Mysteries of our universe: introducing the ‘Dimension of Life’
The slide show is ‘The Science of Life’ (SL; ‘SL Science’) view. Conventional science (CS) views are in dedicated chapters. In regards to the slide show. It is how Mr Universe (the consciousness of our universe) explained to the author the formation of a star and solar system. You may think ‘Hold on! What is this about our universe having a consciousness?’ Modern neuroscience has an explanation of how a consciousness forms (link to section). If you are a science magazine editor you are welcome to publish an article which has been prepared. Link to article.
To order a paperback click to go to publisher ordering page. While current scientific
thinking (CS) is covered in dedicated chapters, ‘The Science of LIFE’ (SL) is a new
science. The CS chapters also contain tables which summarize science facts in different
In regards to chapter on astronomy. The view is that interstellar astronomy and much of theoretical physics is science fiction. Ever so popular with those into such areas. Regularly you see so-called discoveries in deep space. ‘The Science of LIFE’ explains why all that is likely only the imagination.
‘The Science of LIFE’ has been compiled using dimensional energy (DE). DE is not constrained by spatial distances. Another feature is to reconcile opposites. Energy is an intuitive term, or expressed as a qualitative term (e.g. volts; temperature). Energy strives to be in equilibrium. TRUTH can be a state of equilibrium. A TRUTH DE in the human brain can produce an unbiased result. Consider: information about Albert Einstein when processed by a TRUTH DE finds “undiagnosed schizophrenia” as the reason for his spacetime hypothesis (see dispelling the myth of Albert Einstein). A TRUTH DE concludes that interstellar astronomy is the imagination. A TRUTH DE can open the way to understand the ‘Dimension of Life’. Such exists alongside our universe which is in the ‘Dimension of Matter’. A TRUTH DE can discern from Mr Universe! It can detect alien life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ (insight 1, insight 2, insight 3, insight 4). In general, scientists are conservative. A new science can be difficult to introduce. In this regard, it can be argued that a prize known as the Nobel Prize is also awarded not for scientific achievement but to make a pseudo-science appear as legitimate. ‘The Science of LIFE’ is different. Over 40 years, what the ‘Dimension of Life’ provided has been translated into explanations understandable by human science.
Consider: using relatively simple math you can work out how much infrared and other
radiation our Sun pumps out. So much that for NASA to suggest that space telescopes,
or other, can detect infrared from stars or x-rays seems too bizarre to warrant comment.
And yet, that is exactly what interstellar astronomers believe happens! The mage
is an approximation of the size of our solar system relative to our Sun (link). Interstellar
astronomers and NASA believe if they point an instrument at a star, they obtain information
about the radiation that star emits such as infra-red. Any math you use, such as
the inverse square law, says otherwise. When TRUTH and science is ignored in favor
of beliefs, that becomes a religion. Religion is what a group of people desire to
believe. What is the next major phase of this religion? The Mars ‘Perseverance’ rover
has collected soil samples which NASA will try to bring back to Earth in future to
study. Why? Is it so they can claim “We have found evidence of life on Mars!” They
appear to be convinced that once there was water on Mars and a better atmosphere
and that volcanic activity and water, so they believe, give rise to biological cells.
They appear to believe random chance events can produce something as infinitely complex
and as intelligent as DNA (which makes life possible).
On this page
Alternate scenario: About our Universe
The Science of LIFE Definition of Science
Physics and Dimensional Energy Physics
DNA and Evolution: Alien Engineering?
Will of Creation; Dimension of Life
Our Universe, Our Sun, Sirius, Distance of Stars
Hebrew God dimension; Neuroscience
Dynamics of Consciousness and Mind
Metric System; Electromagnetic Waves
Alternate scenario: Albert Einstein, Dispelling the Myth
Alternate scenario: NASA’s Manned Moon Landings
Alternate scenario: Closest Stars to Our Sun and Why Astronomer’s Parallax Technique is Useless
Alternate scenario: Size of Stars; Speed of Light; Speed of our Galaxy
Alternate scenario: No Black Holes or Exoplanets, etc.
Alternate scenario: instruments designed to be used in space are pseudo-instruments
The Science of LIFE‘ arose from sensitivity to the ‘Dimension of Life’. An entity that exists alongside our universe. There is no need to understand science because it is a new science. ‘SL Science’ explains some ‘life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’.
Current scientific thinking (CS) is covered in dedicated chapters: physics, chemistry, neuroscience, microbiology, geology, evolution, the cosmos, modern technology (how your smart phone works, and Internet and search engines). The CS chapters present a foundation of human science. However, ‘SL Science’ does not consider some theoretical physics, and all of interstellar astronomy, as sciences. Not an isolated view (link1, link2, link3, link4, link5. link6). Also, cosmology is breaking apart (link).
Consider how the human brain constructs reality from visual input (link). What that
article suggests is, for example, that the way NASA and astronomers perceive stars
and the universe is an illusion. They build instruments and theories designed to
strengthen illusions (beliefs). Because there is no way to prove anything outright,
they believe what they want to believe. Explaining that a star is an inferno and
you can’t take a true spectrum of a fire that is too hot (link) means nothing to
astronomers. Thousands of articles about their imagined spectrum of stars, and imagined
radio signals from interstellar space. In no area of science are there thousands
of papers claming to be science, but are likely waffle, conjectures, speculation,
and bizarre beliefs (e.g. Olber’s paradox; spacetime). There are resources for teachers
that claim stars emit visible light (link) - but we can’t actually see it, only on
a spectrum can we identify it. That seems as ridiculous as claiming some stars are
older than the universe (link). In SL Science stars like our Sun produce energy that
is a ‘state of matter’ - heat in simple terms, and some trace elements. An atmosphere
converts that heat to ‘light’.
‘The Science of LIFE’ chapters may present alternate scenarios to CS. Example: the assumption that light can travel through a vacuum is based on the premise that light form the Sun reaches Earth. In SL, the Sun does not produce light as our brain understands ‘light’. In SL ‘light’ can’t travel through space. The energy (say heat) from our Sun agitates our atmosphere and this results in light. If our Sun produced light then space would not be black. Astronauts shining a torch in space can’t see any light unless they turn the torch to their eyes and then they see a glow. In SL a ‘glow’ is not ‘light’. In SL Science light requires a medium and its speed is dependent on the medium - so on Mars its speed could be different. A theory that can provide an explanation which can be used to build technology, that is what science is about. Sometimes parts of different theories are best.
A simple view of how ‘The Science of LIFE’ views evolution. There is no real evidence
for evolution as scientists propagate that theory (link). The ‘lines of evidence’
are speculations. There is evidence for adaptation and metamorphism (creation). The
latter can be ingenious. A caterpillar has to convert to a soup-like liquid before
the butterfly can form from that soup. There are no skeletal or fossil remains of
‘missing links’ (the transition from homo erectus to modern man) - however, there
have been hoaxes (link) and attempts at legitimizing ‘transitional fossils’ as ‘missing
links’. The claims that huge animals only roamed the Earth millions of years ago
is suspicious because of remains dating about 80,000 years (link).
Some key points from this page. These are SL Science views and may not be CS views: (1) Evidence says ‘light’ can’t travel through space. Our Sun produces heat not light. (2) Our atmosphere converts the heat to sunlight. (3) The closest stars to our Sun are Sirius and Canopus. (4) Mathematics indicate no signal or radiation can reach our solar system. (5) Much of astronomy is pseudo-science. A belief system. (6) There are no Black Holes or other celestial folklore entities. (7) Instruments designed for space produce results the astronomer desires to see. (8) There is no ‘spacetime’ or magical dimension of time. Gravity doesn't bend light because there is no light in space. The glow of a star or planet is not ‘light’ as ‘light’ has been defined on Earth. (9) Space does not magically expand. (10) Spectrum of a star is the spectrum of our Sun and, from ground telescopes, of our atmosphere. (11) In SL Science ‘light’ doesn’t need to come near our eyes for our brain to ‘see’ an intense glow. From the space station astronauts can see the intense glow of Venus like a giant light bulb - but in SL Science that light doesn’t extend past the atmosphere of Venus. Our Moon is so bright but again the light from the Moon’s atmosphere doesn’t travel anywhere past its atmosphere. (In CS Science the classic view is that the Moon reflects the Sun’s light.)
To understand ‘The Science of LIFE’ retrain your thoughts. For example. Neuroscience now understands that it is your brain that ‘sees’ and not your ‘eyes’ (link). Your brain, using neural algorithms, determines what your eyes are seeing (link). That is, you might see a cat as a dog because your brain decided that is what it wants your eyes to see. This is important to understand because, for example, no star emits any ‘light’ - only a ‘glow’.
In future, understanding dimensional energy could result in a movie projected into
your thoughts. Or, ‘real dating’ in a virtual world. Also, an insight into alien
life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ is achievable. When you read the book you will understand
this is powerful science. To ensure it can’t be used by politicians for war, or to
protect greed, precautions are in place.
‘The Science of LIFE’ also offers alternate scenarios. Theoretical physics and Albert Einstein may have pushed space physics into the ‘Twilight Zone’. Astronomers believe space expands faster than the speed of light (link). Read this article (link). Now look up the Olber’s paradox mentioned - and if you believe that you have entered the Twilight Zone. Astronomers never understood that stars, such as our Sun, produce intense heat and no light. Like a welder’s flame will seem to be light - but it is not light. It is a flame. There is no ‘sunlight’ in space. If stars produced light then space wouldn’t be black. Read this article (link) as to why space is cold. In fact it can be hot! A spaceship near Earth warms to +160 Celsius when facing the flow of heat.
