ or ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ or ‘Kingdom of God’ or ‘Hebrew God dimension’ or ‘first heaven’. From 2 Corinthians 12:2 we can infer the expression ‘in Christ’ referred to ‘Life in the Spirit’. A ‘mountain’ is always symbolic for a ‘Life in the Spirit’ experience. A ‘hill’ for a low-level experience. This refers to telepathy-like interactions in ‘settings’. A ‘virtual reality’ (VR) type mental experience. Medical studies into telepathy were semi-formalized in the 1930’s (link). Later proved (link1, link2).

Katy is in this case a 12-year-old mental image, a ‘daughter in the spirit’. In a mental vision (setting) Mark is laying on his back on a straw bed. Katy is sitting next to Mark, in a long pleated dark-blue dress that fans out like an open umbrella at the base. “Katy. Among the myths and legends of our kind which are hidden from the world, there is this tale. In the days of the ancients, in the Tent of the Meeting, in the Inner Sanctuary, the High Priest of Israel would lay down like this and go into a trance. An apparition, a Woman, would form and sit like you are sitting. On the ceiling around a light twelve faces. Each representing a tribe of Israel. How a face looked told the priest the state of that tribe. A face half human and half cat told the priest that tribe was still worshiping cats. Sometimes words in white would form. Sometimes a vision. Look up, Katy. What do you see?”


Born in the Spirit (or ‘Birth in the Spirit’)

(John 3:3 is close but ignore reference to Jesus). Explained in modern words: unless what ‘The Science of LIFE’ defines as ‘dimensional energy’ forms in your thoughts, you cannot partake of ‘Life in the Spirit’. That energy can spark a finer form referred to as ‘spirit’. This is what ‘born in the spirit’ refers to.

To be ‘born in the spirit’ or ‘born again’ does not refer to carnal rituals. ‘The Third Testament’ explains. A birth in the spirit appears to be a natural path of evolution.

In theory, you can be born to a ‘dimension’ such as the Hebrew God, or into a ‘Realm of Life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’, or even to the Eternal God.


INSIGHT ‘Spirit of Truth’

”When the Spirit of Truth is born into the world it will be like lightning seen from East to West. In those days the Sun will be darkened and the Moon will not give out its light. Stars will fall to the ground. Where the body is there the eagles will gather. And the Spirit of God shall once again move over the face of the waters.” (Matthew 24:29 is close). In this instance the ‘Sun’ is symbolic for the ‘New Testament’. The ‘stars’ likely refers to religions. The lightning is Internet. The ‘body’ refers to ‘Spirit of Truth’ (a person; ‘Son of Man’) and ‘eagles’ to scrutineers. ‘Water’ refers to life. ‘The Third Testament’ is “A light shining in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome the light” (John 1:5) and a promise fulfilled “When the perfect comes the imperfect will pass away” (1 Corinthians 13:10).

Same as ‘Holy Spirit (link). A person who can explain the Bible and the Hebrew God dimension to literate people. The ‘Spirit of Truth’ is flesh and blood, as distinct from biblical characters that were: 1) mainly fictional characters useful as a teaching technique; or 2) mental images in ‘Life in the Spirit’; or 3) fabrications of Rabbis or Popes or politicians  (see pseudepigrapha).

Saint Paul foresaw the ‘Spirit of Truth’ to explain properly (1 Corinthians 13:10). The Bible is ‘veiled’ (link). Example. Samson and Delilah (link) refers to mental images in ‘Life in the Spirit’. The ‘hair’ to links to biological males. The ‘scissors’ (not in the original tale, but ‘in the spirit’ it is now scissors) to a technique. The story is only understandable in ‘Life in the Spirit’. Similar is ‘two angels disputing the body of Moses’ (Jude 1:9 is close). [Explained simply: ‘the body of MOSES’ are the laws. The ‘angels’ are two advocates, say ‘lawyers in the spirit’, arguing about a point of law.]

When the Spirit of Truth comes, who proceeds from the Father, he shall lead you into all truth. The Holy Spirit is an integral part of the Spirit of Life in him. He will remind you of all I said and will draw upon the Old and the New. He will testify about me.” (John 16:13 and 15:26 are close, but note ‘I said’ and ‘he will testify about me’ refers to the ‘Hebrew God dimension’. The ‘Father’ refers to a 'Life in the Spirit group known as ‘Holy Way’. Also 1 Corinthians 13:9-12 refers to the ‘Spirit of Truth’. (This is what Saint Paul anticipated. It is not from a deity in the clouds).


