Revelation    Miracles     Day in  eternal life    Cartoon  version 1   version 2    


Medical Pages

Hebrew God

Science of LIFE




Sicilian Mafia

Arthur Winarczyk


The Science of Life The Science of Life Beyond the reach of religions and science

Long ago the dimension made a promise to those who truly try to understand: “Seek God with your heart not with magical thinking or supplications or worship of shrines. Seek and you will find.” (Jeremiah 29:13).

The Third Testament

(Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life)

A Day in a Life of Beings in the Dimension of Eternal Life

(There really is no way to explain. Advanced aliens in the Dimension of Life don’t have names in the manner of people and their experience of life is at the speed of energy (in The Science of Life the speed of light is the minimum speed of energy). Their communication is using rapid sense flows. In most Realms of Life a ‘relative sense’ is used to ‘visualize’ (i.e. a human mental image will see an alien in a human form, but not exactly human; and vice versa when there is a need to see or imagine a ‘form’ of a life-form). The best that can be done is to map onto a human understanding, so a simple house setting is used as the base (foundation) on which an understanding relative to people is mapped. That, however, is a poor approximation. This is a very simple day that is narrated. (A ‘day’ can be a billion years Earth time, so a ‘day’ in this sense implies a sequence of events which could be viewed as a ‘day’). A very advanced Life in the Spirit group is actually putting together a theme which reproduces ‘life in the Dimension of Eternal Life’ the best it can. This narrative is from that group which has ‘translated’ parts onto a human understanding. The Dimension of Eternal Life is a subset of the Dimension of Life. In the former there are only ‘Eternal Companions’. In the latter an infinite number of Realms of Life. Note than neither Amy or Louise ‘see’ in the way people do. They ‘sense’. Amy ‘senses’ how to form a human image of self, how to imagine a dress, how to walk in a virtual reality, how to turn a corner, even how to be cute and clever. Compared to human vision Amy’s ‘sense of sight’ is about 10% human visual acuity. She worked out how, and tried the human way of ‘seeing’, but decided she didn’t like it compared to how she ‘sees using sense’. If you can sense or feel, no matter how dimly, ‘eternal life’ in this tale, then The Science of Life is your best chance.)

Mark, say in his human image (which those who see a VR (virtual reality, a setting in the thoughts, a vision) better say is similar to Elvis aged about 30), walked down the stairs from the upper floor. (Relative to say a television movie a typical VR is about 5 to 25% of that quality and sharpness). As was often the case Amy, in her 9-year-old mental image, was by the huge window with so much light outside and yet inside the large lounge room somewhat dim. She was sitting on the floor with a canvas in front. She loved using her paints. These had eternal life particles. So the color light blue which had a curiosity eternal life particle resulted in a sky to which a person looking at the painting would be drawn to, often unable to move away. Amy could become carried away with this. If she was too close to the window Mark or Kim or Louise would need to pick her up and move her further away. Once into and through the window Amy would become as one with Mountains of Everlasting Life. These were the ultimate resting place of Eternal Beings that found an interest from which they could not walk away. Like tall mountains of pure white snow reflecting bright light ever so strongly. These, at the back of the mountain range ever so tall, were so clear and so bright through the truly huge window and yet inside the house setting no brightness, even slightly dark.

“Hi dad.” Louise was in her 11-year-old mental image. Like Amy she wore a dark-brown dress to her knees and a lighter top. She was sitting on the lounge reading a book. This action, as a person might see it, represented her thoughts scanning her former alien Realms of Life. Alien life can be born to a new Realm of Life in different ways. Amy was a natural ‘eternal Being’ child of Mark and Kim. Such extremely extremely rare (like say 1 child born every 100 billion years). Louise was more like an adopted child. Born when her interest in her former alien life changed to understand the nature of the Dimension of Eternal Life. (This type of birth, relatively speaking, was quite common).