The ‘Science of LIFE’ can rescue your from the ‘Twilight Zone’ of interstellar astronomy.
Radar echoes of the Sun are the same as for solid objects and not for plasma. Astronomers
invented biased instruments and decided that computer models of human theories is
the way to understand the universe. The astrophysics Bible began in the 1930’s. An
astronomer heard noises on a radio telescope. Imagined it was from a star. A scramble
to allocate noises with imaginary entities. Mathematics say that nothing from outside
our solar system can reach Earth (link). In psychiatry, astrophysics might qualify
as ‘magical thinking’. By definition ‘light’ is not ‘invisible’. A star is the glow
of an inferno (see starlight) - and yet so much talk about sunlight curving around
objects in space and spectrum of stars. NASA claims its telescopes ‘see’ planets
180 light-years away (link) and detect weather from 2,600,000,000,000,000 kilometers
away (link). The claim is periodic dimming of a star shows a planet crossing its
path (link). Take a look at sunspots on our Sun (link). Sure looks like planets crossing
the Sun’s path. (The Sun is 1.3 million times the size of Earth). As for seeing a
planet light-years away - their claimed super telescopes can barely see the planet
Pluto which is relatively close (link). Take a look at Alpha Centauri from Hubble
space telescope (link). A fake. Webb and Hubble don’t have color vision (link) and
they don’t have powerful magnification like the best ground telescopes. Artist’s
color such an image and enlarge it. That is art, not science. The instruments designed
for space are questionable (see instruments in space). Is interstellar astronomy
a grandiose delusion? (Consider this reason (link). )
Cognitive Immunology is a study of the resistance to change. An alternate view is
this: mathematical calculations say radio telescopes and space telescopes can’t detect
beyond say Pluto (0.000624 light-years away). The Big Bang theory has long been disproved.
NASA and astronomers will not accept this. One reason: Nobel prizes have been given
to people who imagined they discovered Black Holes and Exoplanets. (There could be
millions of planets in our universe but human instruments are not going to detect
any). Astronomers are committed to their beliefs regardless of scientific evidence.
They ‘believe’ their ‘beliefs’ are ‘science’. They have ‘confidence’ in their methods.
Another reason for reluctance to change are the theories of ‘space time’ and ‘gravity
bending light’. Meaningless in the setting of stars being ‘glowing’ infernos emitting
no light.
(CS) Metric System and the Inverse Square Law
If you are not used to the metric system - science uses it. The USA already uses
metrics in some areas, and has a policy to convert to the metric system (link). The
symbol ‘C’ in some parts is short for ‘Celsius’ (temperature). The symbol ‘km’ stands
for kilometers (distance). 1 Degree Celsius is 33 degrees Fahrenheit. 1 km (kilometer)
is 0.62 miles. 1 inch = 2.54 cm (centimeters).
1 light-year = 9,460,730,472,580.8 km.
1 light-year squared (area) is about 850,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 square kilometers (sq km)
In ‘SL Science’ a star like our Sun can fill an area of about 10,400,000,000,000,000,000 square kilometers with heat. The intensity reduces until it is zero. (Our solar system is estimated at 30,000,000,000,000 sq km). As you can see from these numbers, a star has no chance of spreading its heat much past its own domain. What you see at night is the ‘glow’ of a star and not ‘starlight’. There is no ‘sunlight’ in space. Our atmosphere coverts heat to natural light. (Some physicists claim the part of a fire that produces ‘light’ is ‘plasma’. Others say not so. What to believe?)
This is easy mathematics that you can do yourself. By the inverse square law (1/(distance times distance)) the intensity of a radio signal or radiation (e.g. heat, infrared, ultraviolet, etc.) from an object 1 light-year away is 0.000000000000000000000018. Almost a non-existent signal. NASA claims they detect such with radio and space telescopes. They also claim the closest star is 4.3 light-years away. Thus the intensity (strength) of a signal would be 0.0000000000000000000000000016. It appears, but their jargon is not easy to understand, that NASA claims the James Webb telescope detects wavelengths as small as 0.1 micrometers (link). That’s 0.0000000001 of a kilometer. That’s nowhere near 0.0000000000000000000000000016 required. Let’s put this into perspective. The 0.0000000001 is like a bale of hay. The 0.0000000000000000000000000016 is a needle so small that human eyes can’t see it. China is planning to build a superior optical ground telescope instead of a space telescope (link). Compare an image of Saturn from Hubble space telescope (link), which is black and white, with a ground telescope (link; find Saturn and click image). Which do you prefer?
Study the picture. ‘A’ is a ‘wavelength’: the length from one trough to another,
or one crest to another. ‘B’ is frequency: how often such waves arrive in a given
time interval. In that image the wavelength is perhaps 3 meters. The frequency of
arrival is perhaps 4 waves a minute.
Electronic equipment can artificially generate electromagnetic waves. Basically, an alternating current runs near a magnet and this results in radio waves. Such are similar, albeit invisible, to waves on the sea. In a way, you can surf on these too via the Web!
A transmitter can transmit electromagnetic waves. Radio or television or smart phone
signals. An electromagnetic wave can be represented by a graph. Frequency and wavelengths,
together, are considered a ‘waveform’. The unit of frequency is Hz (hertz) which
corresponds to the number of waveforms that repeat in 1 second.
The relationship between wavelength and frequency is the equation v = λf, where ‘v’ is the wave velocity, ‘λ’ is the wavelength, and ‘f’ is the wave frequency. The frequency and wavelength are indirectly proportional to one another. As frequency increases the wavelength decreases. An electromagnetic wave travels through the air. Sometimes bouncing off layers of our atmosphere (link).
The general term “radio transmission” refers to transmission, usually through the air, of such waves. These waves are sent out by transmitters. A transmitter, that sends out such waves, encodes these in a way that the receiver can decode. A receiver, such as television, converts electromagnetic waves to images. A receiver, such as a smart phone, can convert such to voice communication. A broadband national network may also use radio type transmissions, or may use fiber optics and light pulses as the means of transmitting data.
Conventional physics, but not all branches of physics, has defined light and heat
as electromagnetic radiation that fits into the electromagnetic spectrum. Such consists
of wavelengths and frequencies. This has come about from observing how a prism can
split natural light into colors. Natural light exhibits the property of diffraction
(bending of waves by an obstacle) and refraction (change in the angle of a ‘light
wave’ when passing through a medium such as glass or water). Colors of ‘natural light’
resulting from such being split by a prism, or appropriate apparatus, can be associated
with frequencies. Astronomers rely heavily on this model to understand their spectrums
of stars.
(SL Science alternate scenario: Electromagnetic Waves)
In medicine there are sometimes ‘false readings’ from reliable tests. In ‘SL Science’ the only correct use of that model is in the field of electromagnetism and in artificially generated environments such as a cathode tube. To build a radio, television, or a communication network. The model doesn’t work well for light or heat and sometimes instead of wavelength and frequency an understanding of ‘particles’ (photons) is used. The book explains, and why it is best to refrain from this model except for true electromagnetic waves such as radio waves.
There is no evidence that natural heat or visible light or x-rays or gamma rays have a magnetic component. So why claim it is all ‘electromagnetic radiation’? In SL Science ‘true light’ is ‘natural light’ (sunlight) and it is how our brain perceives daylight on Earth (see light and starlight) and, contrary to claims of some physicists, it is not by wavelengths and frequencies (link). A better physics of light is a study of rays of light (link).
(SL) An Insight into a ‘Realm of Life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’
The ‘Dimension of Life’ is full of ‘Realms of Life’. In the image an approximation
of an ‘alien’ in a ‘Dimension of Life’. The image in the mind’s eye is made possible
by understanding dimensional energy. The image is relative to human perception and
understanding. The alien is unlikely to look like that and is unlikely to map onto
an equivalent of a body - it is only the way ‘relative sense’ may present a ‘sense
of an alien life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’.
In the image the legs and arms don’t mean the alien looks like us - only that it has functions similar to a person walking and using arms. Most of such life, but this is difficult for people to understand, has no distinct form like a human body. It is a ‘consciousness', a ‘life’, but different to human life. (Of course, there is a chance that is exactly what the alien does look like).
(SL) Teaching Science (Are you a teacher of science?)
If you want to explain about our solar system do your research. Many articles explain
why Mars and Venus have no magnetic fields. Even NASA claimed this (link) - until
a better probe found Mars does have a magnetic field (link). Same story with Venus
Computer models, which is what it appears NASA and astronomers use, is not an acceptable scientific methodology. NASA appears to use artists to paint images of space according to what their computer models tell them.
Find neuroscience information about sensors in the body. Not physics or general information. An example is the human eye. Physics explanations may insist that our eyes detect wavelengths and frequencies. Find medical or neuroscience articles about such matters (e.g. photoreceptors), but not the kind that also refer to wavelengths and frequencies. Instead of physics articles that try to persuade you that ‘light’ is electromagnetic radiation, try other physics sources that explain ‘light’ in terms of ‘rays’ and geometric optics (link).
Read the section titled ‘Einstein, Dispelling the myth’. NASA appears to claim it has proved his theories. That is an ‘observer effect’. An experiment is designed to prove what is believed.
