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The Third Testament


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Insights into ‘The Third Testament’. No connection to Islam or Judaism or any of the 45,000 Christian religions. To order a copy click to go to publisher. When ordering from Australia the book is usually delivered within a month. Probably the same from other countries. YES! It appears that the author is the Spirit of Truth as anticipated by Saint Paul. However, contrary to Christian folklore that Saint Paul was an Apostle to the gentiles, ‘The Third Testament’ does not share that view. If you are willing to accept this, the Spirit of Truth is very real and flesh and blood and has prepared books for you so that, if you are interested, you can understand an ancient mystery. ‘The Third Testament’, while mainly stories of interest, also includes articles for different professionals such as scholars, psychiatrists, scientists. Ideally, you ought to also consider ‘The Science of LIFE’.

Tales from ‘Life in the Spirit’ and the ‘Dimension of Life’. Includes scholarly sections. Non-religious (no interest in any religion). Insights into the ‘Dimension of Life’ and the ‘Hebrew God’. No hype, no praying, no rituals, no songs of praise, no folklore, no need to believe .

Unless you are born as a child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (this doesn’t refer to carnal rituals).

”When the Spirit of Truth is born into the world it will be like lightning seen from East to West. In those days the Sun will be darkened and the Moon will not give out its light. Stars will fall to the ground. Where the body is there the eagles will gather. And the Spirit of God shall once again move over the face of the waters.” (Matthew 24:29 is close). In this instance the ‘Sun’ is symbolic for the ‘New Testament’. The ‘stars’ likely refers to religions. The lightning is Internet. The ‘body’ refers to ‘Spirit of Truth’ (a person; ‘Son of Man’) and ‘eagles’ to scrutineers. ‘Water’ refers to life. ‘The Third Testament’ is “A light shining in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome the light” (John 1:5) and a promise fulfilled “When the perfect comes the imperfect will pass away” (1 Corinthians 13:10).


Chapter 2 Life in the Spirit (Kingdom of Heaven; the Promised Land)


Chapter 2 Life in the Spirit


“Unless you are born as a child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Entry into the kingdom of God can form in you, from your heart and mind.”


1. ‘Life in the Spirit’ includes tales and themes. Some are intended as reflections. Some as insights into eternal life. The idea is to work with a theme and try to make it personal. Consider how you might present it. A ‘Life in the Spirit’ experience can be narrated in different ways. A condensed narrative of an experience may appear not to have that much connection to the full narrative.


2. ‘Life in the Spirit’ is not for everybody (Exodus 33:20).  Ignore inventions such as Jacob seeing the face of God (Genesis 32:30). Not possible, because in ‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’ at a higher step (in spiritual metaphors ‘near top of mountain’) ‘god’ is a WILL of ‘women in the spirit’ (WISDOM). A man could never see ‘the face of God’ because if he knew it was a Woman, confidence would be lost (death in a sense). An ancient tradition. (Exodus 33:17-20, but some Bibles have been changed by a particular ideology.)


3. If you are concerned about what use the science explained about ‘Life in the Spirit’ could be put to, rest assured that ‘Life in the Spirit’ is a protected environment. Any carnal military, police, intelligence, religion, whatever, that attempts to use the science for a carnal purpose will only mess up their own head. ‘Life in the Spirit’ is for individuals to be ‘born into’.


4. ‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’ is the largest but this has almost no connection to Judaism. A typical Jew is unlikely to understand the depths of Judaism. For example. In true Judaism, unlike in religions, doubt and skepticism is expected and desirable. It is about learning to ‘understand’ and not ‘believe’.

Chapter 1 Laws of the Heart and Keys


7. The 10 commandments (also known as ‘Laws of the Heart’) defined the Hebrew ‘Way of Life’ (Exodus 20). The most important thing to understand is that these did not ask for rituals or prayers or worship or sacrifices. If you can understand that, you are half way to understanding properly and “The pure of heart shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). Each commandment has a number of dimensions (ways of understanding).


9. ‘Laws of the Heart’ are the laws that, in the New Testament, Jesus Christ told his disciples to abide by (not biblical laws; not the same). The term ‘Christ’ as used by Saint Paul referred to ‘Life in the Spirit’. Saint Paul was never a Christian. He never called himself one, never mentioned the word, and essentially ignored the teachings attributed to Jesus Christ. In ‘2 Corinthians 12:2’ he explains that he knew a ‘man’ in Christ, but God alone knows if that mental image mapped onto a person. That ‘in Christ’ referred to a ‘Life in the Spirit’.