Saint Paul (Saul of Tarsus)

‘The Third Testament’ perspective on Saint Paul is this: a Jew and a Rabbi. Because he is possibly the only credible historical figure, it appears that various Popes wrote parts of the New Testament that suggest he converted to Christianity. Thus he is presented as ‘Apostle to the gentiles’. The volume of conflicting information about Saint Paul is considerable. Modern historians understand that he had to be born after 221 CE to be a citizen while not having both Roman parents (link). There are no originals of his letters in museums. Only transcribed copies of supposedly the originals. None are complete. Scholars have identified parts as fraud (link). The scholarly sections of ‘The Third Testament’ have found no evidence for John the Baptist or persecution of Saint Paul by Jews. Myths. Folklore. (Saint Paul’s ‘saints’ were Jews and not ‘early Christians’. The time period claimed when Saint Peter was setting up a church in Rome, was a period when all Jews were banned from Rome! You have to think clearly. Why would anyone at the time of Saint Paul, who was not a Jew, take an interest in a new Hebrew based religion? Miracle workers and magical events and ‘son of god’ were a part of a number of religions. The new religion, later known as Christianity, had to be forced on people. Just like, today, Islam is forced on people by some governments. In such countries scholars can’t say that the truth is ‘Mohammad was a myth, a political invention’. If they did they could be accused of blasphemy against God and killed by the state.


Insight (Jewish Life in the Spirit, a beginners class)


The virtual reality is very good. The vision in your thoughts about 20% of true-life quality. A setting of a classroom. Students, ranging in ages between 12 and 18, are at desks. All neatly dressed. They are a WILL not a person as such. A WILL is a combination of many of around the same age. ‘The Third Testament’ explains this technique in detail.


Mark as the Dark Lord imagines walking in. In his hand a ruler. Near to him is Helen. Mark is using word flows but not all can equate these to words, so Helen also uses hand gestures, like a sign language, to clarify.


“Greetings.” He flows, then imagines walking to one of the older girls. “Tell me in your own way what is this that you are experiencing? Insanity? Delusions? Imagination?”


She stands. “You are our God. I am with God”. She sits down.


“I don’t know how to answer that because I don’t know what you understand by God.” He walks to the front and turns to the students. “Let me explain how I see this. Each of you is a WILL. A mental image. Each of you, in some way, maps onto Jewish teenagers. Maybe a few. Maybe a lot. You need to be mindful of this. How each of the individuals is aware of this setting, this vision, is impossible to say. A ‘Jew in the spirit’ doesn’t touch the ground. By that I mean this part of your being is isolated from your human body and ought not have any impact on your ordinary awareness.”


The Dark Lord pauses because Helen is using a kind of sign language to explain what he said to those who have not as yet adapted to equating a sense to word flows.


One of the girls stands and flows. “I am a spy. Actually a Muslim. Clever enough so Jewish Life in the Spirit can’t identify me for what I am. Why did their God allow the Holocaust?” She sits down.


Mark paces as he explains. “As it is written, in the beginning your God put a firmament that separated the waters from the waters. The water is symbolic for life. He does not sense below the firmament in which there is ordinary human life. Above the firmament is Life in the Spirit, but even so only at very advanced steps can the mental energy form that is sufficiently identical to his dimensional form. You have to be born in the spirit. At this step you are a WILL, not a spirit as such. However, it is the policy of advanced life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ not to directly interfere with natural evolution. What is evil? What is right or wrong? Such can be subjective views. In the Dimension of Life there are Realms of Life which regularly have a purge of their own kind. Why? It is the way they evolve into new life. Like some trees in, say Australia, can’t regenerate unless their seeds are opened by a ferocious bush fire. So a terrifying natural disaster, a catastrophe, needs to take place for new life to begin.”


The Dark Lord returns to Helen and whispers. “I don’t know if I answered that well. Please have a go.”


“No, it’s fine.” She whispered. She walks over to the girl who said “I am with God” and leans toward her and whispers “That was a lovely answer”.