Listening to people on radio when an astronomy segment is on - the typical person
appears to consider astronomy as unbelievable. A fantasy. When an astronomer explains
“We have x-ray images of a star” - what does that mean? An x-ray machine uses a cathode
tube to artificially generate ionizing radiation. In SL Science our Sun doesn’t produce
any x-rays - it is the instruments that do this. Such are designed to ‘prove’ what
astronomers believe. What is an ‘x-ray’ of a star? As demonstrated previously by
the ‘inverse square law’ no radiation of any kind can come near our solar system.
Radar regularly detects mysterious objects in space which none of the space telescopes or satellites can (link). As for theoretical physics, read this link and note “attoseconds, which are quintillionths of a second (or 10 to the minus 18 of a second).” Do you think any man-made instrument can measure such infinitely small times? There is a claim an atomic clock can. There are also claims atomic clocks are not reliable because the ‘resonance frequencies of atoms’ (on which these are based; link) are a range of frequencies (link). So while such are superior time pieces, they have limitations.
There is a claim a new thermometer technique can measure temperatures to 30 billionths of a degree (link). Why make such extraordinary claims?
Forget Albert Einstein and gravitational waves and anything to do with any physics associated with the man. NASA and some universities will not accept that the ‘Big Bang’ theory and model had long been disproved (link). They depend on this theory to keep inventing their pseudo-science.
(SL) Insight into an Alien Image in the Mind’s Eye (‘alien’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’; not biological people)
What might this kind of sense vision (in the mind’s eye of the receiver) from alien
life try to convey (explain)? Perhaps this: the image of a planet (and how it reflects
in the liquid on the ground) suggests this alien life was once biological life (like
us, had a biological body) but that was a long time ago and they have ‘evolved’ into
dimensional life. However, some of what their physical world was like they had introduced
into their new world which is a ‘Realm of Life’ formed from dimensional energy. There
is a strong hint their biological physical world had liquid, possibly water. The
yellowish of the sky suggests their world was warmed and had day and night. A ‘dimensional
Realm of Life’ can, in theory, look almost the same as a physical planet. The consciousness,
the ‘life’, in that Realm of Life could even, in theory, have some kind of dimensional
body that might have senses similar to what the human body has.
’SL Science’ Definition of Science
In ‘SL Science’ the definition of science is: an intelligent and rational study of a phenomenon. The phenomenon must be naturally observed to exist or experienced to exist. Don’t be misled by the Nobel Prize. Suspicious recipients include Albert Einstein (see Einstein, dispelling the myth). Some science, such as medicine and chemistry and technology, is ‘sound science’. Other science are theories. Different people may develop different theories.
From ‘The Science of LIFE’ perspective theoretical physics, interstellar astronomy and astrophysicsy, and much of particle physics and quantum mechanics, are not sciences - and yet, some people have received Nobel prizes for contribution to these fields. The claims from such intellectual fields tend to be ‘beliefs’ not science. Example. Astrophysicists believe “The reason space is black is explained by Olbers' paradox. The theory of space-time expansion - because our universe is expanding faster than the speed of light … “. What is ‘space-time’ in that expression? If you are interested link to Einstein, Dispelling the Myth. In ‘SL Science’ there is only ‘space’ which refers to space outside Earth’s atmosphere.
(SL) Insight Into An Alien Sense Image in the Mind’s Eye
What about this approximation of an alien ‘sense image’ forming in the mind’s eye?
Ready to have a go? Every part is a hint. Consider the candles (flames). Each suggests
that before we can get to this alien ‘Realm of Life’ (before we can form the correct
dimensional energy) many dimensional energy formations are needed to act as a ‘step’
(an in-between) into this alien Realm of Life. The mountains suggest we have to focus
on this ‘Realm of Life’ else we can stray into other ‘Realms of Life’. The similarity
to human life and relationships suggests this alien ‘Realm of Life’ might be very
close to how people understand life - if we can get to it (if your brain can form
the right dimensional energy).
The human brain will attempt to map any energy it is aware of into a visual. Most of such visuals you are not aware of, but if you are familiar with ‘sense’ and ‘dimensional energy’ then the brain will ‘cooperate’. Most of the time it can’t do this that well because our human senses are few. There is a psychiatric term known as ‘confabulation’. To a lay person it means a patient is lying, inventing things. The brain is faulty and can’t complete a thought - but it has to in order to ‘speak’. So it grabs anything it can to complete a thought. The result is that a person sounds like they are lying or inventing. In fact they can’t control this effect. Similarly, some mental imagery the brain forms in the mind’s eye (from sense), that seems ‘puzzling’, is because the brain couldn’t find a match.
(SL) Interstellar Astronomy (also consider the equivalent CS chapter)
CS chapters explain current science. SL Science chapters may present alternate views. Example. Interstellar astronomers claimed our universe was 13.8 billions years old but some stars were older (e.g. Methuselah (HD 140283) - 16 billion years). Later a CS view put the age of our Universe at about 27 billion years old (but someone forgot to tell NASA). However, the age of that star was worked out while the belief was the universe was 13.8 billion years old. In this section are insights , or alternate explanations for CS science, or reflections about claims of NASA and astrophysics.
The book explains how a star is formed. It is not like conventional science explanation.
From our Sun all the planets formed. In SL Science the heat the Sun produces is a
‘state of matter’. Conventional science has identified some of the elements in starlight
(link). Because it is unusual form of heat and travels so fast, we can think of it
as ‘starlight’.
Space looks black because starlight is not light only heat. It travels fast. A spaceship facing the flow of heat will become hot to +160 C degrees. As far as is understood visible light can’t travel through space.
(SL) Alternate Scenario: About Our Universe
‘The Science of LIFE’ includes a chapter on our universe. So you can understand in a new way. The situation with astronomers and physicists appears to be this: they see a glow of a star and believe that is light. They believe a person can’t see unless light hits the eyes. Close your eyes and recall being at a shop. Your brain will visualize. It is your brain that ‘sees’. Eyes are ‘sensors’. It is known that your brain can ignore what the eyes see and decide what you see (link). Light, so astronomers believe, can be broken down into ultraviolet and infrared light, etc. Both of these are heat and not light. The glow of a star is not light. It is the glow of a ferocious inferno. The glow can be seen from light-years away but the heat drops off with distance. Astronomers take spectrums of stars believing it is light. They make infrared images and believe these are emissions from the universe. What astronomers and physicists never understood is that our eyes can, in theory, ‘sense’ into infinity (link1, link2). There is no need for ‘light’ to come into our eyes (link to explanation). Stars are like fire. A fire can be too hot to produce a spectrum (link). Whatever a spectrum of a star is, it is not from a star. These are made by man-made instruments designed to produce what astronomers believe (link). Our Sun emits heat, trace elements (link) and solar winds. Heat has no color so space is black. Consider: city lights can be seen from the space station about 400 km above Earth. To escape the lights of a city you may need to travel 20 km to a dark area (link). So how can city lights be seen from the space station? It appears that our brain has evolved to ‘sense’ a source of light, or a glow, even when the light from that source can’t reach the eyes. It is your brain, not eyes, that decides what you see and how you see (link).
‘The Science of LIFE’ has views of our universe different to conventional science.
Some alternate explanations are suggested. Example: discrepancy on atomic clocks
used as ‘evidence’ for a ‘dimension of time’. No one can measure properties of atoms
directly, only averages. A difference of 0.007 seconds every 6 months on atomic clocks
(one on Earth, one in space) is expected - and not evidence of a ‘dimension of time’.
While the concepts and terms used are similar to current science terminology, this
is not always the case. The ‘Dimension of Life’ (DL) exists alongside the ‘Dimension
of Matter’ (DM). DM includes our universe and any energy resulting from matter or
interaction of matter. A natural sensitivity (of the author) to the ‘Dimension of
Life’ made it possible to sense and discern from celestial life (in the Dimension
of Life).
(SL) Another Insight into Alien Life in the Dimension of Life
After about 15 years of sporadic ad-hoc interactions, an alien managed to come up
with what biological life looks like. He projected that image into the mind’s eye
with a sense question which in words would be “Is this what you look like?”
This alien Realm of Life is the closest to human evolution. They are too advanced to understand much of the ‘human sense’ conveyed into that Realm of Life, but this alien took an interest. An alien ‘Realm of Life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’ is a ‘consciousness’ which is not really ‘individual’ as people understand themselves. So it wasn’t one alien but more like perhaps a million trying to work out the unusual sense they picked up. This relatively low-level, on an evolution scale, Realm of Life was the only one that managed to understand or infer or believe the sense came from a biological life. For more advanced alien Realms of Life, it appears impossible for them to accept there is such life as biological life. (‘The Science of Life’ explains how to form a ‘sense’ and introduce such into dimensional energy).
(SL) Alternate Scenario: Size of Stars; Speed of Light; Speed of our Galaxy
There is no evidence any star is smaller or larger than our own Sun. There could be a law of physics that limits the size of a star to the size of our Sun. The intensity, magnitude, of a star can differ because of its atmosphere. Since there is no way to understand how far away a star is, there is no way to estimate its size. The claims of astronomers how to work out distance of stars are pseudo-mathematics (see next section).
The ‘speed of light’ was a measurement made on Earth (link). It is valid for the kind of light ray used in a particular lab. The CS claim that it is the same in a vacuum can’t be tested. Theoretical physics is full of assumptions. There are views that the speed of light is not constant (link1, link2). In CS science anything that ‘glows’ must be producing light - even though it is known visible light can’t travel through space. To astronomers a star must be ‘light’ because it glows. Some tasks in your brain which are part of the visual system are in fact shielded from sensing ‘light’ (link).