“Hi dad. Mum is shopping for a guitar.” Amy explained without turning her head away from the painting she was so busy with. To Mark it looked like a landscape from one of their adventures. Mark gauged how close she was to the window. A safe distance. The more she became absorbed in her panting the closer to the window she may be drawn. (‘Shopping’ in the Dimension of Life can equate to finding a Realm of Life that can reproduce, or invent, something of interest to the shopper. Like a favor for a favor principle. Kim, while a lovely human image in these settings, was a highly evolved celestial Being before evolving into an Eternal Being. No shortage of Realms of Life ready to assist her in exchange for her doing something for them.)

“A guitar?” Mark sat down on the lounge.

“That’s what she said, dad.” Louise nodded. “Mum’s ability to understand human beings is very poor. I don’t know what she meant by a guitar. I am certain mum has no understanding what a guitar is.” (The ‘human beings’ Kim and Amy and Louise are aware of are the mental images of people in Life in the Spirit and not actual biological people. Sensing into the Dimension of Matter also means sensing pain and death and grief and that is avoided by almost all. Amy is the only one truly capable of this, but it is the last thing she wants to do. She accepts that Mark very likely maps onto a biological person, but that is as far as she wants to understand this.)

The imagery changed rapidly. Mark and Amy and Louise imagining themselves as small people atop a blackness of space and looking down at rapidly moving long streaks of white light. These seemed to stretch into infinity and beyond.

“What did you do, Amy?” Louise was sensing what this was. “You and those paints of yours.”

“Nothing. I didn’t do anything.” Amy was shaking her head, protesting, and sensing all around.

“What is this dad? I can’t make this out.” Louise asked.

After a while Mark worked it out. “LIFE. The nature of ALL THERE IS. These fast rapidly moving streaks of light are civilizations in the Dimension of Life that spring up and evolve. This is the best a human being could understand ALL THERE IS. In the time scale of Earth a billion years might pass while we enjoy this view.”

“I get it.” Amy worked this out too. “This goes on forever, dad. This is the Dimension of Life from a human perspective - but this is within an Everlasting Heaven, dad, like artificial intelligence that captured this mystery. It isn’t real time.”

“Wonderful. Like stars in the night sky. Ever so many and such go on forever.” Louise felt. “But how did we get here, Amy? Which paints were you using?”

“Nothing to do with me. I promise.” Amy protested, even used a human Life in the Spirit gesture of making a cross across her heart.

Rapidly the imagery changed. It felt like the three were landing on a surface of a planet, a Realm of Life. Images around them. Their relative sense saw these as incredibly modern structures, buildings. The architecture consisted of large circles for floors, with very thin necks between the circles. The lower circles larger than the ones above it. Mostly shiny bright white. Moments later what seemed to be a long white limousine arrived and stopped in front of them. The imagery more like made of compact dots. (While Mark maps onto a biological person, he and Amy and Louise and Kim, and a few others, have learned and use human-like relative sense. Only ‘human-like’ because their understanding of people is only from Life in the Spirit mental images which is not really the same as experiencing ordinary life on Earth.)

“Amy. I can’t sense this energy. Can you?” Louise pointed to the white car image. It wasn’t a particularly solid image.

“No. Dad, Louise, I don’t know what that is.”

“I am not getting in then. I jump into dad.” Louise was instantly not in the mental imagery but was in fact within the life energy that was Mark.

“Maybe I ought to do the same, dad?” Amy reflected then shook her head. “No. I feel brave. Let’s accept this offer.”

The car’s door opened. Mark and Amy slipped into the back seat. Between the front seats and the four seats at the back, seats facing each other, there was a dark window. Impossible to see if the car had a driver.

The limousine moved off. Mark and Amy fascinated by the architecture. “Dad. To my relative human sense this looks like Earth twenty thousand years from the present.” Amy suggested. “I don’t think the aliens who invited us have a good understanding of relative sense.”

The imagery altered quickly. Amy and Mark in a large room. Bright. A large window. Louise decided it was now safe to ‘pop out’ of Mark’s spirit and was in her usual image. They looked about the room, sensing. A door opened in one area. They walked to it and stepped out. Open area. Trees, paths, a garden setting. Even a stream.