Importance of ‘The Science of LIFE’


IMAGINE a classroom of students. Each is a WILL. A consciousness that maps onto biological people, but as to how can be a mystery. Mark as the Dark Lord is flowing to students. Helen, as she often does, is with him and using hand gestures and charades to explain his flows to those who have not as yet adapted too well to equate a sense to verbal thoughts.


Guys. Science is a methodology which attempts to explain natural phenomena. From my perspective neither theoretical physics or interstellar astronomy are science. The first is fantasy. The second a religion. ‘The Science of LIFE’ explains why. There are conventional science chapters and a new science chapters. The purpose of the latter is, in theory, so those who can put it all together have a chance to be born into the ‘Dimension of Life’. To be so born is to begin experiencing, visualizing, life in that Dimension but relative to human understanding. The odds of a successful transition from biological life to a ‘being’, a consciousness, in the ‘Dimension of Life’ are not so good. Your focus has to be true and unwavering. You must struggle to put it all together. The more you can, the better chance dimensional energy can form in you that connects to the ‘Dimension of Life’.


Consider claims of astronomers about Black Holes and Dark Matter and light displays in the universe and extremely distant stars such as pulsars that emit radio waves in a pulsating manner. Years ago a space exploration vehicle passed Jupiter. It found what no one expected. A natural cone shaped magnetic formation that was a radio transmitter that propagated radio waves in pulses. And here is one explanation for what astronomers claim are pulsars. Jupiter has a huge magnetic field. Fluctuations in a magnetic field produces radio waves, signals. In ‘The Science of LIFE’ the only signals astronomers pick up is from our Sun and Jupiter - hut they believe it is from stars and the universe. Many universities will not include astronomy as part of a science degree. It isn’t science. Observations of planetary motions in our solar system could be considered as science, but anything else is speculation. Some claims that come from interstellar astronomers are beyond the ridiculous - such as that certain optical studies of stars can show stars traveling around the nucleus of our galaxy. The further an object is, the less will it appear as moving. A star even 1 light year away would have to travel billions of times the speed of light to be seen as moving.


Also consider this. There are tribes in Ecuador, in the depths of the Amazon, which have almost no exposure to the industrial society. Members believe all the world is a jungle because that is their environment and the only environment they know. Similarly, interstellar astronomers believe all the intense glows in the universe are stars - because this is the only exposure they have, to our Sun and its solar system. In ‘The Science of LIFE’ some such intense glows are not stars but dimensions. A dimension may contain so much life it is not possible to put a number to it. A by-product of such concentration of dimensional life can be semi-dimensional energy. When of sufficient magnitude the heat that can generate can be like the heat of our Sun.


Unlike with an optical telescope you can’t point a radio telescope at an area of space and claim signals picked up are from that area. Such signals could be from anywhere. In fact, most of extraordinary signals have eventually been traced to faulty transmitters on Earth. You might have seen movies that include technicians trying to pin point the source of radio signals. They travel everywhere to locate it. Even in such favorable conditions it is that difficult. NASA and astronomers can claim all they like that their space telescopes detect all kinds of signals from stars. The truth is they have no idea where such are coming from.


‘The Science of LIFE’ explains conventional science, and also a new science of dimensional energy and intelligent evolution of life. It views the universe as a consciousness.


Consider DNA. The chemical that makes life possible. Its complexity is outside human understanding. You don’t need to be a scientist to grasp this. Consider the precision required for any female mammal to give birth! Such precision has to be engineered exactly and precisely. There is almost no room for error. In fact, DNA does not do anything. It is another chemical, called RNA, that decodes DNA instructions and builds proteins and hence life. RNA takes some random input from the environment. If it didn’t all faces would look the same. Of course, this is not always good. One sugar molecule has, in DNA code, only one oxygen atom. RNA decided the Earth has an abundance of oxygen and gave that molecule two oxygen atoms. If it didn’t perhaps there would be no disease called diabetes. Allowing DNA to introduce changes, which it does through RNA, is good to evolve diversity, but could adversely impact some individuals.


