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All rights reserved all books/novels © Arthur Winarczyk

The Shadow Theory

Mystery and international intrigue. From a heavily guarded armory on an Australian military base, ten missiles appear to have been stolen. Two novices are asked to investigate. One a single mother with a young daughter who decides to solve this case because she is looking around for a ‘dad’. Steve seems ideal, even lets her fire a gun at the rifle range. Katy is determined to solve this mystery…extracts

The Way of Immortals

Psychic theme. The Way of Immortals is a teaching to young psychics about how each will be reborn in a new life after bodily death. The novel is an insight into a particular psychic community who form virtual worlds from their thoughts and hence live a dual life.  extracts

Orfus I

Psychic theme. Adults Only. A military mind network uses strong sexual imagery to control its people. But who controls the network and where is it located? A group of psychics set out to a remote part of China, the suspected source of that which can hit them with pure energy much like a missile, to find and neutralize Orfus I. Their headquarters becomes a Buddhist monastery .…. extracts

Genesis Will

Two dying cancer patients are regenerated and become young again. Can they cope?

Joanne brought flowers. She always did. A red rose in pink rice paper. She placed the rose on the vivid white table next to the bed. She walked to the window and parted satin black curtains. Bright light entered. An old man lying in a hospital bed stirred awake. Eyes on the shimmering dust in a beam of brightness falling on his head and within, around his head. Colored dust particles glistening. The room rarely cleaned….extracts



Classical science fiction. Planets; Star Cities. Interesting aliens. Space journeys. Unique architectures. Advanced technology. A dangerous rescue mission. By confederation years 9023 inhabitable planets are believed overpopulated. Jason and 13-year-old Sam live in a personal spaceship, Sally (always a she). An alien race spots Samantha and decides to kidnap her for a breeding experiment. Odevars are yellow and extremely skinny - so how to trap and kidnap Sam? Not likely the four could carry her. The exotic Andromeda enters their life, as well as an artificial person who can change into a Eurian child. Adventures and excitement.   click for more

Voyages of Discovery - The final Journey

In the 71st century the dimension of God has been discovered. The Final Journey is on its way. In the 71st century there is ‘life’ and there is ‘Life’.  A person relaxes in a recliner and closes eyes. ‘Life’ begins. A strong virtual reality. During their journey young Jason experiences a number of ‘Lives’. The ship’s AI, Lucy, is much like a person. A sabotage attempt. A malfunctioning AI that Lucy can’t identify. Aliens invisible to human eyes take an interest in this inter-dimensional spaceship as it passes their Realm of Life crossing dimensional barriers.  …. extracts

The Most Elusive Scent of All

Parts about the Sicilian Mafia in the 18th century. Parts a modern romance Mafia style. A tale told by a dimension. A living consciousness.

For extracts click here

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Faith Marriage (A Marriage in Heaven)

Lisa is a young Roman Catholic Sister who has excluded celibacy from her Religious Vow. She began her Religious life in Canada with Daughters of Mary (a Catholic Religious Order) and later became a Missionary of Charity working in an orphanage in India. While in Australia she meets Darth in Saint Vincent de Paul. Their friendship blossoms.   extracts

The Science of Life (Including Dimensional Energy Physics and the Intelligent Design of Evolution)



The Science of Life explains current scientific thinking too, but it is a new science. A new understanding of the cosmos and ALL THERE IS, and also explain birth of star and evolution unlike conventional science.  More info

Eternal Companions

Beyond religion and enlightenment a Dimension of Life. Alien Realms of Life. Climbing higher, insights into heavens and the Dimension of Eternal Life. It is a dark time for Life in the Spirit groups. The Holocaust wiped out true Jewish Life in the Spirit except four Rabbis known as Holy Rabbis. Christian Life in the Spirit groups have also been affected. One man takes an interest in repairing these groups. Decades later it is clear he has earned an Eternal Companion. What to make of her? click for more

A City on the Edge of Insanity

Kartoon. A city of undercurrents. A city plunged into darkness. A city on the edge of insanity. A serial killer is on the loose. A city of shadows. The target are police. The killer is successful. Confusing clues. A dancer in adult’s only nightclub a person of interest. The dancers wear masks. The killer’s face unknown.  The police death toll starts looking like a war casualty list. Mayhem. Suspense builds as pieces of the puzzle became less easy to fit together. An explosive climax. . extracts


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The Third Testament.

From the Dawn of Mankind those born of dust performed rituals, incantations, defined creeds and prayed to the unseen to avert the wrath of the unknown. It is time to unbind the shackles and aspire to learn about  the Hebrew God dimension and the Dimension of Life and the Eternal God - not the same as the Hebrew God dimension. Interesting characters such as Amy. A newborn ‘Eternal Being’. Granddaughter, in human relative terms, of the Eternal God - but this doesn’t mean much to her. Her mission is to find the life that belongs to her, her ‘dad’ in human relative terms, and that is Mark a man. She doesn’t believe biological life actually exists, it is all in the mind of Mark, but she learns how to form a mental image of herself as a child and learns the human Life in the Spirit conceptual language and interacts with Life in the Spirit. A novel with a theme and scholarly work. A beautiful book. (Click on cover for more.)


Darth and Lana adopt an orphan Indian boy and assist a child prostitute. The story much like a story of a family, but this is a tale from a Life in the Spirit. A mystical tradition in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic ways of life. Buddhism has an equivalent.


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Children of an Everlasting Heaven


They were as different as the creatures of the sea are to the creatures of the land. They were a people in the spirit and children of their God.


Helen (a Jew) comes across Mark (a non Jew). Set against the background of an Australian Legal Scam  click for more