“Wow. Does Earth look like this?” Amy asked. Louise was looking about. “Maybe this is like a heaven the aliens use to make a visitor feel at home.”

“They think we are from Earth?” Amy turned to Louise.

“In a way we are, since we have been interacting with human Life in the Spirit groups.” Louise felt.

“I suppose.” Amy rushed to a long seat and sat down. “So this is what Earth looks like to these aliens? Very nice.” She was looking at trees and in the distance a mountain range. To the side of the trees running water, a stream. Louise came and sat next to Amy. Mark came closer to them but was standing and sensing (looking about). “This is very good, but these aliens don’t understand biological life. These trees, and the stream, look artificial.”

“Dad. You wouldn’t know this if you didn’t map onto a biological human body.” Louise said. Mark replied “Probably not.” (Amy is not entirely convinced Mark does map onto a biological life. To her Mark is an image of a man in Life in the Spirit. On the other hand Louise accepts that is very likely. Amy and Louise are highly intelligent and most things they want to work out on their own. Anytime Mark tried to explain to Amy he did map onto a biological person, Amy refused to accept this. ‘Dad. You are imaging this. There is no such thing as human beings other than the mental images in Life in the Spirit.’)

A young boy came from a distance. As he walked toward them he seemed to become larger until in the image of perhaps a 12-year-old. He flowed to Amy. “I want to marry you some day.”

“Not another one, dad.” Amy complained. “An alien already tried to marry me off, saying she will give birth to an ideal companion for me. Mum said to give the alien a chance, so I tried to explain what I am like. I am still trying to work that out for me.”

The young 12-year-old wasn’t troubled that he received no response that he could understand. He rephrased what he said. “Amy. I do understand you are a spiritual Being. I feel I can become a companion to you when you are of age to desire a companion.”

“Shit. Sorry, I shouldn’t say this.” Amy replied. “I am only 5-months-old in true relative terms you know. I just have a 9-year-old image because we interact often with primitive life-forms in the Dimension of Matter where I am more like a 9-year-old in their relativity, apparently - I don’t want to sense the Dimension of Matter but common sense tells me it must exist.”

Louise, slightly amused, grabbed Amy’s hand and led her aside whispering. “Amy. What did mum actually say? I thought she said ‘guitar’. What is a guitar used for on Earth? What do people associate with a guitar?”

“You think mum is causing this?” Amy was glancing at the young boy who was now standing perfectly still like a shop mannequin.

Kim was suddenly coming toward them, in her usual human-like mental image. She took Mark aside whispering. “Dear. I know you don’t understand this, but I want to find potential mates for Amy as soon as possible. Else she will be forever in you and with you. There will come a time when I want her out of my hair.”

“Mother.” Amy was coming to them. “What is he?” She pointed with her hand, pointing back, without turning her face away from her Eternal Being mother.

“Give him a chance, love. He may like you as a friend.”

Amy turned to study the young boy who was still perfectly still. “I don’t sense in him a spirit, mum. I don’t know if he is life as I understand life.”

The young boy came to Amy. “But I can be spirit too, but only if I find true love.”

“I will go back to my shopping.” Kim gave Mark a kiss and turned, walking off and fading away.

“All right. I will give you a chance.” Amy decided. Instantly the imagery altered rapidly. The four, Mark and Amy and Louise and the boy, all small mental images, sitting on what seemed a cliff in the center of the universe. Below them blackness and a sense of an infinite drop.

“Can you explain to me what this is?” Amy asked the young man while pointing into the chasm.

“The Dimension of Matter perhaps? I can’t sense that Dimension. Few aliens can.” The boy replied.

“Very good.” Amy nodded. “This and this alone is most important to me. If I have to have a companion other than dad when I am older, he must be able to understand the sense that is most important to me. I was born in the Dimension of Eternal Life, but I had to descend through hell after hell into the Dimension of Matter - but not all the way to be born as biological life. I had to find dad. If I ever need to rescue dad again, I need a companion with me who can either sense the Dimension of Matter or can deduce it likely exists.”