‘The Science of LIFE’ explains, and you can experience this in visions (relative to human senses) at a certain depth of ‘Life in the Spirit’, that DNA evolves in a celestial being which was named the ‘Creator’. DNA at that stage is dimensional energy only, but becomes semi-dimensional when it attaches itself to a Realm of Life, such as a planet like Earth, suitable for evolution. The Creator has an interface to the Dimension of Matter. If you were to look inside the Creator’s womb you would see something similar to dot-like, almost transparent and very long, wriggling worms that are attempting to work out how to evolve into a specific form. This DNA only imagines different forms, but in so doing it programs itself. It can’t actually understand what is achievable until it blends with a Realm of Life suitable for evolution. It isn’t so much DNA, but the consciousness of mother Earth that works out how to trick DNA into evolving different biological life. The most natural form of DNA that evolves a biological shell is a worm. About 1 million different species of worms exist, and their numbers are vast. One mathematician concluded there are more worms on Earth than stars in the visible universe. The estimated number of stars in the visible universe is more than all the grains of sand on Earth.


The original form of DNA is dimensional not physical. Human science only knows 1% of DNA. The non-coding part is a mystery. While DNA can adopt a semi-dimensional form such as a chemical, in theory it has the information needed to give birth to you as a dimensional entity - a newborn in the ‘Dimension of Life’. Should this happen it may project into your mind’s eye the image of a woman holding a baby in white. In theory, all you need to do is put together ‘The Science of LIFE’. Struggle until your thoughts form appropriate dimensional energy (DE). Then DNA can take over, forming that speck of DE into a newborn. When aiming to be ‘born in the spirit’ the DE that has to form can be named TRUTH. With modern knowledge of historians and archaeologists and psychologists it isn’t hard to work out, but takes research, how every religion came about and why. The DE that has to form to be born into the ‘Dimension of LIFE’ is better defined as DE(reason). That’s because it isn’t possible for people to understand TRUTH about many matters in our universe and the origins of life. Only a cohesive and reasonable theory is possible. Such a theory can’t include ‘magical thinking’ such as Einstein’s fusion of time and space. Magical thinking indicates a life not ready. (You have to reason well. Newton’s claim of the Moon always falling to Earth may not be magical thinking but an appropriate explanation, in his era, because of a simplistic view of gravity.)


Guys. From ‘The Science of LIFE’ you can put together many mysteries of life. A carnal person may believe they will die and go to heaven. But, if you take an interest in ‘The Science of LIFE’ you will better understand mysteries. Once I had a dream. My deceased mother was in a ward of a hospital. As I came to visit she was walking away. She was very old when she died and walked with a cane. I waited. A while later this all robed dark-gray creature was bringing her to me. That creature was ‘Death’. The mother image was the actual consciousness of my deceased mother. Your consciousness also serves as a host for your loved ones that passed away. Now and then your loved one can become awake and keeps on evolving into the Dimension of Life or a heaven of a dimension. That process can take generations. Not all such consciousnesses will make it all the way. So while some people can choose to believe the Earth is endless and in the blue sky god or gods, you can be informed in a new way. Is everything in ‘The Science of LIFE’ accurate? That is impossible to say. You have to consider the ‘Introduction’ in the book.


Guys. To be acceptable to life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ you have to think well. Natural tribes have always killed those who came onto their territory. So killing to protect resources needed to survive might be natural, but that is not what modern technology society is about. Modern governments and their military and paramilitary forces (police) may kill to protect wealth and greed. That greed is not so much of an individual person, but larger enterprises. Life in the ‘Dimension of LIFE’ does not desire to sense biological ife directly. To do so is to sense death, pain, hunger, atrocities. It can sense you only when you are born into the Dimension. Like a newborn you learn afresh.


Guys. A revolution can only succeed when people evolve to desire and demand change. That evolution can’t be forced. It has to happen naturally. Your mission as scientists is ‘The Science of LIFE’. Put it all together. That gives you a chance, in theory, to be born as eternal life in the ‘Dimension of Life’. Don’t fear this. Once you begin to experience mental visions, once dimensional energy forms in your that interfaces to the ‘Dimension of Life’, then over time you will be more comfortable with the idea of eternal life and some of the Realms of Life in that Dimension. ‘The Third Testament’ has many stories. Some a direct translation onto a human understanding of life in some Realms of Life. Ideally, you want to study both books.

