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Hebrew God

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The Third Testament

(Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life)

No  matter who you are or what you believe, you have a chance to experience the Hebrew God dimension which has absolutely no connection to any religion. The dimension is for individuals.

Arthur Winarczyk


The Science of Life The Science of Life Beyond mortal life

Long ago the dimension made a promise to those who truly try to understand: “Seek God with your heart not with magical thinking or supplications or worship of shrines. Seek and you will find.” (Jeremiah 29:13).

YOU can believe what you want and go to church every day and pray 100 times a day. You are a human being. Your brain is not equipped to touch or understand the Hebrew God dimension unless you follow instructions from the spirit. For Christians it is to seek TRUTH and not to believe in magical miracles. Seek with your heart, seek the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Life in the Spirit (Hebrew God dimension) explained simply:  (or just ‘in the spirit’ or ‘being in the spirit’ or a ‘Tale in the Spirit’; the Promised Land or Kingdom of Heaven). The Science of Life provides neuroscience and scientific information how a brain adapts. If you are a bona fide psychic and are interested you shouldn’t have too much of an issue adapting. Most people abide by the Laws of the Heart nowadays, so that ought not be an issue. Because of the sexual revolution, you may need to sort out what “Do not commit adultery” means to you - Saint Paul explained the laws are spiritual not carnal, so you ought to be able to resolve this. (Romans 2:29)

At low levels a comfortable enhanced imagination effect caused by ‘dimensional energy’ forming in the brain. Energy not constrained by spatial distances. A form of mental telepathy. Visions, settings, a virtual reality, Tales in the Spirit. (The Science of Life lists theorems of dimensional energy extrapolated from studies of identical twins. Life in the Spirit is explained in The Third Testament and The Science of Life. Some metaphors for a ‘Tale in the Spirit’ are ‘burning bush’, ‘pillar of fire’, ‘whirlwind’, and ‘cloud’).

Caution. While mental telepathy has been proven (link to one Psychology Today article), if you are a teenager or a young adult and have thoughts of someone reading your thoughts using telepathy, or sometimes you hear a voice as if someone was in the room with you, do consult your doctor.  Those capable of Life in the Spirit don’t think of telepathy only as ‘being in the spirit’.

Intermediate Life in the Spirit At these levels a Man and a Woman are born (in the spirit; hence Man-in-the-spirit or Woman-in-the-spirit). Advanced groups form called Noble Ways. The mental telepathy becomes ‘sense telepathy’ which is language independent (The Science of Life explains; has examples). The time is usually used to create tales and themes or enjoy a theme, or a family-in-the-spirit can spend time together. Genesis 1:28 tells those party to Life in the Spirit to multiply. That means to develop interesting and diverse Life in the Spirit groups and themes. The biggest confusion of scholars is not understanding the difference between ‘Man’ and ‘man’, and ‘Woman’ and ‘woman’, and you have to work out if  ‘man’ refers to ‘Man’, and ‘woman’ to ‘Woman’. Advanced: For the few. A person needs to let go of all carnal associations.

Non-religious Understanding of the Hebrew God

The Hebrew God is Life in the Spirit as defined herein. Introducing:

 The Third Testament and The Science of Life

A promise in the New Testament comes alive!  When the Spirit of Truth comes, who proceeds from the Father, he shall lead you into all truth. The Holy Spirit is an integral part of the Spirit of Life in him. He will remind you of all I said and will draw upon the Old and the New.”  (John 16:13)

Religion is a man-made belief system and lifestyle. Religion can serve the emotional and spiritual need of followers - but that doesn’t refer to the Hebrew God. Christian religions may have adapted parts of their ‘mystery’ from the Bible, but they invented their own ‘image of God’. If you don’t follow a recipe then you have a mess or something different to what was intended. The volume of ‘mystery’ invented by religions claiming such is history is considerable. From claims that the first church was built in AD 33 in Jerusalem and operated by the apostle Peter, to crucifixion by Romans. (Fact: the first  known church was in Dura-Europas built around 233 AD (link). Fact is: the Romans didn’t conduct crucifixions (link)).

In our time the story of ‘Son of God’ and ‘magical acts’ may appear as folklore - but 2000 years ago it was the norm to invent stories about a deity a group worshipped. If you are interested in the Hebrew God The Third Testament replaces the Bible. (Click for extracts). The Hebrew God dimension is not about rituals or prayers or sacraments or kneeling in submission. That is the domain of religions that worship crosses and statues and invent purification rituals. Some may be convinced their incantations can result in a person going to heaven. As it is written “Make no image of me” (Exodus 20:4; ignore ‘I am a jealous God’ - that is from a carnal mind trying to understand the ‘why’. The spirit provides a flow. A human mind then explains the reason which usually reflects what people think about their God. A feedback technique. See The Third Testament).

The Bible is ‘veiled’ (Corinthians 4:3). Few pass through that veil. An emotional and psychological barrier blocks true interest in the Hebrew God. People don’t talk about religion. That leads to confrontation. To believe in ‘magical miracles’ and ‘invented history’ is the ‘faith’ of churches. Parts include “He will return to judge the living and the dead”. Same issues for Muslims. To question what is taught is to risk alienation and punishment. No matter what a religion claims, such have no connection to the Hebrew God dimension. (Note: But Islam-in-the-spirit is lovely - linked to Ishmael and not the Koran).