In SL Science, neither our Sun or our galaxy (‘The Milky Way’) are moving as claimed. The claim is that the speed of our galaxy is ‘most correctly’ worked out from radio signals from a ‘Black Hole’ in the center of the Milky Way. Hence 230 km/s is the speed of our Sun while our galaxy is moving at 2,160,000 km/hr hour (link). If that was true then the Mars rover delivery vehicle would need to travel at 3 million km/hr to catch Mars.
SL View of Closest Stars to Our Sun; The Parallax Technique
You might have heard that light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach us. What has
this to do with anything? In reality Earth turns into the heat of the Sun. The heat
is there. The starlight of each visible star is also there. In fact, it already had
been during Earth’s creation. As night approaches Earth begins to turn towards the
stars. It comes down to this “the stars seen first are the stars closest to Earth.
Sirius comes first and the brightest of all stars. Canopus is second (but first in
the southern hemisphere) and second to Sirius in brightness, etc.” Also, Venus, the
goddess of love, is bright and can confuse.
Astrophysics use parallax techniques (link) to calculate distance of stars. For any mathematics to be valid such must be validated (link). That is impossible with stars. The technique is ‘pseudo-mathematics’. To mathematicians, pseudo-mathematics are nonsense. The heat in the atmosphere of a star would distort its location to an observer. Distort a location by a degree and instead of 10 light-years away the result could be 1000 light-years away! Here is a link to a star distance calculator using the parallax technique (link). It needs an arcsecond for the angle. That is 1/3600 of a degree. It seems the best sextant is accurate to 1/600 of a degree (link). A 1/600 is far short of 1/3600. From SL Science perspective that method is unlikely to tell you the real distance of a car in a car park.
In SL Science, starlight (heat) that comes from stars and our Sun is a ‘state of
matter’. In SL Science a ‘photon’ is the smallest unit of light - like an atom is
thought of as the smallest unit of matter. (Whether this is the same as theoretical
physics is not clear.)
Why is space black? A typical answer in astrophysics books “Why space is black can be explained by Olbers' paradox. The theory of space-time expansion - because our universe is expanding faster than the speed of light … “ (link). In SL Science concepts sunlight emanating from stars is heat and a ‘state of matter’ (not matter, only a state of matter). Heat has no color so space looks dark because the heat warms, but does not illuminate. (What is time-space? Link to Albert Einstein, Dispelling the Myth.)
In SL Science, fragments of diffused starlight (which is heat and not light) when,
and if, such enter our atmosphere and become light then these behave like natural
light and blend together with similar light particles (photons). In SL Science ‘photons’
refer to visible light and not, as in CS Science, also to ‘invisible’ and ‘magical
light’. SL Science doesn’t need to view sunlight as consisting of electromagnetic
waves. However, let’s equate SL Science to CS science. By the laws of thermodynamics,
in the absence of resistance, energy flows from high to low potential. Like water
into a valley. ‘Energy’ is a generic term. The spectrum of a photon of our sunlight
ought to be IDENTICAL TO the spectrum of our SUN. Like a slice of bread contains
all the ingredients of the loaf of bread. In SL Science the spectrum of stars is
a pseudo-science because spectral analysis was never intended for stars and can’t
be calibrated to stars. In SL Science that means 98% of the spectrum of a star is
our own Sun showing a different side of her colorful dress. The other 2% is from
the instrument itself or our atmosphere or artificial light, like city lights.
Look up at the night sky. Do you see one star - or a vast number? Try to get a suntan
from the stars, or warm your body. Seeing this can’t be done, we have no evidence
that infrared or ultraviolet light enters Earth. Any wave from a star other than
visible light, (which in SL Science is a ‘glow’ of an inferno and not ‘light’ in
that sense) even if it can reach our solar system, would fade into insignificance
because of the volume of such waves in our solar system. (If many talk at once the
result is gibberish. Imagine 100 billion stars talking.)
Even if any radiation (heat (infrared or ultraviolet), x-rays, etc.) came into our solar system such would be a mix of an estimated 100-400 billion stars.
What astronomers are good at is working out planetary orbits and some matters related
to planets in our solar system. The CS chapter on the cosmos contains tables which
provide astronomical information that is likely reliable. Such as planet size and
distance from Sun, how hot, etc.
SL Science rejects the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang theory of creation has long been disproved by mathematicians. NASA and astronomy groups believe in that theory. One reason could be confusion about the movement of 34,000 asteroids near earth. This result in a ‘redshift’ (also see ‘Doppler Effect’). NASA may feel this is the movement of stars. Other explanations have been proposed (link). You may find claims such as “Every serious physicist believes in the Big Bang theory.” Not really (link).
(The top half of this image is a printout from a radio or space telescope. The numbers
represent the frequency (how often such repeat) of noises. Above the numbers someone
imagined they are seeing an ‘electromagnetic wave’ in those numbers. The picture
below the numbers is SL Science mapping those numbers in a different way.)
NASA pictures of supposedly the beginning of the universe are invented by artists. NASA believes their space telescopes can detect ultraviolet and infrared from stars. These, supposedly, become numbers on their instruments. Such numbers are manipulated into images. Use your imagination and you can read anything into such numbers.
Astrophysics books explain the age of stars and distance and composition and heat, etc. Consider the claim that the hottest stars are blue with a surface temperature of 25,000 C. While on Earth and fueled by oxygen a ‘blue’ flame is generally accepted as the hottest, is this true for a star? The color of a star is likely due to the composition of its atmosphere. All stars are believed to have an atmosphere. Our Sun can look yellow/orange/reddish possibly because of its atmosphere, or due to atmospheric optics.
In SL Science, manipulation of mathematical equations may not yield scientifically valid results.
(SL) Alternate Scenario: NASA Manned Moon Landings
Many consider NASA manned Moon landings as a Hollywood production. One reason: when
the Hubble became available (1980’s) scientists asked NASA to point it at the Moon
landing site. NASA refused. That’s the same as failing a lie detector. To understand
the reason, you need to understand the history of the cold war and a race to confuse
the soviets about USA missile and navigation capability. Another mystery was NASA’s
analysis of their supposed Moon rocks. When China analyzed theirs the dates were
very different. There were traces of native water. NASA claimed theirs had none -
but later changed its mind and said they showed native water. Then NASA claimed their
Moon rocks were stolen, became contaminated, and no more analysis.
Is a manned flight to the Moon possible with 2024 technology? In SL Science, NASA manned Moon landings are not credible. Until someone lands astronauts on the Moon, we will not know if it is possible to walk on the Moon, or only crawl (link). The ‘gravity receptors’ in the brain (link) may switch off in any gravity which is not Earth’s gravity. A baby may need to be born on the Moon to learn to walk on the Moon (link). Of course, at the time of NASA manned Moon landings ‘gravity receptors’ in the mammalian brain were not known about. So, if it was a Hollywood script, NASA couldn’t have anticipated such would be discovered. NASA assumed that walking on the Moon was like in science-fiction films.
NASA claims it landed people on the Moon in the 1970’s. But, it appears that only in 2012, NASA understood how deadly the radiation belts between the Earth and Moon are (link). Space exploration vehicles are fine, but else NASA and its astronomy appear to be computer models of their ‘beliefs’. There have been claims of communication with alien life (link). Do you think any intelligent alien sensing Earth with its greed, poverty, wars, death, nuclear weapons, would desire contact? Not just aliens. Sadly, many people avoid the USA because of almost daily mass shootings. In this regard, the USA Constitution only gives police the right to be armed (link). It is the USA Supreme Court that has defiled the Constitution with their decisions.
(SL) Alternate Scenario: No Black Holes or Exoplanets or other celestial folklore
Consider this NASA article (link). It claims unusual sounds from Jupiter. What does
that mean? Our ears hear sound because of vibrations in the air. There is no air
near Jupiter. Jupiter is silent. Consider regular radio signals of unknown origin
(link). Consider that radar regularly detects a solid object above Earth while telescopes
and other instruments don’t detect anything (link). In other words, no one truly
understands what kind of noise is in our solar system. Pointing a radio telescope
at a star doesn’t mean anything is actually received from that star - it could come
from anywhere and be regular enough to make it seem it is from a star.
In SL Science, radio signals claimed to be from stars are not from stars. The giant planet Jupiter and its moons and our Sun are the likely source of many radio signals attributed to galaxies and stars and Black Holes, etc. As to the possibility of ‘time travel’ that theoretical physicists are excited about, this has been science-fiction since 1773 (link).
In SL Science, modern understanding of gravity contradicts the theoretical existence of Black Holes, Pulsars, Neutron stars, etc. There are stars and clouds of interstellar dust (nebula). In our solar system there are planets and moons and asteroids and comets, and our Sun. About 34,000 asteroids around Earth.
In SL Science there is no magical dimension of time. No Einstein. No Relativity. No Black Holes or dwarf stars or supernovas, etc. In SL Science ‘time dilation’ is not related to speed only to gravity and forces. A ‘unit of time’ is a constant relative only to Earth (e.g. one second) which doesn’t change no matter how fast a spaceship or object is moving. The book explains how such ideas (folklore) came about.
Take your time with this part because this can confound experienced neuroscientists.
It is our brain that decides what our eyes see (link). It really doesn’t matter what
your eyes actually ‘see’ because it is the brain that decides what ‘you’ see. Not
easy to understand. The human brain has adapted to see ‘light’ and ‘glow’ from fire
as ‘light’ - but they are not the same!