A portal into the Hebrew God dimension. This page has insights into ‘The Third Testament’ which mainly consists of stories from ‘Life in the Spirit’ and the ‘Dimension of Life’, also themes and reflections. No real connection to Islam or Judaism or any of the 45,000 Christian religions or typical perceptions of ‘God’ (link). Includes scholarly sections which explain a non-religious perspective. Also, there is ‘The Science of LIFE’ which provides a scientific framework. Prior to forming an opinion about the information herein, please read paragraph 14 of the presentation that follows.  About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy

Presentation Laws of the Heart Life in the Spirit Beginners Class Importancce of Science

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Each in accordance with their capacity to understand


Slide show: An insight into a mystery of ‘Life in the Spirit’. No connection to Judaism or a typical Jew. No religion in the world understands such mysteries. A union of ‘true Jews’ (see definition). The concentric circles mean within the kingdom of heaven. Both have the ‘Laws of the Heart’ (the symbolic ‘Ark of the Covenant’) engraved on their heart. Those who can understand, Jew or gentile, are welcome. To experience ‘Life in the Spirit’ is to understand that God is the god of the living, not of the dead (Mark 12:27 is close). Notice the child in the slides? That could be YOU when born in the spirit. “Unless you are born as a child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven” (John 3:3 is close). Also Luke 17:21 is close and explains that the kingdom of God is among people. The slide show is based on Mark and Helen, two characters in the book. Helen is a Jew. Mark isn’t. (Order directly from publisher (link). The book has over 600 pages.)

Matthew 7:6 warns those who are party to ‘Life in the Spirit’ not to talk about it. Until scientists proved telepathy (link) it wasn’t possible to explain ‘Life in the Spirit’.

Any reference to the New Testament doesn’t mean there was such a person as Matthew or John, etc. (research pseudepigrapha). The scholarly sections of ‘The Third Testament’ offer a perspective how it all came together and why; which folklore was used as the basis of the New Testament; and how the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi were changed to suit the theme. In ancient times, and true of modern Judaism, skepticism and doubt was expected and desirable (link) - but a typical Jew is unlikely to understand the depths of Judaism. BUT, the religion invented in 325 CE which much later became known as Christianity was to be forced on people. A ‘search for truth’ was replaced by ‘you have to believe’. Religions can be a sanctuary in which the  vows of life caused by greed and wars and hate and prejudice are kept inside a vault, and instead magical beliefs and magical thinking takes over and soothes.

Book: The Third Testament

The Third Testament (Non-religious; explains a ‘Way of Life’.)

Arthur Winarczyk

For extracts from ‘The Third Testament’ and ordering click on cover. How does a mental image similar to above form? Explained simply: a ‘sense’ from the Eternal God (alien life in the Dimension of Life) to the Hebrew God dimension which breaks up the sense into ‘sense flows’ which the human brain and mind can visualize relative to its understanding. (In the mind’s eye a spectacular vision with depth.)


IMAGINE vividly, or recall, being in a church or hall or synagogue or mosque or a Hindu temple. At the front is a man, author of ‘The Third Testament’ and ‘The Science of LIFE’.

1. “Ladies and gentlemen. The ‘New Testament’ is a tale of a man, Jesus Christ, who gathered Apostles and performed miracles as he wandered and taught. The New Testament was put together by the Nicene church, which became the Catholic church, in 325 CE.”

2. “What was the inspiration? Perhaps the legend of Attis? Attis was a man born of a virgin on December 25, Later crucified and resurrected after 3 days. Attis was known as the good shepherd. I believe his followers partook of the Eucharist, which is known to be an ancient pagan ritual. They also became eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.”

3. “Why did the ancient Romans establish the Nicene church? They had a need to stop religious violence that took place when religious festivals coincided. With some 50 major religions, and over 2000 across the huge Roman empire, this became a dire need.”

4. “How do I view the ‘New Testament’? Like this. It was put together in accordance with an ancient technique known as syncretism. Different folklore, such as the legend of Attis and of three wise Kings, was blended with the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi later named Saint Paul. Much later another technique, known as pseudepigrapha, was used to invent Apostles as witnesses to extraordinary events. The church kept the New Testament hidden for over 1000 years. During that period it was modified to suit an evolving religious and political landscape. The religion the Nicene church invented was forced on people. Ancient Romans appear to have erased or invented history to suit. The earliest evidence for what became known as Christianity is from the fourth century.”