“What do you mean you had to find dad? I gather you mean him.” The boy pointed to Mark’s mental image with his hand.

“Oh.” Amy considered how to explain. “You see, he.” She pointed to Mark’s mental image. “Maps, blends, or imagines he does, with a biological life. They are called human beings. They have heads and arms and legs and torso and a brain that thinks. When the brain thinks, it forms energy. Electromagnetic energy and dimensional energy. The latter can form a spirit. I was seeking the spirit that was my life. That I call ‘dad’.”

The boy vanished from the imagery.

Louise was entertained. “Amy. You put him off. You have to find simpler ways to explain. The young alien was terrified by what you explained. Who wouldn’t be? You are talking about matters only god-beings can understand. But Amy surely you do accept dad maps onto biological life?”

“This is what dad imagines, Louise. Dad even imagines what a biological brain is like and he mapped it onto his energy Being. Clever that, but I can’t talk dad out of his fantasy, so I explain as if this was the case. And I am going to give mum a lecture when we are back home. I am much too young to concern myself with such matters.” Amy decided. (Among advanced alien life there is, among family, incredible sensitivity. So now that Louise understands how Amy understands Mark, Louise is not going to try and change Amy’s mind. That’s Amy’s decision).

The mental imagery, the setting, altered rapidly. A replica of Earth, of Sydney, Australia. A man coming out of Luna Park, an amusement park like Coney Island in the USA, with two girls by his side.

“Do we have to catch a train home, dad?” Amy asked.

A night setting. In front of them the large Harbor bridge. Across it a lit train was traveling. “Is that a train?” Louise pointed.

“Louise. You are supposed to act like you are familiar with all there is around you.” Amy told Louise. “When we are in a strange alien Realm of Life don’t give away that we don’t belong. Mum told me that. She said it is the smartest way to fit in and not be noticed.”

“All right. I will remember.”

“We can catch a ferry to Circular Quay.” Mark pointed to an approaching ferry.

For the next half-hour it was just like a father and two daughters on a night out in Sydney and now making their way home. After the ferry they did board a train and emerged a few stations later, and a walk to an apartment building, then up stairs, and into an apartment.

The moment the door closed the setting, the imagery, altered rapidly. The three were in the land of giants. A yellowish background.

“Why are we not relative size to them?” Amy was looking up at the giants walking past. They had human images, this was relative sense, but they were truly giant.

From what seemed between the legs of a giant a small image of a boy emerged. About 11 in relative appearance. He came to Amy. “Can I be your friend please. I can sense the life you know as the Hebrew God.”

Louise had to put her hand over her mouth to stop giggling. In a very real sense as a child Eternal Being, as mentioned these were extremely extremely rare and Amy wasn’t much older than a few months, and yet already she had a few serious ‘proposals’.

“You can?” Amy was impressed. “I don’t sense a spirit in you the way I understand spirit.”

“The Hebrew God is more than pure spirit. He has a mind too. I can sense Him in My Way.”

“This is interesting.” Amy nodded, then pointed to some of the giants walking past. “What are these giants? An alien Realm of Life - but can you  tell me something about it please.”

“This is part of the mind of the Lord God. I refer to the Hebrew God. Some of his people-in-the-spirit can experience this effect, and when they do they appear as giants.”

Suddenly a truly powerful compelling force came at Louise. It was Kim’s flow giving Louise instructions. In response Louise moved to the boy and took his hand and the two walked off. “You made a good impression on Amy. Best to leave it that way until the next opportunity.”

The boy understood and walked off, soon becoming a giant himself.

The imagery altered rapidly. An unusual Realm of Life. A man, or woman mental image, with a sword fighting a dragon. This was fascinating! They watched and watched and watched this ferocious battle. After a while each, Mark and Louise and Amy, felt they were the warrior fighting the dragon.

As the vision was fading Amy and Mark concluded Louise was the best warrior when her turn came to blend/be the warrior.

“Dad. A Noble Way Life in the Spirit is trying to capture aspects of Life in the Dimension of Life and Dimension of Eternal Life. How are they going to capture the nature of relative time? A billion years in Earth time could pass while we were battling the dragon.” Amy was intrigued.

