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University Course Outline

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The Dimension of Life

This is an outline of a university course, if such was available, and explains the topics that would be covered. The course comes under a science degree. The critical area to understand is physics, however, the course needs to cover various areas including neuroscience, evolution, aspects of psychiatry, and a history of Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). ‘The Science of LIFE’ has been put together over 40 years from life in the ‘Dimension of Life’. A science made possible by the author’s sensitivity to the ‘Dimension of Life’. Not a theory as such, however, the difficulty of correctly discerning from life in the ‘Dimension of Life’ makes it impossible to say that every part of this science has been discerned correctly and explained well. A prerequisite to this course: do your own research about the legend of Attis and syncretism and pseudepigrapha.  The latter an accepted practice in ancient times by which prophets and Apostles, etc., were invented and claimed to have been people who wrote letters or books, or were a witness to extraordinary events. Ancient people viewed their religions differently to how a particular religion was forced on people (as truth) in later times. ‘The Science of LIFE’ and ‘The Third Testament’ fits neatly into Saint Paul’s promise of the ‘Spirit of Truth’. In this regard, the claims of Christianity that Saint Paul was an Apostle to the gentiles do not square with historical truths. The truth appears to be that Saint Paul never heard of a Jesus Christ and had nothing to do with the Nicene church. There are no original of his letters in museums, only transcripts. None are complete. Many parts have been identified as fraud.

The ‘Dimension of Life’ coexists with the ‘Dimension of Matter’. Best thought of as a pyramid. That pyramid contains structured paths of evolution referred to as ‘Realms of Life’. Outside the pyramid are unstructured paths.

The ‘Dimension of Matter’ includes our universe, stars, planets, biological life and energy formed from matter. A ‘dimension’ (often also a consciousness) can be extremely advanced but if it formed from matter or biological life it is considered as part of the ‘Dimension of Matter’.

The base, the bottom step, of the pyramid is ‘Life in the Spirit’. However, that is a relatively basic interface to the ‘Dimension of Life’.

There are likely almost an infinite number of ‘Realms of Life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’. At the apex is the ‘Dimension of Eternal Life’. That Dimension is thought to consist only of ‘eternal companions'.

Above the apex are, perhaps an infinite number, of life so evolved that it is so different that there is no way to explain such to a human audience.

To gain insights into the ‘Dimension of Life’ elementary physics is required to be understood. Such as the nature of an atom. Different atoms forms different materials or chemicals. Also ‘energy’ has to be understood. ‘Energy’ is a generic term. An intuitive concept. The ‘physics of dimensional energy’ is the physics of energy that is not constrained by spatial distances. The ‘Dimension of Life’ consists of such energy or of complex variations of such energy. The theorems of dimensional energy have been put together from studies of identical twins, especially twins separated at birth and reunited later in life, and from personal experience of the author of ‘The Science of Life’ and ‘The Third Testament’ (and author of various novels, some are about life in a ‘Realm of Life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’).

Is there such a thing as ‘dimensional energy’? That doesn’t matter. Any more than is there actually ‘energy’? These are concepts used to define theories. Instead of ‘dimensional energy’ we could have defined the ‘incidences of interest’ in the lives of identical twins as caused by ‘Factor X or Factor Y’. Indeed, one psychologist attempted to explain such by developing a ‘theory of coincidences’. In our way of thinking it is ‘dimensional energy’ that makes it possible. As it makes ‘telepathy’ and ‘psychic experiences’ possible.

There appear to be only a few ‘celestial beings’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’ that will assist simple evolved life, like people, who begin to form a higher ‘Realm of Life’. In ‘The Science of Life’ one is named ‘The Eternal God’ and the other the ‘Hebrew God’. There are some others of specific interest. Human advanced ‘Realm of Life’ is referred to as ‘Life in the Spirit’. No connection to any religion past, present, or future.

It is important to understand that religions are folklore, the human imagination, and nothing to do with the Hebrew God. The original 10 commandments, known in the spirit as ‘The Laws of the Heart’, don’t mention worship or rituals or sacrifices or praying. You need to be clear on the difference between religions and the Hebrew God. In this regard, in our science and understanding, interstellar astronomy and theoretical physics can be argued to be ‘religions’ and not science. A belief system. You may think ‘Hold on, theoretical physics made nuclear technology possible’. No. The original discovery that led to nuclear technology was an accidental discovery by a chemist. Then a physicist put together a theory as to how the observed reaction worked. From that theory nuclear technology came about. That is physics and not theoretical physics. Theoretical physics will claim the most outlandish ideas have been proven. You need to understand how such experiments are performed and why they can be argued to be the imagination or an ‘observer effect’. However, some concepts of theoretical physics, such as quantum entanglement, may contribute to understanding some of the behavior of dimensional energy.

The ‘Hebrew God’ is the force and energy of biological evolution in a domain of life. A feedback mechanism with mother nature and DNA results in evolution. Not just biological evolution. This refers to intellectual evolution too, and the evolution of reason. Guiding evolution of life in our universe are different equivalents of the Hebrew God each looking after a domain of life. Only at high steps of ‘Life in the Spirit’ will the Hebrew God assist directly.