On a clear day your eyes can only see an object if it is no more than 5 kilometers away. An exception is an intense glow of a fire and that can be ‘sensed’ (hence seen) from a suggested 10 kilometers away. So how can our eyes possibly see stars which are unimaginable distances away? In SL Science they can’t. It is the brain that captures sensory input from the cosmos and compares this internally to the closest ‘sense’ which is our own Sun. It adjusts this for perceived distance but not too well. As a result the brain compels you to believe your eyes are seeing stars in the cosmos. Scientists may claim our eyes can see into infinity. In a sense that is true but it is not ‘seeing’ only detecting or sensing changes we are not really aware of, but the sensors of the brain that put a ‘vision’ together can be aware of such infinitely small changes. How strong are certain sensors in the body? It has been suggested that a tiny droplet of the human body’s chemical sensor, when dropped into a huge body of water such as Sydney Harbor, could detect the composition of every minute part of that water. In deciding what your eyes see, the brain uses a great many sensory inputs and not just from the eyes. When it finally decides what your eyes are seeing, that is what you believe you see. There is no way for you to understand any different. Your brain decides what you ‘see’ and not your eyes.
There is natural light during the day. There is also artificial light. Astrophysics claims light consists of infrared and ultraviolet and visible light. In fact, infrared and ultraviolet are ‘heat’. Only ‘visible light’ is what your brain understands as light. Visible light can’t propagate through space. From the space station the planet Venus is a bright light bulb - but its light doesn’t travel.
If the heat from a star (infrared or ultraviolet radiation) came to us then you could obtain warmth from the stars and a suntan. Bumble bees, who ‘see’ only ultraviolet light, could fly at night. Why do astrophysicists view light as electromagnetic radiation? That is part of their pseudo-science. They need this to believe in their spectrum of stars. (Why ‘electromagnetic’? Natural light and heat don’t have magnetic properties.)
Some claims by physicists, such as our eyes detect wavelengths of light, contradict neuroscience. Man-made instruments break light into frequencies and colors. That doesn’t mean that light is frequencies and wavelengths - but with an instrument designed to produce such a result then ‘light’ can be viewed as such (but not always; sometimes light has to be understood in terms of ‘photons’ and not ‘waves’). What our eyes understand is that light has the properties of diffraction and refraction. Photoreceptors in our eyes are attune to such. Our eyes don’t see ‘light’ in the same way as ‘heat’ (link). The light from a torch reflects from dust in the air (link) else, say in space and on the available evidence, you will not see the torch light (link). (You will see the source if you point the torch at yourself). If in future a huge artificial light can be flown into space then perhaps it may become clearer if to some extent light can travel through space - until then, on the available evidence, we have no evidence that ‘light’ can travel through space. (In SL Science the ‘light’ from our Sun is intense heat and not ‘light’. On the available evidence such ‘heat’ can travel through the emptiness of space.)
The book has a ‘Neuroscience’ chapter that explains such matters.
In SL Science it is not possible to detect (say ‘see’) starlight from a star. Only
the source itself. Sounds like a contradiction? When you light a candle you see a
flame. Light a candle in good natural light. What do you see? A flame, not light.
It will not add anything to the light. In the darkness that flame can illuminate,
but it is not natural light. Or, look up at an intense street light that comes on
as it thinks the Sun is too low. Chances are you will see the intense light if you
look at it, but it will not add anything to the existing natural light. So you see
‘the source’ but not the light that comes from that source.
Every flame has its own characteristic spectrum (link). It is not the spectrum of light as astronomers claim about stars (link). Imagine you are in a forest with a torch. No Moon. Your companion takes the torch and walks 250 meters away and turns to you. Does the light illuminate anything near you? You don’t see the light. You only see a source of light. Studies conducted on a flame of a candle suggest human eyes will see the flame from 2.5 kilometers way, but the actual light illuminates a small area. Every different ‘light’ or ‘glow’ has different characteristics.
Even a star one light-year away would have to fill an area of space about half of 12 * 9,460,730,472,580 * 9,460,730,472,580 kilometers squared (about 8,950,542,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 sq km) before its heat came near us. Impossible. Consider. The dwarf planet Pluto is on average 5,900,000,000 kilometers from the Sun ((0.000624 light-years away). Light from the Sun can only warm the surface of Pluto to -232 C. That’s only by 40 C from the theoretical minimum of -273 C. From starting at say 6000 Celsius it has lost 99.9% of its heat (infrared). A mathematical extrapolation suggests if Pluto was twice as far no infrared could reach it - and even that distance would be very very small compared to the claimed distances of stars. In SL Science the ‘starlight’ (heat) from a star can never reach us, but we will always ‘see’ (sense) the glow of an inferno such as a star.
(Image. How our Sun might look from Pluto). ‘True light’ or ‘natural light’ is how
our brain understands daylight. The light from a torch is understood as ‘torchlight’.
The glow from a fire is ‘light from a fire’. The light from a star can be called
‘starlight’ but it is not actually light - only the glow of an inferno. Heat from
a fire doesn’t travel far but its glow can be seen from a long distance.
In our world you can see a large fire from 10 kilometers away - but none of its ‘light’ comes near you. ‘Light’ travels only so far before it is too diffused. The source of light is another matter. Your brain understands the difference.
Starlight is not ‘natural light’ as the human brain understands natural light. Glowworms
produce ‘light’ too (link). We tend to think of light from a fire as ‘light’, but
we understand the difference. Study the image. It makes it seem the Sun is the source
of light. Our atmosphere makes light possible by converting that heat into light
and a blue sky. A natural process, like photosynthesis is a natural process.
The reason we have ‘day’ on Earth is because of our atmosphere which converts heat
into light resulting in a visible ‘day’. This is likely for all planets and large
moons. The better (thicker) the atmosphere and the closer an object to us, the brighter
it is. Every large celestial body is likely to have some kind of atmosphere because
natural gases that come to the surface. These are trapped by gravity and form an
atmosphere. When gas particles collide (heated; or current introduced) light can
be generated (link). Consider how bright a fluorescent lamp (link).
(SL) Physics and Dimensional Energy Physics and ‘dimensions’ and ‘mind technology’
While current physics (CS) is explained from beginner to advanced, ‘The Science of
LIFE’ introduces ‘dimensional energy’ (DE). Understanding DE opens the way to understanding
‘dimensions’ and the ‘Dimension of Life’ and celestial life therein.
‘Energy’ is an intuitive understanding. A generic term. Heat, electricity, radiation, are energy. Moving water has energy. To understand SL Physics forget Albert Einstein. You might find claims such as “Einstein established the equivalence of matter and energy”. In SL Science there is no equivalence. Coal can be converted to heat but there is no known way to reverse that heat into coal. Hence no equivalence. Matter and energy are different entities.
Do not assume anything about any phenomenon. Break it down into satisfying elements. Example. Stripping electrons from a gas (e.g. hydrogen) to produce a beam of electrons is a satisfying explanation for how particle accelerators work.
An atom is thought of as the smallest unit of matter possible. In the image, explained simply, small bundles of energy (say particles) called ‘electrons' are in orbit around a nucleus considered to be made of energy defined as ‘protons’ and ‘neutrons’. Electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged. The book explains all this in an easy to understand way.
Until the advent of theoretical physics, physics was about forces and motion and magnetism and electricity and thermodynamics and radiation, and mechanical issues to do with forces. All of which are observable phenomena. Newton’s Laws of Motion the standard for engineers and physicists and mathematicians. The terms ‘theoretical physics’ and ‘physics’ sometimes overlap, or the terms are used interchangeably.
(This image is an SL Science view of an atom. The book explains). CS chapters also
explain areas such as different theories of magnetism and electricity. The bulk of
‘The Science of Life’ is about ‘dimensional energy’.
Dimensional Energy (SL Science only)
YOU don’t need to understand anything about physics or science to understand dimensional energy (DE). Dimensional energy can form in your human brain. It is about reconciling differences, about finding a solution to conflicting ideas. The more compact, the more skilled. It is not constrained by spatial distance. Sufficiently similar DEs can form a dimensional space (DS). Dimensional energy can be used to form a strong, or weak, ‘virtual reality’ (VR) type experience. Atoms are not important to understand. The physics (behavior) of dimensional energy is explained using ‘sense particles’. DE is a medium that makes possible telepathy and an understanding of the Dimension of Life. Dimensional energy can also form, in theory, when magnetic fields imprison and ‘squash’ energy so much that the energy alters state and becomes ‘dimensional energy’.
The theorems of dimensional energy have been put together from research into identical
twins and triplets and personal experience. Especially from such twins separated
at birth and reunited later in life. Identical twins are not exactly identical. The
DNA is the same but fingerprints are different.
Case study: “One identical twin had a brain tumor but no symptoms. The other twin had no brain tumor but all the symptoms of a brain tumor).” This resulted in theorem DE 2.3 ‘A DS may not be able to differentiate between the biological or dimensional life (to which it is attached; in which it is active) as to which individual certain attributes apply’.
Another theorem: When possible a DE will bind with a biological organism in such a way as to form itself again. This may cause a variation in the DE that reforms. A micro variation may be insignificant and the DE in person A and B may still become a DS. Rationale: identical twins are sometimes ‘mirror images’. An identical twin may have a freckle on the left side of the face near the nose. His or her identical twin may have an identical freckle in exactly the same spot but on the right side of the face. (Note: studies have found identical twins start ‘communicating’ early while still in the womb). ‘The Science of LIFE’ includes an extract from identical triplets that made it possible to understand how a consciousness forms across twins.