The likely scenario: the Hebrew God dimension is Life in the Spirit. After 2000 years of antisemitism (over 45,000 Christian religions) it can be difficult to draw close to the Hebrew God because that is Jewish Life in the Spirit (Psalm 82:6). The Romans, tired of wars with Jews, invented the church as propaganda against Jews. They forced a Rabbi, Saint Paul, to invent a new religion. (Not hard for a skilled Rabbi to invent a religion. Consider the Book of Mormon). Later that church blended Cult of Isis beliefs with the work of Saint Paul, and fabricated plots (e.g. Judas Iscariot) and produced their New Testament. Only fragments remain of the original. The Nicene church manipulated a theology from parts of the Bible and Egyptian religions. Its mission to spread antisemitism by propagating a myth about a man who performed magical miracles but was betrayed by Jews. This was supposed to be ‘faith’. Universities may charge $US77,000 for a theology course - fairytales (Matthew 15-14).

Religions have a bad history: Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, Child Abuse. Each of the 45,000 claims to be the ‘true religion’, ignoring “In my father’s house there are many rooms” (John 14:2). The ‘church’ in the Gospels (Acts 7:48) often refers to ‘Way of the Cross’ - a Life in the Spirit group.  

© 5GL Software Australia or author/developer - Identifiable and/or registered trademark/s © 5GL-Doctor, The Science of Life  (Including Dimensional Energy Physics and the Intelligent Design of Evolution)

Learn about the Hebrew God and not religion

Consider the wisdom of Solomon: “For everything there is a season”. (Ecclesiastes 3:1). The season of the Old Testament passed. The season for the New Testament  also passed - there is now The Third Testament and The Science of Life.  Recall “When the perfect comes the imperfect will pass away.” In any generation few are party to Life in the Spirit, so the ‘soul of the Hebrew God’ (New Testament) taught ethics love compassion forgiveness. What was natural to the ancients is not to us. Example: Genesis 1:16 “And God made the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.” No meaning in our times.

If you are interested in understanding the Hebrew God dimension purchase The Third Testament and The Science of Life (from publisher). The Third Testament is a novel with a theme because it isn’t possible for the human brain to understand a dimension easily and techniques have to be invented. However, those parts to do with the Hebrew God are a scholarly work. And why not try one of the spiritual themed novels? Top reading. The right novel may bring you into the spirit quicker and simpler than other options.

The Hebrew God dimension is Life in the Spirit and The Way of a Man and a Woman.

Modern Bibles are becoming unreliable. No one outside of Life in the Spirit can understand Bible.

‘Trinity’ is from an Egyptian and Hindu religious concept. (Link to Egyptian Trinity, Hindu Trinity).

Parts of the New Testament attributed to Saint Paul are not likely by Paul. 2 Corinthians 11:24 talks about Paul being prosecuted beaten imprisoned by Jews. Paul was a Roman citizen and ‘untouchable’ by Jews.

Other than Saint Paul there were no human apostles.

Hebrew God is about LIFE

One of the novels may be of interest. Each from Life in the Spirit interactions. Below novel suggested audience.  Click on cover for more.


Science fiction - but actually an example of Eternal Companions who continually live their life in much the same way. Yipee is equated best it can be to human understanding and is one of the lives in their Eternity.

If Windows Media Player installed properly sound plays. No? Try click to stop/start

“Nevertheless, salvation shall come from the Jews” (John 4:22).

Unless you can overcome 2000 years of ignorance and antisemitism, you can never understand the Hebrew God dimension because the Hebrew God is Jewish Life in the Spirit.

Interested in a Way of Life ‘in the spirit’ and not religion? The Bible is veiled (Corinthians 4:3). Only those ‘born in the spirit’ (John 3:6) can understand. (John 3:3). Theology is a carnal psychology and philosophy and a money making business.

A Jewish Life in the Spirit, but it’s a mix, satisfied the Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) walks ‘in the spirit’ among them, has opened their ‘door’ to look after you if you come into the spirit even if you are not a Jew or ‘true Jew’ (Saint Paul defined a ‘true Jew’). The mental image you might see dimly is you and a woman/man sitting together in a theatre with handcuffs joining you. That is a ‘bind’ into a group. You have to have purchased The Third Testament. (Your ‘passport’). If you are a Jew - you still need a passport into your ‘homeland’ (Life in the Spirit). A loose estimate suggests 1 in every 1000 Jews is capable of coming into the spirit. That is a large number.



Catholic/Protestant/ Anglican







John 14-17 ought to read: Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers selling pardons for sins and transgressions, saying “You shall not make my house a den of thieves”.  But the Christian church (Nicene Church) saw a business in this and sold pardons until Middle Ages. Known as ‘indulgences’ (link).

What does it mean to ‘worship in spirit and truth’? (John 4:24). It is not about ‘believing’ (that is the domain of religions). It means to understand historical facts that clearly suggest the Old and New Testament were manipulated by the early church. That church was setup by the Romans and was about antisemitism and generating a myth about a Messiah called Jesus Christ born of a virgin. It was a huge business by selling indulgences. The Jewish-Roman war in AD 66-73 resulted in the Romans hating the Jews. The New Testament appears to come from one source (link1, link2). In part Egyptian legends (link). Religious leaders alter the Bible to suit. (Eg. Magdalene (link). See The Third Testament).

(Link to an interaction)

Sodom and Gomorrah

A biblical tale of a city full of free sex. How is this different to the modern sexual revolution in many countries? The New Testament reaffirmed the Laws of Moses (Laws of the Heart) one of which is “Do not commit adultery”. If you don’t follow a recipe you have a mess. Granted, the laws are spiritual but until you understand what that is about - best to stick to the literal meaning. Open sex may be an addiction and even after people marry they may not help affairs. (So stick to the code).