To understand how it is possible to communicate with celestial life in the ‘Dimension of Life’, the nature of dimensional energy has to be understood. The human brain, or any biological brain no matter how small, needs to form dimensional energy in order to perform some functions (one is likely the fight or flight response) and to connect to celestial life. That energy has to be sufficiently similar to a ‘Realm of Life’ or a celestial being. Even when such forms, the limitations are the human understanding. Our understanding of concepts and ideas and such may have no connection to how celestial life understands. Our understanding of science is likely to have no meaning to celestial life. In general, human beings understand science in the sense of bits and pieces. Celestial life doesn’t like bits and pieces and only considers the picture as a whole.

Very few celestial life would bother or try to decipher dimensional energy from biological life, even when compatible so it blends with their Realm of Life. One reason is that to sense into dimensional energy formed from biological life is to also sense death, horror, wars, atrocities. Who in their right mind would really want to sense or be aware of such things - if they had a choice?

The only known path for life on our planet to truly gain an understanding of the ‘Dimension of Life’ is through ‘Life in the Spirit’. That is an ancient mystery. Nothing to do with praying or rituals or sacrifices.  ‘Life in the Spirit’ is a form of mental telepathy in which visions, known as ‘settings’ or ‘virtual reality’ sequences, form in the mind’s eye. A kind of virtual reality in which a person feels they are also in a virtual world. The strongest group capable of ‘Life in the Spirit’ is referred to as ‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’. Nothing to do with Judaism or the beliefs of Judaism. Most of the Jews in ‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’ are not likely to believe in God or Judaism, but do believe in the ‘Laws of the Heart’ and the traditions of ‘Life in the Spirit’.

The expression ‘born in the spirit’ refers to a fine dimensional energy forming in the brain. That dimensional energy can be called the ‘spirit’. That spirit begins to clone YOU, your consciousness, into itself. When YOU experience ‘Life in the Spirit’ it is not really your human brain or nature that is experiencing, but a new YOU formed in the spirit. Unlike your biological body that can die, in theory the YOU born in the spirit can not die but can fade away if YOU are not suitable to ‘eternal life’ in the ‘Dimension of Life’ or a ‘heaven’ of a ‘dimension’.

Understanding the ‘Dimension of Life’ and hence the ‘Hebrew God’ requires you to be sensitive to ordinary religious people. Such have their rituals and their beliefs and their churches. Such have their religion which, irrespective of what such a religion is about, could be vital for their mental health. Christianity was invented by the ancient Holy Roman Empire. The early church, the Nicene church, put the New Testament together. It appears to be a blend of the legend of Attis and the teachings of an enlightened Rabbi, and other fanciful appealing myths (e.g. three Kings). Attis was an ancient deity born from a virgin on December 25. As a man he was crucified and resurrected 3 days later. He was known as the ‘good shepherd’. The history of Christianity is quite shocking. An anti-Semitic religion that ultimately, after 1700 years of defaming Jews, may have led to the Holocaust.

Dissociating your thoughts and personality from religious beliefs and dogma can be a difficult, even grief. The reason has to do with how your unconscious works. Not everybody is suitable to understanding the nature of LIFE in an exhaustive way. As a general rule, if a Christian is convinced God is the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, that means that is the limit of their psychology to understand. To paraphrase Saint Paul “Don’t let the food you eat become a yoke a round another person’s neck”.

To be comfortable with understanding the ‘Dimension of Life’ and the ‘Hebrew God’ and why interstellar astronomy and theoretical physics are religions and not science, a special ‘dimensional energy’ has to form in your brain named TRUTH. Not easy to understand TRUTH. Consider. Nobel prizes have been given to Albert Einstein and those who claim they discovered a Black Hole in the center of our galaxy and a great many planets referred to as Exoplanets. These are compelling forces that persuade you that such discoveries are science. It can be a struggle to understand TRUTH. (In addition, a lot of research may be required. For example: was Albert Einstein a genius or a person with a brain dysfunction? Link to explanation.)

‘Life in the Spirit’ is a unique environment and sets of experiences. A person has to be ‘born in the spirit’. It isn’t possible to know exactly how a mental image in a virtual reality maps onto an individual. Most of the time one mental image of man or woman, or Man or Woman, will map in some way onto many people. However, at the present time (2025) an estimated 3000 Jews are party to Life in the Sprit, and about 30 Roman Catholic sisters and about 40 Islamic ‘women with a veil’. The latter similar to a Catholic sister. Also about 7 Buddhists. As near as can be worked out, the Cathodic sisters mainly come from one order known as Missionaries of Charity. These sisters look after the poorest of the poor. Islamic ‘women with a veil’ look after abused and terrified girls. As you can see, it is not anybody who can become party to ‘Life in the Spirit’. And yet, in theory, anyone who is interested has an excellent chance. The problem is understanding in perspective. The reason why a good dimensional energy named TRUTH has to form in YOU.

