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A tale about a Way of Life of a community of psychics. Virtual reality settings in the mind are part of their Way of Life.


The ‘Way of Immortals’ is the name of their theme, their belief, as to what takes place after death. Imagine awakening with no memories in a room full of pictures. Without memories what is that you see in such pictures? You ‘sense’, not understand.

Chapter 1 The Beginning


Nervous and uncertain, the perfect figure walked past the man leaning against a rail facing the water, a rolled newspaper in hand. No reason to notice. The man in the white shirt and dark trousers looked a city office worker. One of many standing against the supporting rail and looking at the water.


The woman, black hair past the shoulders, late twenties perhaps, slim and attractive, neatly dressed in a cream ladies suit with a knee long dress, semi-high heels, a white shirt and a white handbag, was walking toward a cafe in Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia.


She was nervous because of the man she was hoping to meet. How they arranged this wasn’t in a way anyone could understand. She had an idea of what he might look like, and he an idea of what she might look like. These vague and uncertain.

They had agreed on signals they would exchange. To be certain the right man and woman met. At first she was to walk to a cafe near the train exit. She was to order a coffee and find an empty table outside. This popular tourist area of Sydney unlikely to be too busy in the late afternoon. She wasn’t to look about. She would take two sips, and only two sips, then leave that table and start walking toward the Opera House. On the way she was to stop by a shop that sold souvenirs. The shop about half way between the end of the walkway and the Opera House. Here she was to wait until a man engaged her in conversation. An exchange that would be highly specific, to make certain the right man met the right woman. (

end extract)



IMAGINE awakening in an unfamiliar room. You have no memories. You don’t know who you are or what you are doing here. On two walls at eye-level pictures. You are drawn to these, but without memories a picture of a bride and groom outside a church doesn’t mean much.  In that picture you sense something special or of importance. While you don’t understand what the picture is about, the ‘sense’ that awakens in you and the feeling, as you study the picture, begins to form a type of heaven for those born in this way into this dimension.


You sense you are a man. You notice next to you a woman, under the sheet, asleep. Ought you awaken her?


The Way of Immortals is a teaching of a certain psychic community about what happens to life after bodily death. A consciousness awakens. No human memories. The image of your body, while human in appearance, is made of energy and not biological matter, but you don’t know this. Even if you did know, you may not be able to tell the difference for a while.


You don’t know much. You are a newborn. Your human body and its memory has died, but YOU awaken. Born into a heaven of a kind, but psychics party to this way of life think of this as a Realm of Life. The Realm of Immortals.


Hard to believe? Psychic children and adults presented with this struggle. Could it be true?