10. The laws in this section have been adapted in accordance with instructions. The story of Solomon and two women disputing who was a baby’s mother is an example of an instruction how to adjust the Laws of Moses: “Two angels disputing over the body of Moses”. (The ‘body’ is  a metaphor for the ‘law’).


Until you are clear on the ‘spiritual nature’ of the laws mentioned and how to reflect on these, try to understand the literal meaning. No need to be perfect. These laws were personal. Only for each person and not to be forced on anyone. In addition, do not use any law as an excuse for personal bias or prejudice or belief. These laws don’t mention worship. ‘Worship’ is an invention of religions. (Note that the ancient term translated to ‘miracle’ actually had no connection to a magical event).



(In ‘The Third Testament’ it is ‘Mark’ who is the ‘Spirit of Truth’, the ‘Holy Spirit’. ‘Helen’ is the ‘Woman’ the Hebrew God created for him to be his companion in ‘Life in the Spirit’).


IMAGINE Mark as a ‘Dark Lord’. In his thoughts he is with a white light that seems infinity away. He is putting together how ‘Life in the Spirit’ works so that he can document it in ‘The Science of LIFE’. Using as much ingenuity as he can master, he is still having a problem. He flows to his eternal father, the Eternal God, a complex sense which in words would equate to “I don’t get it. How does it work?”


The response is a sense, as if from the depths of the universe. In words it would equate to. “You can’t. The Hebrew God dimension has engineered ‘Life in the Spirit’ in such a way that no one can truly understand how it comes together and why. It is meant to be a mystery. People can learn to use it, and it can seem it is a person themselves that is the mental image, but in truth this is much more complicated. The way you put it together is fine, does explain well. This is not unusual. Many highly advanced Realms of Life in the Dimension of Life use much the same principle for security reasons. The way you explained already, in the context of a consciousness, is fine and will convey much.”

Chapter 3 Article for Scholars


Chapter 3 Article for Scholars


This article is mainly for non-biblical scholars. The critical understanding comes from 2 Corinthians 12:2: “I knew a man…whether in the body I do not know.” How can anyone ‘know a man’ and not know if he has a body? You need to think about this and not pass over it: “How can you know a man and not know if the man has a body?” Even if a person is behind a door, and you hear but can’t see, you will never say “I don’t know if that man has a body.”


If you can understand this, then the legitimate parts of the Bible may fall into place. In order to properly understand ‘2 Corinthians 12:2’ you need to understand how ‘Life in the Spirit’ works. (Also ‘in Christ’ likely referred to ‘in the spirit’ meaning ‘Life in the Spirit’).


“Seek and you shall find” (Matthew 7:7), however, as you should be able to tell from this article, the amount of seek required is outside a typical person. If you are a Christian familiarize yourself with the legend of Attis: born from a virgin on December 25; in later life crucified and resurrected 3 days later; he was known as ‘the good shepherd’. If you are Jewish or Christian also read about pseudepigrapha. (Note: evidence of Attis worship was found in the ruins of Pompeii buried by a volcano eruption in 79 CE).


Introduction and Preamble


Telepathy has been established in medicine since 1930’s. Much later scientists proved it.


‘Life in the Spirit’ may be known as the ‘kingdom of heaven’ or ‘Promised Land’ or simply ‘in the spirit’. It is a form of mental telepathy. Only a ‘form’ because simple perceptions of telepathy is not how ‘Life in the Spirit’ works.

Chapter 2 Life in the Spirit


2.8 A Tale in the Spirit


And it came to pass in the land of Solomon a young man named Mark and his brother Ed took upon themselves as wives Helen and Elaine. They were sisters. They decided to build houses for their new wives far from the village, but a walking distance. In those ancient times walking even 5 kilometers to a village was not considered much of an issue. The brothers insisted the new brides remain with their own parents until the houses were complete, and until the houses were complete they would not insist the wives consummate their marriage. This was agreed. The brothers were into science and mathematics. Mark was fond of a square shape. Thinking this was the best shape of all. Ed was into spherical shapes. Mark built a square house. Ed built a house which was almost a sphere except for the base. The two houses close to one another. When the time came and they brought their new brides to their houses. Helen was pleased with her square house because it was like everyone else had. Elaine was mighty perplexed by the spherical house.