“That is a mystery to me, it truly is, but they are clever.” Mark felt.

“What I am still becoming used to, Amy, dad, is that when we are back home in our Dimension only a short relative time will appear to have passed. Actually, I sense mum wants us home.”

And the setting changed and they were inside a painting Amy had made in the past. The three were large birds flying underneath a bright moon toward their home. (Ah, but the ‘state of mind’ also changes so it is exactly like the state of mind of such birds. Each is experiencing exactly and precisely what such a bird would experience during such a flight). A lovely fanciful flight and then the setting changed and they were back in their beloved Dimension of Eternal Life in a replica of a house of Earth. A large area on the lower floor. Next to the lounge room a dining room. A long table. A glass top. Cindy in her usual five-year-old image, white shirt and knee long dark-blue dress, was in this setting and she was placing knives and forks on the table near the plates. “Hello.” She beamed a smile while busy arranging the table. “Mum is learning how to set a table the way people do this.”

“Mum or you?” Louise asked.

“Mum, but she can’t coordinate her image in the way I can, so I am doing this for her. I am her mind for now.” Cindy clarified. (Cindy is harder to explain).

“Mum is determined to work out what eating on Earth is like and how to cook.” Amy explained to Louise as the two took their seats. “I can scan dad’s brain, his imaginary brain as I always thought but maybe it is his biological brain, to find taste information, but mum can’t do that. Taste is hard to work out because the human brain stores that information all over the place. So far mum tried a few recipes and the result was a mess.”

Their eyes turned to what seemed an image of a 3-year-old in a pretty dress rushing from the entry door to the stairs and up these.

“That is a new child born to mum and dad.” Amy explained to Louise. “So far only brief flashes past like a phantom. Mum says she is shy, whoever she is. We don’t know anything about her or what alien Realm of Life she came from.” Amy shook her head. “She has worked out how to form a relative human image, which we use since dad was put on this mission of his, so she is preparing to make an entry, at some time, and introduce herself to mum and dad. She may be waiting until she senses enough and understands us, so she can be like maybe a 5-year-old in relative sense.”

Louise noticed Kim standing near the kitchen area and carefully watching what Cindy was doing, how Cindy was placing knives and forks near the plates.

Mark opened the sliding glass doors to the balcony. He stepped out. Below a chasm. Across in the far distance mountains. Kim came and embraced him from behind, put her head on his shoulder. “I can’t coordinate human-like activity. Cindy is most helpful. I can work out what is required, but I can’t do it without observing how it is done. Silly. You do understand Amy is determined, when you are back home in our Dimension, she wants to make sure it is exactly like Earth for a while until you recover completely.”

“She has plans. She tried a few out on me. Clever ones.”

“That’s Amy. The clever one.” Kim agreed. “I hope our new daughter will introduce herself soon. She is flashing by so fast of late. I can sense shyness. Some life is like that.”

Moments later the 3-year-old in a pretty pink dress with flowers is in the lounge room standing still with head lowered.

Kim comes to her, kneels, imagined brushing back her longish brown hair with her hand. “Hello. Finally presented yourself. Hmm. I would like to pick you up, but I don’t know if you are still attached to …. your galaxy? … that could cause a problem.”

Amy comes and kneels near her. “Hi. Have you chosen a name? A silly human tradition, but we interact in Life in the Spirit.”

“Ala.” The girl nodded and pointed to herself.

Mark had come inside and was standing behind Amy. “Is that a girl’s name, dad?” Amy turned to him.

“Ala? In Arabic it is a male name. In Ukrainian Orthodox churches it is Alla, a female name, I think associated with one of their saints.”

“Dad. You are reading too much into this. I sense Ala is not from the Dimension of Matter.” Amy felt.

“I have no attachments, mum.” Ala shakes her head as she explains to Kim.