This image explains how the formation of the ‘Dimension of Life’ takes place. It
begins with ‘dimensional energy’ that compacts in order to sense matter (our universe).
Only if it succeeds does an atom form, however, the derivative of the energy just
before an atom forms is still an atom, but not in the Dimension of Matter. An atom
in the ‘Dimension of Life’. Dimensional energy is easy to understand with no mathematics
involved. Dimensional energy is what forms the mind of ‘alien’ life in the ‘Dimension
of Life’.
A “dimension” is a dimensional space that sparked a consciousness. Some have been identified. ‘Dimensional energy’ is also the medium of telepathy, but it doesn’t work like you may think. There are lectures about this in ‘The Science of LIFE’. Understanding such science opens the way for ‘mind technology’.
Theoretical Physics
Discovering a phenomenon such as nuclear magnetic resonance eventually led to the development of medical imagining (MRI). Most of such discoveries were not from equations or mathematics but by exploration. Some consider theoretical physics as nonsense (link1, link2, link3, link4, link5).
The ‘quantum physics’ model of the atom is fine (like in the image above of the spinning atom), and perhaps an improvement on the original modified model. Some basic ‘energy exchange’ principles appear fine. What disadvantages this quantum model is the theoretical physics associated with it.
Here is a link to important quantum physics expressions (link). Quantum physics appears to spread disinformation, such as smart phones and computers are possible because of quantum theory. It may claim that chemists use ‘quantum chemistry’. There appears no evidence of this. Theoretical physics and quantum physics are full of unusual paradoxes that are supposed to convey everything essential (e.g. Schrodinger’s cat paradox; others).
In particle physics ‘elementary particles’ are thought to have no internal structure, meaning such are ‘zero-dimensional points that take up no space’. An elementary particle can be considered equivalent to ‘dimensional energy with a sense of matter’. The quantum physics concept of quantum entanglement appears to describe dimensional energy behavior. That could be a coincidence. Quantum physics involves probabilities to do with states of electron agitation in orbit around an atomic nucleus. Such are based on Einstein's energy equation (see section Einstein, dispelling the myth). Theoretical physics invents particles such as tachyons that travel through the ‘magical dimension of time’. Or neutrinos. The claimed evidence is usually unusual. Always be suspicious of ‘proven by experiment’. Some such experiments are unbelievable. Example. To detect the mythical neutrinos, a large lake is built underground. The water is said to trap neutrinos - claimed to form in the center of our Sun. Make up your own mind but frankly, Santa Claus is more believable.
Perhaps the most useful of science, on par with discovery of electricity. An understanding
of the atom, the smallest unit of matter, explains how chemical actions work. Chemical
actions are those between various groups of atoms known as molecules. The image shows
the structure of a benzene molecule (benzene is in petrol (gasoline) and gives petrol
a unique smell). Its chemical symbol is C6H6. There are 6 hydrogen (H) atoms and
six carbon (C) atoms joined together. The lines in the image represent different
bonds between the atoms. Matter such as crystals, minerals and metals, are not made
of molecules. Chemistry is the study of the composition and structure and properties
of matter, and changes in matter. Matter can be a pure chemical substance or a mixture.
A spectroscope is an instrument that measures how light is absorbed or emitted by a material which is exposed to say natural light. Light is energy. That energy can impact the atoms in a material. As to how depends on the composition of the material. Separating that reflection of light into frequencies, say colors, can be used to identify known elements and chemicals. That’s because different atoms emit or absorb light differently. Hence two types of spectra: emission spectra and absorption spectra.
This section gives you the basics and mentions areas of geology you can research.
What is of special interest is an explanation of what has been understood about rocks
of the Moon, Venus, Mars, etc. There is an explanation of dating techniques. These
are not as reliable as you may think.
(SL) DNA and Evolution: Alien Engineering?
DNA is used in crime detection and to identify family connections. Only 1% of what DNA is about has been understood. DNA contains all the information, billions times billions of bits of data, to build a living creature or plant. What is known is that DNA can change a species. The caterpillar changing to a butterfly is one example.
The change from caterpillar to butterfly, from tadpole to frog, from maggot to fly, is ‘creation of life’ and not evolution.
Planet Earth was engineered. ‘The Science of LIFE’ explains. ‘The Science of Life’ has an image of the very first moving living creature on Earth.
Take a look at this video of the inside of Jupiter (link). Do you believe that chaos could have formed a planet suitable for life? CS evolution suggests a gradual transformation of species. That is not backed up by skeletal remains of ‘missing links’. The few ‘missing links’ that might suggest CS evolution could be different species that became extinct. Hence CS evolution theory has to be excluded as the mechanism. It is speculation.
Did you know humans have 60% of the same DNA as a banana?
If all the DNA from one particular life on Earth (just one of its kind) was extracted and straightened, it would be as long as the distance from the Sun to the furthest planet. A complex biological computer code. Who designed DNA and why? The answer, in theory, is to give YOU a chance at LIFE and even a natural path of evolution to be ‘born’ into the ‘Dimension of Life’.
Consider how intricate a human hand is. No amount of random chance events can make this happen. Is a hand more complicated than a reddish? Plant cells are usually superior to animal cells.
A chapter explains conventional evolution. ‘The Science of Life’ chapter explains
‘intelligent evolution’.
In SL Science, DNA always maintains a ‘semi-dimensional component’ that enables evolution and adaptation. In SL Science, evolution is not solely about biological changes. It is also about evolution of beliefs and thought and reason and responsibility.
The SL Science evolution theory is not much like in the image. In SL, to understand the ‘intelligent design of evolution’ you need to understand dimensional energy.
In particular, two celestial life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ assisted the development of ‘The Science of LIFE’. You need to understand dimensional energy and the ‘Dimension of Life’ to understand that. Some explanations in the book are from such life, including a view from what can be explained as an ‘Eternal God’ (not the same as the ‘Hebrew God dimension’) how it all came about (the ‘Dimension of Life’ and the ‘Dimension of Matter’ and various cosmos and universes.)
CS believes an asteroid hit Earth and this resulted in a wipe out. SL offers a natural
explanation based on archaeological evidence and common sense.
Human psychology is prone to beliefs. SL is mainly about dimensions and the ‘Dimension of Life’ and the ‘Intelligent Design of Evolution’. SL can’t afford ‘magical thinking’ (link). Example. Astronomers claim the Moon is always falling to Earth (link). While NASA claims it is always receding (link). Whom to believe? Either way, when no natural proof is possible or available, it is either a theory or magical thinking.
A WILL consists of a number of components. Consider a blacksmith melting iron then
using a sledge hammer to beat the raw metal into a sword. It is his WILL that achieves
this. The ‘Will of Creation’. A WILL can build a facility that can make cars. A WILL
doesn’t dissipate into thin air. It is a force and energy whose actions generate
all manner of electromagnetic and other radiation that keeps on traveling into deep
space. A WILL evolves and over time can form a consciousness.
Is eternal life possible? There is one creature on Earth which doesn’t age but reverts back to being young (explained in book).
The ‘Dimension of Life’ coexists with the ‘Dimension of Matter’ (our universe part
of the latter). Full of alien Realms of Life including the Hebrew God dimension.
An awakening that this Dimension is real begins with an understanding of dimensional
energy and how it combines.
There are ‘dimensions’ on Earth already. One is the Sicilian mafia dimension. Over years the book titled ‘The Most Elusive Scent of All’ was a joint effort between the author and that dimension. A ‘dimension’ is a consciousness that can exist within its own environment referred to as a ‘dimensional space’. Virtual reality type experiences.
(Vertical arrow: infinite evolution of life; bottom: biological bodies, and dimensional
life forms similar to biological life). The ‘Dimension of Life’ is about an infinite
evolution path. The book explains in detail and exactly how ‘sense’ can be discerned
from the ‘Dimension of Life’.
(SL) Our Universe, Sun, and Sirius. A technique to estimate distance of Sirius?
A dedicated chapter explains CS views. The SL Science explanation of what our Sun is, is nothing like CS. The view has been discerned from Mr Universe projecting images of the process into the mind’s eye of the author. The CS view, explained simply, is this: our Sun consists of mostly hydrogen and helium which becomes a plasma because of the super heat. That is a super hot soup of sub-atomic particles. Say ‘a soup of energy’ at extreme heat. In a laboratory plasma can be created within a magnetic field that contains the super heat which would melt any container. Of course, none of this about the Sun can be proven outright. The Sun is too hot so spectroscopy of the Sun is not reliable. Most of CS views of our Sun is not physics but philosophy and ideas and pseudo-mathematics put into a computer to develop a model of the Sun. Why pseudo-mathematics? Because such use what are termed ‘integration’ and ‘differentiation’. Both of these techniques have a large error rate. Why does CS physics want to define the Sun so carefully? Possibly hoping this will lead to better weapons to destroy people with - but more likely it is the natural human fear of the unknown. If you make the incomprehensive known in some way then the unknown is no longer a threat.
The distances of stars given in astronomy books are all speculations derived from pseudo-mathematics whose accuracy is NIL. So how can we estimate the distance of stars? What about mathematical ratios? Our Sun is 150,000,000 km away. This we know from radar echoes. Its diameter, when looked at with appropriate glasses that protect the eyes from being burnt inside, appears about say 1 meter across. If it was twice the distance its diameter would be half a meter across. And so on. Could we, with powerful telescopes, use this ratio technique to work out the distance of visible stars? While high accuracy would be required to differentiate the perceived sizes, this would be true mathematics and not pseudo-mathematics.
