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Split Brain


The brain also houses our consciousness. The human brain is in fact two brains side by side, each a consciousness on its own. Together they form the I AM.  When split, as in split-brain patients, the two consciousness sometimes struggle with one other.

Much insight into the human brain and consciousness has come from what are termed ‘split-brain patients’.

Paralysis or weakness on one side of the body. The nerves controlling muscles are on the opposite side of the brain to the body. So damage in the left cerebral hemisphere will affect the right side of the body. The exception are some nerves such as those which control facial muscles.

Severe headaches, seizures, objects floating in the field of vision, clumsiness, difficulty with balance. The ‘worst headache of my life’ is often a way brain damage has been described.

The neurons, brain cells, are highly sensitive to energy flowing across the surface. If you ever had a strong sensation of say a hose over your head and water spilling out, that could mean an aneurysm (a small break in the brain’s blood vessel) took place and the neurons translated that to an image in your head of a hose over your head and fluid coming out. This is important! When the break is small the natural blood clotting mechanisms can heal, but when too large you are dead! So be mindful of this and see a doctor if you experience some brain symptoms and some experiences. Be mindful that the chances of a typical general practitioner understanding much about the brain is small. If you are seriously troubled by symptoms/signs, see if you can ask for a referral to a neurologist or neuroscientist (the latter often clinical psychologists who also specialise in the brain).

Causes of brain damage include injury such as in a car accident. Aneurysms which are burst blood vessels, an example a stroke. Demyelination which destroys some essential tissue, an example is Parkinson’s. And brain tumors.  These are about 80,000 a year in the USA. That is about 1 in 10,000 people - a low figure - and the very reason unless symptoms are obvious your local doctor might miss.

Studies of persons with brain damage, persona a tumour in a certain area, and how such a brain sees images and the world, has also contributed to our understanding of the brain. In the diagram, the actual drawing is on the left and on the right is how a person with a particular brain damage drew that object.

To find your car in a carpark, the typical right brain is used BUT it has no concept of which car is yours. The left brain has to take over and work out the details. On the other hand, the left brain has no spatial orientation and no chance of finding your car in a carpark. The two brains work together of course.

Symptoms of Brain Damage

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The Science of Life covers conventional science but it is mostly non-conventional. There are neuroscience explanations also. Click on cover for more.