“You do, dear, I can tell. Delicate connections. I will pick you up.” She picked up the 3-year-old. “And soon, sweets, YOU and I will need to do some shopping and find traders who can understand those delicate connections in a better way. We don’t want a galaxy to swirl while you play with your siblings, do we?”

“No mum.” Ala shakes her head and smiles. “That is fun, mum.” She giggles.


They (their lift of awareness; their sensitivity) descended down to the Life in the Spirit group level that was attempting this trick of somehow explaining life in the Dimension of Eternal life onto as accurate a human understanding as possible. The lowest level possible that Kim could still interact with directly. A dark VR setting formed. A large palatial-like building. Inside a large ballroom. In it what seemed male and females in costumes from different periods of human history dancing like a waltz.

They arrived in two black cars (the best comparison). Kim and Mark in his man-image emerged. Then all their offsprings: in relative human age comparisons there was Harla (12), Louise (11), Amy (9), Lisa (7), Sara (7), Isabella (7), Li (5), Cindy (5), Ala (3). The girls dressed in their typical clothes to make it easier for those online but who couldn’t see the VR that well to work out who was who. Harla in a black dress wide from waist down and to her ankles. Louise and Amy in a light top and dark brown skirt. Lisa in yellow kind of old-fashioned dress. Sara in a light-blue. Isabella in a pretty white dress that flared out like a wedding dress might. Li in an oriental style red dress with a split down one side. Cindy in a white shirt and dark-blue skirt to her knees. Ala wore a longish pretty floral dress. Harla has long black hair. Louise and Amy dark brown and not that long. Lisa’s was blond, and so was Sara’s and Isabella’s. Li was on the dark side, as was Cindy’s. Ala’s was light brown to her shoulders.

“Wait in the usual spot please.” Kim whispered to Amy who gave a curtsy and walked to a dark corner. Two solid human images (but fairly faint) outside the main doors. One of which kept an eye on Amy - she in the darkness and barely a sense of her.

Ala held onto Harla’s hand. Harla was explaining as they walked into this grand palatial, but rather dark, ballroom. “Ala. Amy is a true child Eternal Being. So so rare. Unbelievable how rare. Mum, that’s Kim, we all gave ourselves names to make it easier to interact with an advanced Life in the Spirit group that desires to understand us, is concerned that Eternal Beings will suffocate Amy with sheer natural curiosity about her. So mum comes in first and checks out if it is safe for Amy to enter.”

After all have entered Amy was given the go ahead and came inside.

“Ala. Isabella. Cindy. Li. Come into this dark corner and you can play with blocks.” Amy took charge of them and they came to a very dark corner, past a row of small chairs, and sat down. Colorful blocks on the floor. “Play with these.”

“Sure mum.” Cindy said. That made Amy a touch embarrassed and she walked away some.

To Amy’s utter surprise Ala started to explain about the blocks. “I know these represent dimensional energy. A human Life in the Spirit concept. The black cube has to be on the outside. Dimensional energy forms its own cohesive …. uhm …. membrane … that is its sense. It is like DNA, a fine chemical, ever so incredibly tiny, and monitors its own intelligence.”

On hearing this Amy panicked. So far she was Mark’s chief science advisor about such matters. She moved around the floor among the splendidly dressed dancing couples. Each couple mapped onto an Eternal Being. The best this could be explained is that each was like a puppet connected by ropes to the Eternal Being so far above this level of reality. Amy made a mistake of walking among them. A mistake because a couple would stop their movement and focus on Amy, who in turn smiled and continued searching for Mark and Kim. She came onto long wide slightly curving steps and walked upstairs. Down a hall and turned to an area with a balcony. Against an incredible skyline and dark orange sun setting, Mark was with Kim, the two embracing, kissing, but Kim’s form was changing from Helen to adult Lisa to Lana to the adult Li. When Amy felt it was all right she came to them. She gave a curtsy to Kim and then to Mark. “Dad. You will never guess. And I am a touch jealous. Guess what Ala is? A scientist. She just explained another aspect of dimensional energy that we never considered. Come, listen to her.”

“This, my young majesty, I would like to understand.” Mark agreed.