“How am I supposed to buy furniture?” She complained. “It wouldn’t be proper to have ordinary furniture for an extraordinary house. And where do I find an artisan skilled enough to make furniture for me?”


This troubled Ed and he called his brother aside. “We still haven’t consummated our marriage. What if she changes her mind? I need some furniture for my house which will appeal to my new wife.”


This was a concern to Mark too. Both brothers understood how close the sisters were. If one became very unhappy, even angry, and refused to validate a marriage, so might the other. The brothers set out to the village asking carpenters and furniture makers if they could design furniture for Ed’s unusual house. Ed drew his house on white paper and showed it to craftsmen.


“I don’t have the time.” One said. “I don’t have the tools”. Said another. They spent the day asking. A Rabbi lived in the village. A very old man who could hardy walk but his mind and thoughts quick and witty and sharp. They came to the Rabbi. Each humbled himself by taking their hat off and holding it by the brim. They explained the matter to the Rabbi.

Chapter 7 Helen

7.1 Mark Meets Helen


This theme is based on what is defined as a ‘legal scam’ made possible by the NSW Supreme Court (Australia). A book titled CMPL proposes that the narrow intellectualism that is LAW results, in general, in reduced intellectual capacity in the judiciary (find CMPL by same author). The scam is explained briefly in the ‘The Third Testament’ and used as the background in a book titled ‘Children of an Everlasting Heaven’. It works like this: once an elderly parent with brain damage such as dementia is no longer capable of making decisions, a restraining order is applied for by a sibling or relative or even a next door neighbor. That order is known as AVO. It isolates the legal executor of a Last Will and Testament, who may also have guardianship authority, from the brain damaged parent. All other family members may be isolated as well. The court order may also give sole access to the bank account of the parent to the sibling who understands how this scam works and who found a lawyer or legal firm to apply for an AVO. A new Last Will and Testament is invented and the parent, by now completely dependent to understand matters, signs it. Then a geriatric specialist in a public hospital is asked to produce a report that a person with even 90% brain damage has retained their ‘testament capacity’. Not a medical diagnosis. (Note: no evidence of need is required for a lawyer to obtain an AVO against a person. This is what the Supreme Court did, altered the actual law by decisions that allow lawyers to obtain AVOs. The result can be scams, even potentially protecting actual sexual abuse of a child by using an AVO. Compare: the USA Constitution allows only authorized militia to be armed. Their Supreme Court destroyed the Constitution with their decisions giving everyone the right to have guns. The result are regular mass shootings. Destroying the intent of laws by courts might be widespread.)



Can a picture step out of the cover of a magazine? On the way to a local court Mark stopped by a Newsagent. A fashion magazine caught his eye. Long blond hair, soft waves, blue eyes and a pristine figure. She was modeling a business suit. A white shirt and a dark-red jacket. A brief dark-red skirt. Shapely legs of course. Set against a modern ten story office building. Dark reflective glass. A vivid blue sky. Next to that magazine a history magazine with the header “The ideal Aryan”.


Now that very picture was walking toward him! Eyes turned as she walked. The upper floor of Parramatta Court, Sydney, Australia, was long and wide. Many doors into hearing rooms. In places dark lounges of various shapes. Most occupied.

Wait for language choices:

The Third Testament (Non-religious; explains a ‘Way of Life’.)

Arthur Winarczyk

This book includes scholarly sections which explain a perspective on the Bible, however, it is mainly about ‘Life in the Spirit’ and the ‘Dimension of Life’. The stories arose from telepathy-like mental experiences (a virtual reality, mental visions, in your thoughts). Telepathy has been scientifically proven (link1, link2, link3).

It is not a religion. Or about any religion other than some scholarly sections that provide a perspective.

For practical purposes the book is best considered as fiction until matters come together. The essential theme: the ‘Holy Spirit’ has been born and explains the mystery of the Hebrew God and also introduces ‘Life in the Spirit’ to eternal life in the ‘Dimension of Life’.