5. “In a typical Christian service you will not be informed about the legend of Attis, or the legend of the three kings or virgin birth, or the pagan origins of the Eucharist. You will not be informed about sacred ancient traditions such as syncretism or pseudepigrapha, You will not be informed that there is not an iota of evidence for the claimed miracles performed by the over 10,000 Saints of the religion. To be informed about such matters you may need to study history at a University.”

6. “Why is the hero in the ‘New Testament’ crucified by the Romans? A mystery because ancient Romans didn’t do crucifixions (link). Jesus Christ appears a version of the legend of Attis. This folklore began in 1250 BCE. A Turkish myth that became popular with ancient Romans. Between 559 BCE and 331 BCE Turkey was ruled by Persia. Persians did conduct crucifixions. The church kept the written The ‘New Testament’ secret for a 1000 years. It had been altered by Popes until the printing press made that difficult. The story of Mary Magdalene took a fancy of early Popes who modified it to suit their carnal views of sex and sin. ‘The Third Testament’ has the original, put together from ‘Life in the Spirit’, and it has nothing to do with sex workers.”

7. “Ladies and gentlemen. ‘The Third Testament’ has little resemblance to a religious book. It is mainly stories put together over 40 years. Stories which give you insights into ‘Life in the Spirit’ and the ‘Dimension of Life’. Is it theory or fact or truth? That is for each one of you to decide. I wall try to explain about ‘The Third Testament’ in this presentation. Assume what I am saying is only theory. Don’t believe anything until you put it all together in your own way.”

8. “‘The Third Testament’ is your best chance to be ‘born in the spirit’. An inner spark needs to take place. In theory, no matter if you die tomorrow, if that spark begins today you, meaning your consciousness, you will continue evolving. How? There are examples in the book.”

9. “As far as I can work this out, I believe I satisfy the ‘Spirit of Truth’ anticipated by Saint Paul. Is there another way to explain over 40 years of incredible visions and interactions and insights? Actually, perhaps there is. A chemist named Kekule had a problem working out the molecular structure of benzene. Various stories about this. It seems he fell into a drowsy state on a bus and his unconscious projected into his thoughts the molecular structure. So, it is possible for the unconscious to work out many things the conscious can’t. What I am saying here is don’t assume anything about what I am until it all fits together.”

10. “Let me explain as the Spirit of Truth, same as Holy Spirit. From my view religions are beliefs and folklore. Nothing to do with the truth about the Hebrew God. The legitimate parts of the Bible were veiled. So obscured that only a few ever understood. The Nicene church blended the teachings of a Rabbi with their theme. How enlightened was Saint Paul? While a typical Jew is unlikely to understand the depths of Judaism and believes in carnal rituals, some Rabbis may understand. Saint Paul may not have been the only enlightened Rabbi.”

11. “Is there a God? Much life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ is so evolved that such to us would be gods. In ‘The Third Testament’ two ‘gods’ are prominent. The ‘Eternal God’ and the ‘Hebrew God’. The latter is the force and energy of evolution of biological life. The ‘Eternal God’ only intrudes when a path of natural evolution is broken. The Holocaust and the Christian religion caused a break in that path. That religion changed the original Jewish search for truth with hype and claims that all you have to do is believe.”

12. “Consider the Hebrew God instructions “Have no other gods before me” and “Make no image of me.” What are these about? Is a police officer armed and ready to kill you, if need be, to force human laws on you a servant of a god? What or who is that god? As to the image. Is a painting of a Saint or a statue of a religious figure an image? The difference between a typical person and what Saint Paul defined as a ‘true Jew’ is that the latter only sticks to the ‘Laws of the Heart’ and instructions from the spirit. Not to a dogma or beliefs of any religion.”

13. “Those who feel they can find flaws in ‘The Third Testament’ or ‘The Science of LIFE’ will be disappointed. I have given scientists a chance to have a go. I explain that Albert Einstein was no genius but a man with likely an undiagnosed mental illness called schizophrenia during which there are periods of psychosis - hence his fusion of time and space; hence his periods of becoming so disoriented and so confused that police had to be asked to find him. To me Einstein is a prophet of theoretical physics and interstellar astronomy, which to me are science fiction. Only YOU, on your own, can find a ‘Life in the Spirit’.”

