(SL) Albert Einstein (Is it a myth?)
What is ‘space-time’? It refers to a fusion of time and space. What does that mean? You can look at this link from Australian Academy of Science (link). You can find information from many sources about this. That link even claims time travel is possible! It also claims ‘gravitational waves’ were discovered. Look up how this was done and Santa Claus is more believable. In ‘SL Science’ such ideas are fevered dreams of people who have nothing better to do than to invent esoteric ideas and concepts. On the available evidence ‘light’ can’t travel through space. If it could space would not be black. The glow of stars is the glow of an inferno. The glow of planets (and most moons) is the glow of their atmosphere which captures the heat of the Sun and converts it to light. The human brain appears to understand the difference between ‘light’ and what to a typical person appears as light such as glow of a fire or of stars or of planets and moons. Since on the available evidence light can’t travel though space - hence the ideas of Einstein, such as gravity bending light, and astrophysics, are fantasies of theoretical minds. Perhaps the most ridiculous of these ideas is that ‘space’ expands faster than the speed of light. Light doesn’t travel through space - so what does that even mean? The speed of light has been measured on Earth. On the available evidence ‘light’ needs a medium to travel through. The atmosphere of each planet and moons (if any) is different so the medium is different. Hence the speed of light is not universal, but relative to the medium of transmission. Overall, it may not be that different to the existing value. The medium itself may not make a significant difference.
If we put an inquiry into 5GL-Doctor Medical Diagnosis Aid, the closest inquiry is ‘altered sense of the passage of time, fear of open spaces’, the diagnosis is “Phobic neurosis”. An anxiety disorder. It is related to castration - what was Einstein? A circumcised Jew (link). That is acceptable as ‘castration’ in the context of that neurosis (link). And hence we appear to have a medical explanation why Einstein was obsessed with ‘fusing time and space’ by any means. If we use the brain analysis of the software and enter “time lapses, getting lost in familiar places” (i.e. from Einstein's police record) the result is: “Probability 99.4% a psychiatric event.”
Because he became a celebrity many things about him might be cast in a favorable light and not a true light. “In his youth he would chase beams of light in his head” (link). That is likely a symptom of a psychosis brought about by undiagnosed schizophrenia (link1, link2, link3). His famous energy formula could be the product of a mental disturbance. This person barely passed a college degree on his second attempt. The pass so poor, barely a pass, he could not find work as a teacher - but his disciples claim he decided to obtain a Ph.D. How is that possible? Why does he have so many followers? Because they are science-fiction enthusiasts and believe Albert Einstein, their hero, proved the existence of a ‘magical dimension of time.’ He received a Nobel Prize only by default and not for his contribution to the photoelectric effect as is claimed. In fact, one of his attempts at that prize was such blatant plagiarism that it was embarrassing for the Nobel prize committee. The man appears to have been a charlatan - and in that regard he was indeed a genius. Here is a person who through no fault of his own appears to have been born with a brain anomaly (as evident from his school records, his police record, and brain autopsy but that is messed up) - and yet he survived, received a Nobel prize, and became a celebrity.
Sources will tell you that fusing time and space is a ground breaking revelation in physics and by Albert Einstein (link). Einstein wasn’t the first. There have been others. The TRUTH could be more like this: in psychiatry a disturbance of a natural ‘perception of time’ and ‘spatial perception’ is a symptom of a psychosis or schizophrenia. Einstein’s school records and his police record indicate the man was not normal. NASA claims it discovered a ‘time vortex’ around Earth (link). By definition that refers to a ‘time portal’. That is fantasy - or not understanding what ‘time dilation’ is. Not understating that ‘time’ is the human imagination and a ‘unit of time’ is a ‘fixed constant’ and not a magical dimension. In psychiatry, NASA and their beliefs appear to satisfy the definition of delusions of grandeur (and possibly ‘ideas of reference’?).
It is claimed that over 4000 astronomers have used various space telescopes (link) to produce 11,000 scientific papers. Scientific? Try this one (link). It is science-fiction. A continuation of the theme that astronomers can detect signals and light from stars - so more and more varieties are invented. You may think “Hold on. Einstein proved time travel. He taught at Princeton University”. That university only allowed him to explain his theories. You may think “Didn’t he work on the atom bomb?” No. The claim that his energy equation made it possible to develop an atomic bomb is incorrect. What made it possible was an accidental discovery by a chemist.
Einstein is a complex issue. ‘The Science of Life’ (SL) presents a view that Einstein’s special relativity theory is an expression of a psychosis (link), possibly a symptom of schizophrenia (link). A loss of reality; confusion about time and space. (Some sources claim it is his general relativity theory which is about fusion of time and space).