Energy strives to be in equilibrium. TRUTH can be considered as state of equilibrium. Hence to understand dimensional energy better, understanding human nature of TRUTH can assist.

‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’ is essential to understand well. It is the largest and over generations has developed traditions. It is more a ‘group environment’ which is not difficult to understand or partake in or enjoy. A more complicated tradition is an equivalent of a marriage, but this is rare. The slide show attempts to convey the set of experiences a person may go through in this particular mystery (the woman has to be a natural Jew; the man need not be). A typical person has a fragile psychology. This kind of experience requires a deep confidence in the ‘spirit’. A person needs to be prepared for this over a long time. It can be absolutely terrifying to a typical person. The ‘baby’ and ‘child’ in some slides could be YOU when you are ‘born in the spirit’. YOU will have two adults looking after you. Your new mum and dad. YOU would be born into a different world to what you understand as life. Experiences of ‘Life in the Spirit’ may not make that much logical sense because there is no equivalent of ‘time’ or ‘sequential order’. Only at the most advanced levels, say steps and depths, can the spirit become sufficiently similar to blend with the Hebrew God or the Eternal God. The latter are often about trying to understand how you understand, in order to explain in a way that you are comfortable with your new understanding - with your new life among the stars (but that is not something your natural human reality test will allow you to believe without a doubt).

Perhaps the main difference between religions and ‘Life in the Spirit’ is this:  religions are about ‘believing’;  ‘Life in the Spirit’ is about understanding and not believing. In ‘Life in the Spirit’ there is no equivalent of praying or rituals or sacrifices or believing. Perhaps the equivalent of church is the experience of ‘Life in the Spirit’, but this has no connection to any religion (other than for educational purposes).

A ‘child’ in ‘Life in the Spirit’ could be a person who is a Christian and believes there was a Jesus Christ. Not a true obstacle. Various settings can be formed, even in a church service, where a different aspect of the Hebrew God is discussed. A child can thus feel comfortable while being introduced to traditions of ‘Life in the Spirit’. In time, the child will understand on his or her own that religion is folklore, the imagination, but ‘Life in the Spirit’ is real. A child mental image could remain such for a long time, or age in accordance with a personal comfort level.

There are many theoretical applications of dimensional energy. ‘Jewish Life in the Spirit’ already uses some. In a replica of a house children can watch the equivalent of television. These mental images are effective and good enough to enjoy a virtual reality. On television are usually cartoon stories, cute and clever. A ‘child’ in ‘Life in the Spirit’ is usually an adult, or a WILL of adults, who are not that comfortable with the experience and can only cope at a child level. Another theoretical application is to define evolution. Not biological evolution but intellectual and civilization evolution. Example. If enough people in the world want to remove the super rich and those who protect them namely soldiers and police, in theory this can be done. Mother nature will do this, in her way, because of a feedback mechanism. If Americans want to remove all those who advocate guns, be that politicians or courts of law, again this can in theory be achieved. All it takes is a WILL that can be set into dimensional energy and over time mother nature will remove that which the majority of people don’t want on Earth. (The manner in which mother nature might do this could be horrifying. Mother nature is not squeamish and does things her way).

An important reason why understanding ‘The Science of LIFE’ could be vital is because modern medical research is understanding that the death of a biological organism may not be the end of life. The ‘consciousness’ seems to remain ‘awake’ long after all brain activity has stopped and can spark the brain back to activity. Electromagnetic theories of consciousness may explain this to some extent - but bear in mind it isn’t just the brain that is producing magnetic fields. Other parts of the body may be able to. In fact, in ‘The Science of LIFE’ every organ in the body is a consciousness in its own right and sometimes in dreams such a consciousness presents itself as a person image. The brain tries to give hints. A small person in a dream could be the consciousness of your small intestine. As to why? It is likely every internal organ also has to ‘dream’ in the same way that you do. The purpose of dreams has never been understood well, but is likely related to coordinating various activities in the body (your brain does many things to look after your body, most of these you are probably not aware about. Example. If an organ in your body is damaged, or links to such are, the brain once it is aware can try to alter parts of itself to compensate for that damage. This is known as neuroplasticity of the brain).

There are, undoubtedly, areas that need to be better understood. Example. If you can be a strong mental image in advanced ‘Life in the Spirit’, then in theory you have been born into ‘eternal life’. All the theory says so. Everything is cohesive. Everything comes together. And yet, the problem is the human reality test which, in a mentally healthy rational person, will not allow a person to believe this without a doubt. Why not?

This university degree could be considered as equivalent to elementary school education (kindergarten) in the ‘Dimension of Life’. Prior to receiving an appropriate accreditation, a person may need to take the Hippocratic Oath which mainly says ‘Do no harm’.

Wait for language choices:

Introducing the ‘Dimension of Life’

Relevant books are ‘The Science of LIFE’ and ‘The Third Testament’ by the same author.