14. “Guys. As a scientist I feel I am obligated to explain that what the ancient Hebrews discovered, a ‘Life in the Spirit’, could have been a natural phenomenon and nothing to do with any deity or the ‘Dimension of Life’. The Guinness Book of Records lists many human oddities. Such as the man who could withstand an electric shock that could kill any person. It is possible a few people were born that managed to form a ‘Life in the Spirit’ and then worked out a method of teaching others. That method involves the ‘Laws of the Heart’ and reflections on their God and traditions. Hence on the journey into a ‘Life in the Spirit’ reflections on, and observance of, the ‘Laws of the Heart’ is important, but once you are born in the spirit whether there is or is not a God is not important. However, the interface to the ‘Dimension of Life’, as explained in ‘The Third Testament’ and ‘The Science of LIFE’, appears to be legitimate. Human psychology, the way people are, can’t be altogether dismissed in ‘Life in the Spirit’. Sometimes at a certain depth and step, when a combined mental image forms in the image of a Man or Woman, that image may need to flow ‘I am the Lord your God’. That reassures ‘people in the spirit’. For the same reason you can think of me as the ‘Spirit of Truth’, also known as ‘Holy Spirit’. Not inconsistent with evidence and thinking in that way can help your human psychology.”


The Ten Commandments (Laws of the Heart)

Saint Paul explained these are ‘spiritual laws’. ‘The Third Testament’ explains how to approach a spiritual law. In ‘The Third Testament’ these are known as ‘Laws of the Heart’ and are replaced by 16. Such need to be understood with the ‘heart’. Literal interpretation of LAW can equate to a narrow intellectualism (see CMPL).

Did these laws come from other than a human mind? That is not important. Note that these instructions did not contain ‘worship’. ‘Worship’, as in ‘bow down’, rituals, submission, praying, lamenting, etc, originated in ancient times.

The 10 commandments were formulated by Moses. While you can think of Moses as a person, there is a mystery. These defined the Hebrew ‘Way of Life’. But this was a revolution! Before this many deities were worshipped by the Hebrews (link). Their God said “Make no image of me”. That was impossible for carnal minded people so such invented sacrifices and worship and glory and rituals and worship practices. Some tried to explain (e.g. Psalm 51:16). These laws were intended only for individuals and not to be forced on anyone.

The biblical claims “Moses will lead you to the Promised Land” and “Moses never saw the Promised Land” seem an impossible contradiction. ‘The Third Testament’ explains.


Insight (Spiritual Flows, ‘The Third Testament’)

Each in accordance with their capacity to understand


Seek compassion not perfection

Seek techniques of reconciliation
Betray no one unless the good of the many outweighs the secrets of the few
With a heavy heart forgive a betrayal but seek the friend closer to you
Bind in your heart a betrayal that leads to grief until the path of reconciliation is clear
And if the reconciliation fails then remove the pain deep in your heart
For you have tried and that is Holy in my eyes.


Insight (The Situation After the Holocaust)


The Holocaust caused upheaval to ‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’ which was reasonably extensive. Repairs took over 40 years. (Research indicates over 50% of Jews are atheists. The Jews party to ‘Life in the Spirit’ may fall into this group. So while it is called ‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’ don’t assume this has much to do with Judaism or the beliefs of religious Jews).


Prior to Mark meeting Helen (see Mark meets Helen) the following advanced ‘Life in the Spirit’ interaction took place. Imagine a Dark Lord descending steps from say ‘heaven’. He asks a ‘Rabbi in the spirit’ this “Rabbi. Surely you understand the traditional tongue of angels? Find for me an angel of old. A sheep without blemish. Nice figure. Long legs. A sense of style, fashion, can form a great image.” (Biblical language is not literal much. Appearances can be deceiving. ‘The Third Testament’ explains what the above means - and it is not literal, only symbolic.)