Read this link carefully. It refers to a psychiatric patient and his confusion about time and space - frankly, it could be about Albert Einstein! The patient would become confused about time and space in familiar environments. That is exactly why Albert Einstein had a police record - he would become confused about time and space and become lost and police had to be called to find him. No evidence of dementia on brain autopsy, however, there is ‘hidden’ evidence of what appears to be an abnormal fusion of ‘time’ and ‘spatial perception’ areas in the parietal lobes. That autopsy has been tempered with hence unreliable as convincing evidence.
One scenario is this: the main issue is twofold. Consider this claim “In the 19th century it was found that Mercury does not return to exactly the same spot every time it completes its elliptical orbit.” This is supposed to be conclusive and irrefutable evidence of Einstein’s Relativity theories. In the light of modern knowledge of gravity and magnetism of the Sun (link), that is nonsense. Gravity is now understood to vary with location (link). Hence the likely reason is the variable gravitational flux (small fluctuations) from the spinning Sun, the magnetic field flux of the Sun (Mercury is incredibly rich in iron), and the fact one face essentially faces the Sun which is a feature of moons. Mercury could be a natural moon of the Sun. Other planets may be too far away for that gravitational and magnetic flux to have much of an effect on stability of orbit. This, the orbit of Mercury, was one of the arguments in the 1920’s in favor of Einstein receiving a Nobel Prize. Einstein claimed it proved his Relativity theory. This was rejected for different reasons, but in the 1920’s the belief was that the laws of gravity were universal and gravity was a constant for a large celestial body. Only much later did it become clear, from measurements on Earth, that gravity was a flux meaning it fluctuates in different parts of a celestial body such as Earth and Sun. Thus the orbit of Mercury, based on what is now known, is natural and has nothing to with Einstein and his theories.
The other scenario is this: modern psychiatry is understanding more and more that confusion about time and spatial perception are a symptom of a mental disorder. The question hence becomes “Was Einstein mentally unstable with periods of psychosis when time and space fused into the one entity in his reality?” Or did he genuinely believe in his theories? Based on his police record, and his academic record, a mental illness is more likely. When at Princeton university, and he was not a faculty member as such, he didn’t teach any physics only his theories about time fusing into space, about gravity affecting ‘spacetime’, how time became a ‘dimension’ when reaching a certain speed, etc. These appear to be delusions consistent with a psychosis.
There are some red flags, and claims, that he was a psychopath. Psychopaths have been known to fool doctors, lawyers, even judges. If so, his students would have been putty in the hands of a skilled psychopath and would have believed, and were awed, by what he would have taught. Not just his students. It seems all generations of theoretical physicists have been affected, and believe in Einstein and his Relativity theories.
The story of Einstein is simply unbelievable. A man with a poor academic record and wild. Expelled from school. Had to try for college independently. Barely passed a teaching degree. So poor a pass he could not find work as a teacher - at the same time it is claimed he was asked to teach at a university! Teach what??? ‘The Science of Life’ concludes Albert Einstein wasn’t right in the head. This is based on (1) his brain autopsy; (2) his school record; (3) his police record; and (4) his mathematics. There has always been a persistent rumor that Einstein never did understand mathematics and kept failing exams. Consider his well known equation. “E” stands for energy which is only an intuitive term. It is meaningless in an equation when not specific. The equation claims 10 kg of water can produce the same energy (say heat) as a 10 kg nuclear bomb (about 110,000,000 C). That isn’t possible because water does not have fissionable material within itself. Coal has some, but not enough. Einstein’s energy equation is meaningless. (Note: you may have heard of a Hydrogen bomb. Water of course has hydrogen. In this context a Hydrogen bomb is not directly related to Hydrogen in water (link).)
As mentioned already, mathematics that can’t be validated are gibberish. Where are his original papers on his theories? Supposedly published in 1905? There appears to be none. His disciples claim he just wasn’t the kind who kept a record of his supposedly Earth shattering theories. His disciples claim his mathematics were ‘beautiful’. (If you ever hear that be cautious). It is possible he plagiarized these from others. If you research anything attributed to Einstein you are likely to find the original scientist. The man appears to have been a charlatan. Said to plagiarize work of scientists and altering the wording and claim it as his own. Some sources say he was a thief and a liar (link). However, his disciples will claim that he didn’t steal research but ‘improved’ on the work of other scientists.
