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Beyond religion and enlightenment a Dimension of Life. Those with an interest in Buddhism or Islam or Judaism or Christianity, may find a Life in the Spirit. Beyond lay alien Realms of Life.  Climbing higher, insights into heavens and the Dimension of Eternal Life – the incomprehensible God. But there is a problem. The Holocaust has wiped out Jewish Life in the Spirit and damaged others. One man is taught how to repair. In the man’s mind a diamond around his heart and a golden chain. Later it becomes clear that is a calling from the spirit. To such the spirit explains what he needs to understand. A more complex challenge presents itself: an eternal companion. As to what she is, however, is a mystery. The Dimension of Eternal Life is sensed, seen in the mind, and interactions in his eternity become possible. Can mortals gain insights into eternal life? A tale of Eternal Companions, Eternity, and how it comes together. To discern sense, which is not true telepathy, between any two people is hard enough. To do so with an alien source ever so hard. Mark’s eternal companion is a heavenly being, not a soul in the spirit. She needs two ‘bodies’, Helen but mostly Lisa, to assist her preparing Mark to understand he has been born into eternity already and she is his Eternal Companion - a soul mate.

​ Prologue


The strong vision that formed in the mind’s eye was of a man and woman. Small images. They were stepping into a white coffin-like container made out of small white circles. Each stepped inside, lying the opposite way. Across them two other images, of a male and female. The coffin closed. An upward journey began.

From time to time on your journey into the Dimension of Eternal Life, my Dimension, you will awaken, like a dream, and interact with others. In so doing the life energy in you evolves. Lisa and the Cardinal image are your children who may be born before you reach your destination. All the virtual reality experiences form a vertical aspect to your eternity. In time this will become clear. As will the relationship between Lana and Helen and Lisa and Kim and your eternal companion. Take your time with this. Your God.

As the coffin-like container moved upward vertically, glimpses of what an awakening might involve. Then the coffin reached its destination. The male and two females stepped out. Cute and clever images more cartoon-like. A flat terrain. Like an entry. Two posts and above a sign. To the side a white desk. On it a formal looking marble very bright – a sense of a typical shaped tombstone. A register in which each was asked to sign their name. There was a column “Date of death” but that was fuzzy and they couldn’t see clearly.


She awoke in the Dimension of Eternal Life. That meant her Eternal Companion was born. Where? (end of extract).

​ Chapter 26 Eternal Companion and Mark


Lisa asked Mark to do another simulation of life with Kim. Mark’s reluctance on the grounds he hardly knew Kim, ignored. “Please trust me. This time more of the person herself may be blending with me. Trust me, please. I can’t explain why.”

Lisa explained the rules. The virtual reality would begin with his memories of an incident with Kim. Both he and she are to act their age. That meant while their mental images would be when they were young at High School, they were to talk in a way they might if they met each other now.

Not an easy challenge. Mark didn’t understand how to go about this. As if they met in High School but talk as if they met now? That didn’t make much sense. The person who would be Kim was briefed by Lisa. Could it be the actual person? This was Life in the Spirit. If Kim was a Catholic then it could well be. Even if she wasn’t a Catholic but a Christian, interactions between different Life in the Spirit groups were common enough.

Lisa’s instructions to Kim. “Be yourself. You have an interest in Mark. He had no idea about that, and he lacked confidence to talk much with any girl in your classes.”

To what extent would Kim be Lisa and to what extent that other person?  Mark wasn’t clear about much of this.

“Kim. Let’s begin with the time you and a friend came in Mark’s car to the shops at lunchtime. He said something about your legs which you took objection to and demanded to understand why he said this. (end of extract)