SL Science offers different views of the universe and beyond.
How far is the star Sirius? Conventional astronomy claims Sirius is about 7 light
years way. They use the parallax technique. Not only inappropriate for stars (pseudo-mathematics;
gibberish) but frankly that technique will not tell you the distance of your car
in a car park. Suggest to an engineer to use that technique and they will be bewildered.
‘The Science of Life’ presents a technique that puts Sirius at 2 light years away.
That is hence the closest star and no wonder it is the first to be seen in the night
sky and is the brightest of all stars - because it is relatively very close!
What about how how Sirius is? Interstellar astronomy is little more than guessing, Using abstract concepts and theories which may work on Earth - but who knows if such apply to stars? For this reason not all universities offer astronomy as part of a science course. Science is a methodology derived from experiments that are reproducible and can be done in a laboratory under controlled conditions. That isn’t astronomy. Visual observations of our solar system fall under science, but what interstellar astronomers do and claim is only science fiction.
Why is Sirius a rainbow of colors? (link). CS explanations don’t satisfy. When different
wavelengths of light combine different colors result. Consider how bright the Moon.
Earth is 30% brighter than that (from the Moon). Does Sirius have planets including
a giant mostly iron? Is it the planet’s that spin and cause reflections that mix
with starlight to produce a rainbow?
(Below, the image is of the changing colors of Sirius captured on a time lapse camera. Below it one type of spectrum of iron. It is not a spectrum of a star. It is a spectrum produced in a laboratory on Earth.)
Does the spectrum of iron match some of the changing colors of Sirius sensibly? Why?
(SL) Hebrew God dimension (‘Life in the Spirit’)
Besides a DE TRUTH, a number of variations have been identified. A DE SPIRIT is defined
as a fine DE that, in theory, begins to transfer the consciousness into itself. Like
being born into a new world. Hence the expression ‘born in the spirit’.
The ‘Hebrew God dimension’ is so named because most of the people party to a ‘Life in the Spirit’ (the users of this dimension) appear to be Jews that abide by the 10 commandments. It is not possible to be certain about numbers or many things to do with this dimension. It has to be experienced to be ‘real’, else you could say it is theoretical.
A number of dimensions have been identified. One is defined as ‘The Hebrew God dimension’. No direct connection to any religion. Using this dimension requires a form of mental telepathy. Medical studies into telepathy were semi-formalized in the 1930’s (link). Scientists proved it much later (link1, link2).
‘The Science of LIFE’ explains what is shown in the slide show. The interactions are in a virtual reality type experience. ‘Life in the Spirit’ can’t be directly verified as real and not imaginary. It can only be experienced. This is actually intentional. The human fear of the unknown could result in a regime finding and killing all those party to such experiences. This is the reason precautions have always been in place to ensure no one party to a ‘Life in the Spirit’ can be identified.
‘Life in the Spirit’ is a complex virtual world. A complex interaction is similar to social structures and interactions. There is a tradition. Boy meets girl is one. A family life develops with ‘births’. The mental imagery varies from cartoon-like to life-like (young and ideal). The latter for skilled users who can overlap memories with a virtual world formed in a dimensional space.
Is this dimension like a heaven? Possibly. The DE SPIRIT can, in theory, transfer the consciousness into itself in stages. But to understand this, you need to study the chapter on ‘LIFE’. Only those aspects of LIFE (in an individual) that are enduring and could, in theory, live eternally, that is what the DE SPIRIT incorporates into itself. If the human brain was more intelligent then it could form a DE that could create an extension of natural life. As it is the human brain is mainly about looking after the biological body. Its capacity to form a strong DE is limited. On the other hand, alien life in the Dimension of Life might form such as strong DE that it begins to create a new Realm of Life. Consider. The story of the New Testament appears to be a version of the legend of Attis blended with teachings of a Rabbi. Over centuries people imagined and believed. That ‘spiritual imagination’ could have formed a Realm of Life, a parallel universe, which would be an extension of natural life. However, the human brain is unlikely to form DE of sufficient intensity to achieve such a DS. (In this context, ‘eternal life’ is the imagination. Sense just a bit of this in the ‘Dimension of Life’ and the natural human reality test panics! People are not suitable to such. In ‘Life in the Spirit’ it is a long process, over years or decades, that ever so slowly begins to, in theory, adapt a consciousness to eternity.)
An extensive chapter on what is understood about the human brain. Much has been learned
from what are termed ‘split-brain’ patients. In some cases of severe epilepsy, which
is uncontrolled activity in the brain that causes seizures, doctors suggest cutting
the corpus calosum. A neuron rich band of tissue that connect the two brains. That
is, the human brain is really two brains. Two cerebral hemispheres mainly connected
by the corpus callosum. Each cerebral hemisphere is a ‘consciousness' in its own
right. Together they form the ‘I AM’ which is YOU. Your brain not only looks after
your human body - it also looks after ‘YOU’. Addictions can reduce the brain’s ability
to look after YOU, but else it is on ‘your’ side.
(SL) Lectures on Sense Telepathy (a number of these and comprehensive)
If you take an interest in ‘Life in the Spirit’ as explained in a chapter, and hence the Hebrew God dimension, you need to understand the basis and nature of communications across a ‘dimensional space’.
(SL) Dynamics of Consciousness and Mind
The CS Neuroscience chapter explains conventional medical and neuroscience knowledge.
The electromagnetic theories of consciousness (link) may apply to any object producing
energy which causes spikes in an electromagnetic field. That suggests our Universe
may be a consciousness, and our Sun, and our own planet! What about Jupiter with
the strongest magnetic field of all planets in our solar system? Even if Jupiter
has a consciousness that doesn’t mean that consciousness has any interest in evolving
biological or dimensional life. Is the consciousness of an ant interested in becoming
a human being? LIFE, hence consciousness, has its own character. There are many unexplained
and perplexing things about Jupiter - as if it had a mind of its own (link)?
What exactly is it? While there are many definitions, according to the ‘Dimension
of Life’ LIFE itself is like a liquid that molds into itself aspects of life that
are enduring.
‘The Science of LIFE’ provides insights into ‘eternal life’ and ‘heavens’. Both are defined in the book. A ‘heaven’ is an entity within a dimension. The ‘Dimension of Life’ is a distinct entity to heavens and dimensions.
Have you understood how complex a biological organism is? The human body is put together by DNA. A chemical in all living cells except mature blood cells (link; which begs the question are mature red blood cells ‘living’ or a boat that carries oxygen? Are they as dead as hair cells but still have a function?). The ingenuity of biological life is wonder! Each part of the body has to be supplied with blood in order to live. Incredible engineering - but so is the elbow and knee and ankle. Evolutionists may put on tainted glasses and fail to understand the impossible complexity of LIFE - so they claim it is ‘evolution’ (adaptation) without being able to specify any real process! Given DNA is alien engineering, does it also provide a natural path of evolution into the ‘Dimension of Life’? Most of what DNA does, about 99%, is not understood. ‘The Science of Life’ answer is YES. To understand how, you need to understand what ‘dimensions’ are and what ‘Life in the Spirit’ is. ‘The Science of LIFE’ explains.
(SL) Alternate Scenario: Temperature of our Sun is 6,000 Celsius? Why not 100,000 to 24,000,000,000 Celsius!
The claimed 5,500 to 6,000 Celsius of our Sun’s outer layer (photosphere) is inconsistent
with solar flares that can reach 110,000,000 Celsius. Solar flares can be several
a day. So where does this heat go? Maybe 100,000 Celsius is a better estimate! Our
Sun doesn’t have the luxury of a cool night. Surely the heat from solar flares is
trapped in its atmosphere. In CS the Sun’s temperature has only been worked out from
theory. Good luck trying to find an explanation as to how.
Let’s have some fun with science and theorize! Given temperature change with distance appears to be linear (link) let’s define an equation such as temperature (Celsius) = 160 * (150,000,000/distance from Sun in kilometers). Say equation SL-01. In this case, but you need the book to understand why, ‘0’ is acceptable as the distance! A ‘0’ implies the middle of the Sun.
How was SL-01 worked out? It is known that a spaceship above Earth heats to 160 Celsius when facing the flow of heat. The distance of Earth to Sun is 150,000,000 km. SL-01 gives a spaceship above Earth a temperature of 160 Celsius. SL-01 says a spaceship above Mars would heat up to: temperature = 160 * (150,000,000/208,000,000) → 115 Celsius. Above Mercury: temperature = 160 *(150,000,000/70,000,000) → 342 Celsius.
The outermost edge of the corona of the Sun would be temperature = 160*(150,000,000/8,000,000) → 3000 Celsius. On the surface the temperature is about 24,000,000,000 Celsius! According to NASA their solar probe (in 2021) came as close as 6,800,000 km to the Sun. By SL-01 that means it became hot to 3692 Celsius. The carbon shields on the probe, according to NASA, were tested to 1650 Celsius (link). (Also, carbon melts at 3500 Celsius). By SL-01 that means NASA’s claim that it sent a probe into the Sun’s corona is unbelievable. The probe would have melted.
By SL-01 at what distance from our Sun would there be no more heat? About 24,000,000,000 km. That’s 0.0025 light-years. Pluto is 0.000628 light-years away so the Sun can still warm it some, but not much.