Be suspicions of any claim that in space ‘time’ speeds up or slows down and this has been empirically proven (link). That is nonsense. A unit of time is a constant that doesn’t change no matter how fast an object travels. What can change is the ‘time’ shown on clocks. This is a phenomenon known as time dilation. It has nothing to do with Einstein, but you will find claims he discovered or predicted it. It was a person named Lorenz who understood this phenomenon in the 1880’s and developed the Lorentz transformation equation - however, the original equation has been corrupted with concepts such as ‘nonrelativistic mass’. Time dilation has nothing to do with a ‘magical dimension of time’, as many physicists present this, but the effect of gravity on clocks manufactured on Earth (link). Gravity is not constant and varies slightly at parts of Earth (hence also in space around Earth). Gravity will impact the atoms in the clock resulting in time variations depending on where the clock is on Earth or relative to Earth. It has nothing to do with time passing faster or slower - only the clocks show time as faster or slower. The actual constant of the unit of time does not change. The further a clock manufactured on Earth is from a source of gravity, the faster will the clock show time passing because there is less gravity hence the electrons in atoms (in the device that is the clock) can travel faster around the nucleus of an atom. The whole device works quicker! It is the clock, not ‘time’, that has changed. It is possible that neither Einstein or his disciples (theoretical physicists) understood what ‘time dilation’ was caused by and assumed there was a ‘magical dimension of time’. Many physics sources explain that if you travel in a spaceship close to the speed of light, then you will not age in the same way as on Earth. That is nonsense. (NASA also claims it identified a ‘time vortex’ around Earth. By definition, a ‘time vortex’ is a portal into the ‘quantum realm’ and ‘time travel’. In other words, science-fiction.)
The equations for gravity, used to produce Einstein's theories, have long been proven invalid by measurements on Earth - meaning they are not ‘universal’ and only offer an estimate of a gravitational force. It means there are no ‘Black Holes’ or ‘Neutron stars’ or gravity bending space (whatever that is supposed to mean) or space expanding by ‘magic’. The person who ‘proved’ that a ‘Black Hole’ exists in the center of our galaxy and received a Nobel prize, did this from radio telescope data - which means that data could have been caused by a faulty transmitter on Earth. If that person manipulated the number patterns in a different way perhaps she could have proved that Santa Claus lives on Mars. The beauty of that meaningless equation to shenanigans is that it can be used to claim billions of subatomic particles must exist. This has been done and those who understood how easy this is, have received Nobel prizes in science by inventing a phenomenon. Example is the Antiproton. Experiments were designed to prove the imagination and in so doing receive a Nobel Prize in science. That appears to be a relatively common practice in theoretical physics: to invent a phenomenon, then design an experiment which can be interpreted as proving what is imagined is real, and receive a Nobel Prize in science. In SL science, all that is observed are variations of energy. Because we are talking about infinitely small variations of energy, the very experiment or instrument designed to study such is likely already biased to produce the desired result.
One of the concepts of Einstein’s Relativity is ‘spacetime’. It means fusing ‘time’ and ‘space’. Think carefully. What is ‘space’? It is nothing. An emptiness. What happens if you fuse say an egg with nothing? Nothing happens because you haven’t done anything to the egg. CS physics explains that space has three dimensions. No it doesn’t! The way we think of orientation in our world is by using three dimensions hence we ‘imagine’ space by three coordinates (the x,y,z plane; 2 horizontal planes and one vertical plane, ). Outside Earth more coordinates are needed to identify a position of an object. Up to 12 to say identify where Voyager 1 was at a point in time. Space itself is nothing - unless you consider charged particles (this is deceptive term and doesn’t really mean ‘particles’) as a form of matter and electromagnetic waves as a form of matter else it is an emptiness, and has no dimensions as such. It is claimed a mathematician proved this Relativity concept is valid. Mathematics can suggest that many abstract entities can exist - that doesn’t mean such do exist. In physics texts you may find something like “Hermann Minkowski presented a geometric interpretation of special relativity that fused time and the three spatial dimensions of space into a single four-dimensional continuum now known as Minkowski space. This interpretation proved vital to the general theory of relativity, wherein spacetime is curved by mass and energy.” Note the words “this interpretation”. It is the imagination. Think about this claim: “spacetime is curved by mass and energy”. What does it even mean? That gravity bends space? But ‘space’ is ‘nothing’, an emptiness. There is ‘nothing’ to bend! (Try this exercise: try to bend ‘nothing’). This type of theoretical physics is at best an abstract philosophy - or plain nonsense. (“Pure mathematics” is not “Applied mathematics”. Pure mathematics is about manipulating all manner of things that can be represented mathematically to see what happens (‘happens’ in the mathematical sense). Pure mathematics can produce almost any result you want to produce.)
The Science of LIFE
(Including Dimensional Energy Physics and the Intelligent Design of Evolution)
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