Insight from ‘The Third Testament’: Mark Meets Helen


This theme is based on what is defined as a ‘legal scam’ made possible by the NSW Supreme Court (Australia). A scam to do with ‘restraining orders’, supposedly to protect a person from violence but in fact the court has allowed lawyers to obtain these with no evidence required of a need. That results in a stepping stone into various scams such as legally stealing property from a brain damaged person, and even to organize protection of child sexual abuse (that is, such a court order can protect a person who is abusing a child). A book titled CMPL proposes that the narrow intellectualism that is LAW results, in general, in reduced intellectual capacity in the judiciary (see CMPL). The scam is explained briefly in the ‘The Third Testament’ and used as the background in a book titled ‘Children of an Everlasting Heaven’. (Go to ‘The Third Testament’ page. There is an extract from a chapter on this. Find ‘Mark Meets Helen’).


(Compare: the USA Constitution only allows authorized militia to have weapons, but their Supreme Court has defiled that Constitution and allowed widespread gun ownership which results in regular mass shootings. Courts are not always about what people are led to believe they are about. One role of courts is to make sure lawyers earn much wealth. In general, lawyers consider themselves a profession equal to medical specialists and demand courts set their hourly rate to reflect what they believe.)





Imagine a path on a cliff. “What is that?” Helen asks. “So many steps lead to a house with no doors and no windows?” Mark discerns from the spirit. “A heaven. Our human senses are too poorly evolved to sense much. On the first step, it may take 100 years, your senses develop more. The next step, that could be 200 years human time, evolves your senses more. By the time you reach the top step, that could take a thousand years, you no longer see a house but perhaps a city set on a hill and full of life. Notice each step is narrow? That means the steps lead to a heaven of a dimension such as the Hebrew God and not the ‘Dimension of Life’. The steps to the latter, in an equivalent relative image, would be wide. Notice the steps are straight?”



INSIGHT (How ‘The Third Testament’ explains the difference between Jew and ‘true Jew’)


What might you think if someone said that he was told by God to take his young son to a mountain and kill him? To most people the answer is clear.


A person does not need to be a natural Jew to satisfy ‘The Third Testament’ definition of a ‘true Jew’. A ‘true Jew’ understands the Hebrew God is about ‘Life in the Spirit’ and that the creation story does not refer too biological males and females. In the original story Adam is not given a gender (link). In ‘The Third Testament’ the ‘man’ and ‘woman’ refers to mental images in ‘Life in the Spirit’.


Saint Paul defined a ‘true Jew’ (Romans 2:28-29). ‘The Third Testament’ explains the difference between a natural Jew and a ‘true Jew’ by that definition. ‘The Third Testament’ explains how a ‘true Jew’ is ‘born’. ‘True Jews’ seek the spirit (Matthew 6:19-21).



Faith (confidence) of ‘Life in the Spirit’


By definition a ‘true Jew’ is a person party to ‘Life in the Spirit’. In ordinary life such may not be a Jew. ‘Life in the Spirit’ can be strong mental experiences. The confidence stems from traditions of ‘Life in the Spirit’ which is full of insightful stories. In the slide show, which images don’t belong to Judaism or Christianity? You might be surprised! The ancient Romans when converting to their new religion (later known as Christianity) did this on the cheap. For example. The solar disk of the goddess Isis with divine child was chiselled off and this became virgin Mary with baby Jesus.




The Revelation of John, similar to Book of Enoch (a journey through heaven), has held as much fascination as Nostradamus. The explanation is non-mystical. ‘The Third Testament’ explains. Also, the church invented the concept of ‘resurrection of the dead’. Only once does the equivalent of that concept appear in the Hebrew Bible (link) but it has nothing to do with the dead. Christian beliefs appear closer to Egyptians (link).



The Most Elusive Scent of All’ is tale about the Sicilian Mafia. A tale told by a dimension. A living consciousness. This consciousness, a dimension by ‘The Science of LIFE’ definition, and given the name Isabella, was a huge obstacle to recovering ‘Life in the Spirit’. The dimension had set aside what it considered its own exclusive telepathy channels and fiercely protected these. Eventually Isabella, while perhaps 300-years-old in real time, proved to be the equivalent of a 7-year-old. She accepted Mark (the ‘Spirit of Truth’) as her ‘dad’ and together the book ‘The Most Elusive Scent of All’ was put together from virtual reality sequences. (For insights into the Sicilian Mafia click here - that page explains why Mafia appears to be a media and government invention that caught the imagination of people and inspired novels such as ‘The Godfather’).






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