Amy took Mark’s hand and immediately the two were sitting with the others in that dark corner. Amy asked Ala to explain what she explained before, and anything else that she could think of. Kim was also in the background, standing near and listening.

Kim flowed to Mark to stand with her and he did. She put a hand around his arm and imagined brushing his hair with the other hand, speaking softly in a delicate natural female flow “Long ago in a galaxy far away, if I heard a 3-year-old talk like that, I would panic. Ala was slow at first learning human Life in the Spirit sense communication and concepts, but it didn’t take her long to sound so natural, as if she always belonged. Wish to make love?”

“Uhm, uhm, no.” Mark pointed to the corner. “That is interesting.”

“Aha.” Kim replied but the next moment the two were dancing the slow waltz movements like others on the floor. Now and then the mental image of Helen or Lana or adult Lisa or adult Li replaced that of Kim. This was needed to complete the blend of consciousnesses. Kim, an Eternal Being, composed of perhaps a trillion individual consciousnesses, was incorporating the females she at times mapped onto in Life in the Spirit onto her overall consciousness. While this took place at times the child Lisa would freeze in the VR, or the child Li, or Sara who mapped onto Helen, or Harla who mapped onto Lana. (Note: It isn’t just those females from Life in the Spirit. Any female in Mark’s past who may have had an attraction to Mark in his natural human form, such Kim also considers as acceptable within her Being.)


And then the Life in the Spirit group (only dimly aware at the best of times) which was trying to equate this to human understanding began to fade off. What happened was this. The next VR was with Mark in his human mental image and with Kim in her mental image, she in an old-fashioned white-pink gown, the two sitting close to each other on what looked like a seat formed from a window (a recessed window; an old-fashioned window right behind them). They were small dot-like images. Their children seemed to be in this large room also as small mental images, and doing activity. But, the eternal life particles forming this new VR decided to introduce a sense of reality about Kim and Mark and their eternal life family. (After all these were two Eternal Beings not mortals! The life particles attempted to explain this in their way.) This resulted in feelings and sensations of incredible majesty, divinity, holiness, wonder, an impossible to imagine sense and depth of eternal life. All of this was so overpowering that one by one the few members of this Life in the Spirit group began to fade away - to use a metaphor: the living Sun was too bright and beyond their ability to be in the presence off such awesome wonder and majesty, and a sense of eternal life so strong it became terrifying to a mortal psychology and the human brain which can only relate to life and death - life for a set time and not forever.


When the Life in the Spirit group, trying to map Eternal Life onto some sort of human understanding, resolved their ‘technical issue’ an interaction resumed. The imagery faint for the family but perhaps very strong for the Life in the Spirit group online. A faint vision of a train. A corridor on the side. Mark and Amy walking ahead. Ala holding Kim’s hand walking slowly. Exactly what Ala was sensing wasn’t understood, but she seemed to avoid imaginary obstacles by stepping to the side. Just before they entered their cabin Ala imagine lifting on toes and touching something on the wall.

“Ala is still delicately connected to her former Realm of Life.”Kim flowed silently to Mark. “She is sensing connections and side-stepping. I don’ know what she imagined on the wall.”

An old-fashioned carriage. Two long seats facing one another. Ala took the window seat and onto her knees and peering out from the open window at a lovely mountain landscape. Amy sat opposite and explained to Ala what was taking place. “Ala. You can enjoy the view, the sensations and feelings and other super things, for as long as you want to. This journey will take as long as you want it to, and as long as I want it to, and as long as mum and dad (Amy pointed to the faint mental images of Mark and Kim) want it to.”

“Ah?”Ala indicated by putting a hand to the side. Clearly this didn’t make much sense to her.

“This is a dimension within the Dimension of LIFE, Ala. Time and distance and many things are relative to perception and desire. If you want to enjoy this forever, this view out the window, you can. That part of YOU that wants to enjoy forever is left on this train while the rest of us finish the journey and walk away. You too walk away, but not that part of you that desires to enjoy everlasting life forever.”

“I get it.”Ala nodded (but it took a while for her to understand this).