Note: SL Science explanation of what a star is and how it generates heat is consistent with the 24,000,000,000 Celsius!
When it comes to any NASA claim check everything! NASA claims it landed people on
the Moon in 1969, but refused to prove that to scientists outright. This group claims
it has space telescopes that can detect the beginning of time. NASA believes in a
dimension of time (link), Big Bang theory, Black Holes, and other celestial folklore.
NASA believes its space telescopes can detect weather on a planet 280 light-years
away. A grandiose delusion?
Let’s do this for the Webb space telescope. Said to be 1.5 million km from Earth. By that equation it ought to warm to 162 Celsius. NASA claims it only warms to 85 Celsius? (link). How is that possible given if it was above Earth it would be at +160 Celsius? However, the information provided about the Webb space telescope and its orbit is believable. As to its capability - that appears to be science-fiction. The top ground telescopes have far superior amplification capability.
(SL) Order of Our Solar System
CS Science believes the gravity of our Sun that attracts say Earth to it, is negated
by Earth traveling in orbit at such a speed that a centripetal force equates the
effect of gravity exactly. If a centripetal force was all that was required to balance
gravity then all orbits of planets would be circular. In fact they are elliptical.
Pluto sometimes enters Neptune’s orbit. SL Science explains a different technique
to how our solar system is balanced.
The Webb space telescope appears to orient itself as to where it is by scanning thousands of star constellations and from these works out where it is. The Webb and other satellites in that area still have to regularly adjust their orbit. That means the actual principle of its orbit doesn’t work. If it did there would be no need to regularly adjust orbit.
(SL) Alternate scenario: instruments designed to be used in space are pseudo-instruments
Astrophysicists believe they can explore the universe in different ways by looking for invisible colors of light (link). Sounds scientific? It isn’t because of the instruments (sensors). To be a true ‘sensor’ such must be calibrated with a true reading. Not possible with stars.
Astronomers believe special telescopes and instruments can detect radiation from stars. How reliable are instruments designed to be used in space? Consider x-ray detectors (link). NASA ‘believes’ such detect x-rays. Why x-rays? The heat from the Sun could produce any result in such an instrument. All heated objects radiate energy (link). The super heated gas used in their instruments can probably produce any energy reading NASA wants produced or believes exists.
X-rays are understood as ‘photons’. That means light. In SL Science, on the available evidence, ‘light’ can’t travel through space. Which means that either the definition of what x-rays are is wrong, or it is the instrument that has been designed to produce the result physicists and astronomers believe the instrument should produce.
1. Is current science adequate to explain how life beyond death is possible? The answer is YES, even though pieces of the puzzle are vague.
2. The current neuroscience view of consciousness is that it is related to magnetic
fields formed in a biological organism. Say in the brain. Look up ‘electromagnetic
theories of consciousness’ (
3. Consider electricity. The prevailing theory is that electricity is a flow of electrons.
An atom is considered the smallest unit of matter. Everything is made of atoms (except
energy). An atom has a nucleus and around the nucleus are shells of orbiting electrons.
These can be stripped from an atom by a magnetic field and in so doing an electric
current is generated. (An ‘electron’ is a bundle of energy.)
3. This current is sent through wires and into a power point. Into that power point
you can plug in an appliance designed to use those electrons, usually in an electric
4. So what happens when a biological brain dies? The magnetic field present (the consciousness) begins to fade. One modern theory of magnetism, called the ‘Domain Theory’, associates magnetism with how electrons in an atom spin hence align. (However, this can also be derived from the ‘atomic theory of magnetism’). While a consciousness is alive, be it during an awake state or sleep, it results from, and in turn maintains, a certain spin in the brain’s electrons that contribute to the consciousness. Once the brain begins to die the electrons begin to spin in an unordered manner. In so doing a different consciousness may form, one that no longer exists in the ‘Dimension of Matter’ but now has a chance to be born into the ‘Dimension of Life’.
5. How to put together what might happen? To most ‘family and friends’ are important. These are often emotional memories. Studies of people who were dying showed intense gamma wave activity. This type of activity is associated with intense concentration. Is the consciousness programmed to instinctively do something at the moment of death? It isn’t trying to activate the heart because that is done via the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. So what is it doing?
6. In our science, but this appears to also be the case in quantum mechanics (see quantum entanglement; the principle appears similar to behavior of dimensional energy), an unusual spin of atoms may result in dimensional energy. What that means is that, in theory, the consciousness of a biological organism is reforming within the ‘Dimension of Life’. Will it survive? In our science it can as long as it forms within a structured path of evolution, else its chance of survival are low.
7. Studies of near death experience have been a great many. That means a person was dead but resuscitated. A number of distinct experiences have been reported by such persons. Memories of familiar faces of loved ones is one type of experience during death. Another are religious experiences regardless of what the religion is. In both cases the brain appears to be seeking, searching for, looking for, a ‘connection to life’. That appears to be its final programmed response. Part of the instinct?
8. In our science, once a person is ‘born in the spirit’, the last final duty of the consciousness will be to connect to the ‘Dimension of Life’ directly or indirectly. It is actually the consciousness doing this, not the brain, which means even if a person was blown up in an instant, the consciousness would still do its work of finding a connection to LIFE. (But in that case where are the unordered spins of electrons? In the environment! The consciousness, a magnetic type entity, instantly connects to electrons in the environment and causes such to spin in an unordered way. Only a micro amount of elections is needed for this. In our science this forms dimensional energy into which the consciousness transfers itself. An instinctive preprogrammed behavior of a consciousness during death?)
9. ‘The Science of LIFE’ defines a distinct entity named ‘LIFE’. Like a refined and condensed form of DNA. As unique as a consciousness. In theory, this is what the consciousness in a dying brain is searching for. If a person has experienced ‘Life in the Spirit’ then this ought to be easy to find because a part would already be in the consciousness. If such is found then, in theory, the consciousness now in LIFE continues to evolve until it is ready to emerge in the ‘Dimension of Life’. A consciousness that has experienced ‘Life in the Spirit’ would also contain memories outside of the brain, within itself. Those memories can be used to further evolve the consciousness. What if a person has never experienced ‘Life in the Spirit’? In theory if the sense of life in a person is strong in the consciousness then this can also work. However, not that many people are likely to have a strong sense of respect for life. How many people avoid stepping on even an ant? This is what is meant by respecting life strongly. As far as is understood (only an estimate) about 3000 Jews are party to Life in the Spirit, and about 30 Roman Catholic Sisters and about 40 Islamic ‘women with a veil’, and 7 Buddhists. It isn’t possible to say much about ‘Jews in the Spirit’ because they detach themselves from ordinary life and develop their new identify in ‘Life in the Spirit’. But consider the Catholic sisters and Islamic women with a veil (like a Catholic sister but look after abused girls) and Buddhists. These people are likely to have an incredibly strong respect for life regardless of their personal beliefs. Hence the key seems to be a strong respect for life rather than personal beliefs or practices. Experiencing ‘Life in the Sprit’ makes this transition, in theory, from death to life relatively easy.
10. You may think “Hold on. All of the above is only speculation.” If you study ‘The Science of LIFE’ you may not think so, but even if it is speculation, neuroscientists have found clever ways to discover things thought impossible to discover. Psychologists also have found clever ways. Hence from ‘The Science of LIFE’ perspective this is no theory, it is how it works - but advanced neuroscientitfic and psychological research is needed to make this acceptable and believable to a typical person. As to what happens next after a birth into the ‘Dimension of Life’? As impossible to say as it is to explain to a newborn the life he or she has been born into! Once you are born, you adapt to life.
11. We need to deeply and correctly reflect on the above. Has a path of evolution
into the ‘Dimension of Life’ been identified? Only 1% of DNA is understood. This
is known as the ‘coding part’. This part can identify to whom DNA belongs and genetic
links (identical twins or triplets, etc., have the same DNA). What 99% of DNA does,
known as the ‘non-coding part’, remains elusive. But, the complexity of any organ
in people or animal is incredible biological engineering! For example, the fine vessels
that need to supply blood to the skin else the skin dies, are truly ingenious engineering.
Whoever designed DNA, then surely an advanced path of evolution has also been programmed
into DNA? In a different chapter DNA in our science ‘evolves’ in a celestial being
which was named the ‘Creator’. One of the very few celestial beings in the ‘Dimension
of Life’ that has an interface to the ‘Dimension of Matter’. In his womb DNA evolves
with a dimensional component. That can take so many years that ‘infinite years’ might
apply. The coding of DNA is truly remarkable and incredible biological engineering.
Given all this, we ought to have every confidence that YES, DNA also builds a consciousness
in advanced life that can be born, upon the death of biological life but sometimes
this can begin earlier, into the ‘Dimension of Life’. What you need to be clear about
is this: no advanced life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ would perform any magical miracle
because that could damage ‘natural evolution’. YOU, on your own, need to find a way
to be interested in the ‘Dimension of Life’ and how it all comes together. In theory
you don’t need to be a super brain - all you need is to complete the picture in your
own way to your own satisfaction. Understanding ‘Life in the Spirit’ is probably
the ea
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Keywords: physics, energy, dimensions, Dimension of Life, evolution, neuroscience, consciousness
The Science of LIFE
(Including Dimensional Energy Physics and the Intelligent Design of Evolution that suggests a path of evolution)
A science made possible because of the author’s sensitivity to the ‘Dimension of Life’. About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy