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Hebrew God

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The Third Testament

(Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life)

No  matter who you are or what you believe, you have a chance to experience the Hebrew God dimension which has absolutely no connection to any religion. The dimension is for individuals.

Arthur Winarczyk


The Science of Life The Science of Life Beyond mortal life

Long ago the dimension made a promise to those who truly try to understand: “Seek God with your heart not with magical thinking or supplications or worship of shrines. Seek and you will find.” (Jeremiah 29:13).

YOU can believe what you want and go to church every day and pray 100 times a day. You are a human being. Your brain is not equipped to touch or understand the Hebrew God dimension unless you follow instructions from the spirit. For Christians it is to seek TRUTH and not to believe in magical miracles. Seek with your heart, seek the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Typical Life in the Spirit Interaction

(A chapter from The Third Testament. The ‘Promised Land’ or ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is at times a replica of true life. Except the mental images of a male and female usually relatively young and nice looking and don’t age. As to why actions are usually done (in low-level of the spirit VR) much like they would be in ordinary life, that is a tradition on one understands the reason for. People become used to it and comply)


Is there such a thing as a typical Life in the Spirit experience? Not really. There are different ‘themes’ in Life in the Spirit. Some of these are so well developed such can be confused with truth.

There are distinct types of styles and themes. The narrative presented (with explanations) is more common. At times, however, an interaction can read much like a day in true life. Mark is usually in his man-image. Those who claim they can see a VR in the mind well say is similar to Elvis aged about 30. However, very few people would actually see details of a face. Most people wouldn’t be comfortable seeing a too strong a vision in their mind. For some people online this experience is only an enhanced imagination and not troubling.

Parts of an interaction (at lower levels and depth) are often from true life but the wife-in-the-spirit (and vice versa for a woman) overlaps with the human wife (if any). That is the reason sometimes parts of a VR experience is really true life but with different ‘Beings’ in place of people who were there at the time. For example. In the last section a visit to Tasmania. Lana might be overlapping onto a memory of Mark’s human wife, and the girls mental images onto his children, and the result is a VR that may seem very authentic and can be very strong visually. (Or the other way around. Mark might be overlapping onto Lana’s real husband’s memory and an outing).

Child images are usually adults whose comfort level with the experience is only that of say a child or a young teenager. The picture on the top left is the closest I could find to how some images and settings look like. At times cartoon-like but high quality. Kind of close to true life (in a way; but again the strength varies with a person’s comfort level). At other times simple cartoon-like. At other times close to ordinary life but ideal. Sometimes energy formations impossible to explain - like made of small compact sizzling dots. Mark is Man and man and Being and Spirit. (Life in the spirit has these definitions to make it simpler to follow. Tricky part is that’ man’ and ‘woman’ don’t refer to biological people but a ‘layer’ and depth of a Life in the Spirit environment. Having said, that ‘man’ and ‘woman’ are close to how a person would behave and talk in true life - except it is Life in the Spirit. The male and female mental images, over time, develop a lifestyle of their own. Also, the spirit doesn’t allow carnal associations, the interaction ends.)

In advanced levels Mark is the Spirit of Truth and Holy Spirit and part of the Hebrew God, who in some mysterious way is part of the God of Gods. (This is the theme of The Third Testament). A simple way to understand. Mark usually keeps his distance meaning he wants those online with him to sort out an issue. He rarely interferes. Lana has ‘Harla’ as part of her. This is tricky to explain - but most things in Life in the Spirit are - Harla is like a ‘feeling for Allah’ (not the Hebrew God; Lana doesn’t ask herself to clarify what or who Allah is) but can be a 12-year-old image in some interactions. Islamic Life in the Spirit has its roots in Ishmael the son of Abraham by a ‘slave’. They don’t use the Koran - or so Lana claims. Lana thinks Mohammed was talking about Ellah, not the Hebrew God. Ellah was a pagan deity the ‘Moon God’ worshipped in Mecca in Mohammed’s time.

(Helen, maps onto a  Jew but that isn’t common with Jews, is Mark’s main wife-in-the-spirit, but Life in the Spirit is only a one to one experience at low levels. Higher and deeper levels are when a ‘Woman’ uses a technique of ‘will’ to join a number of single women into the Woman. Much easier to experience this than try to explain.)

Lana is ‘woman’ part of Mark’s wife-in-the-spirit. Hence Helen is the ‘Woman’ part of his wife. Then a number of ‘women’ who are not completely comfortable with being ‘woman’ are part of her WILL meaning like a female image in the spirit. Again, simpler to experience than try to explain.  The union or marriage between Mark and Lana is much like a normal marriage. Only she can form a proper sexual experience with Mark because she is closest to natural woman. This may change - later Isha takes over from Lana at this level. While any female part of Helen’s WILL could do this, a sexual experience across this plane is not satisfying, in fact it can be annoying, unless it is a ‘man’ and ‘woman’ who do this. But, in Roman Catholic Life in the Spirit at advanced levels which has very few members, a priest and a Sister may form a marriage (Faith Marriage) and may use sexual telepathy but they don’t use sexual imagery. Apparently the effect is the same, just no imagery, so it is claimed, and hence no physical reaction. This group even has like a classroom ‘in the spirit’ which teaches those interested (teaches in the spirit) how to go about this. Jewish, and Catholic, and Islamic Life in the Spirit have a ‘soul to soul’ connection experience which is beautiful but different in each camp.

Anglican Life in the Spirit is low-level and they don’t have the tradition of a marriage-in-the-spirit (also known as Truth Marriage to Jews or Holy Marriage in Islam or Faith Marriage (Catholic Religious mainly; extremely rare for a lay Catholic to end up with a ‘Faith Marriage’)).

In this interaction, Amy and Louise and Cindy are not human beings. They don’t map onto a person. Cindy maps onto a chimpanzee, but she is by now far removed from associating herself with her ‘mother’ which ‘gave me birth’. This is the way Cindy thinks about this. She is a cute lovely mental image of a human girl. Also, any Life in the Spirit to Cindy is ‘heaven’. She doesn’t try to define this any more no matter how different the experience. Always ‘heaven’ (Studies and research into chimps and gorillas found the intelligence is the same as typical (the ‘norm’) human intelligence. Cindy seems more intelligent than a typical person. Not so good at counting more than 5.)

Note that what may come across as natural language and natural talk is like a ‘tongue of angels’. A ‘sense’ conveys the meaning, not the actual verbal thought. In the last section Mark and Lana are talking about repairing a house. While a part of this is true and maps onto true life, that true-life part is used to ‘encode’ symbolism (their private talk) and it may appear as if they are talking about a true-life situation. This is how it works in the spirit. The spirit does this. Now and then after an interaction a person may need to feel through why a conversation (in the spirit) came about in the way it did. It can be a surprise or unexpected within an interaction.

Typical(?) Life in the Spirit Interaction

(Pretty strong VR) Mark and Lana were waiting for the girls to finish school in their dimension of life named Andromeda. A medium level Life in the Spirit. The school mainly teaches about different Life in the Spirit groups and techniques and traditions, and psychic circles. Most of that teaching is not words. The student may be explained some but then a virtual reality(VR) experience begins about what is being explained. Usually students like this. The depth considerable, and true of low-level Life in the Spirit including the Buddhist equivalent, hence anytime they go to school they would be learning something new. Louise is 11 in relative age and taller than Amy, 9, but so close in looks. Cindy is 5. (The three may stay this age for decades. Not the same way of maturing. Imagery isn’t that strong really. Strong mental images tire the brain so each person finds their own preferred comfort level).

“How was it?” Lana smiles at the three.

“About Buddhism. Interesting.” Amy nodded.

“About a Catholic mystery.” Louise gave Lana a kiss on the cheek. “And still a mystery to me what that class was about.”

“I learned how to count better using bananas, mum.” Cindy explained. On her back a schoolbag.

They turned to walk down the street (yes, actual walking in this imaginary world but the pace may different, like being in one place then another fairly quickly) and to the beach. One way to reach their house. Lana suggested they go to a cafe for dinner. They turn around and continue along the beach then to a cafe. Not very busy. Eating in their imaginary fantasy world of the imagination is a social event, a bonding event, but also the food when done well does have a ‘sense’ to it (not so much taste; it is an enhanced imagination effect).

At this point the VR changes for Mark. He is with three others. Small images. Majestic feeling to this VR. They are discussing how to formulate completely the story of Jesus into modern times. Near them an image of a man crucified on the cross. A reddish hue to this VR typical of a spiritual image and scent. In Life in the Spirit an interaction may need someone who is busy in ordinary life. The spirit seems to schedule a time when all those needed are online, but this is impossible to predict. The reason this VR took over because now all four were online. The spirit world of this kind is a ‘dimension’. There is no true spatial distance or true time, only a perception of both. So while this side interaction is taking place, neither Lana or the girls need to be aware of this and Mark in his man-image is with them too.

The family had scheduled an outing. Instead of going to their house in this dimension, the VR forms at an airport and it is very true to life because physical human memories are used, from either Mark or Lana, to enhance the VR. Imagine a family walking into say Sydney airport. Since Mark (say in Australia) and Lana (say in Turkey) are using different memories of an airport, a kind of mixed VR results. This airport looks like a mix of the two airports, so it wouldn’t be an exact image of Sydney or Turkey airport.

They line up. This is done much like in true life and the memories include queues and a busy airport, and a wait to check-in their luggage. Cindy is looking about. She is next to a boy about her age. (Likely a person online too but not that comfortable with the experience, which is the norm for beginners, so he seems to be young.)

“I am going to sit on a bird and fly.” She flows to the boy-child-image.

“On an airplane. I am too.”

“My mother said it was a big bird.”

“Your mother is silly.”

“Cindy.” Lana turned to her. “Sometimes you need to clarify when you say ‘mother’. Your friend will think it was me.”

“He isn’t my friend, mum.”  Cindy shakes her head and then, and she has learned how to do this, forms a private interaction with Amy. “It was Lana who told me this? But I am not supposed to expose my parents nakedness. Do I turn to mum and remind her she said that, not my mother?” Amy reflects and shakes her head. “No, Cindy, don’t embarrass Lana in front of anyone - except family.”

“Lady. Why would you tell your daughter she is going to sit on a big bird?” The boy demands to understand.

“No, love. Cindy maps onto an alien. Her mother, that is whom she meant, is her alien body or thoughts.”

“I understand.” The boy nods and proceeds to explain to Cindy what an airplane is and how it flies. As he does this the family moves along the queue, obtain their tickets and check-in, and start looking for their departure gate.

Louise and Amy walking ahead. “This is tricky, Amy. Some of the signs are in Arabic.”

“We follow the sense, Louise. We don’t need signs.”

A short wait and they board. Mark is holding Cindy. Amy and Louise ahead with paper tickets in hand looking for their seat numbers. The two sit in the seat in front of the others. Cindy is excited with a window seat and kneels sideways on her seat looking through her window.

“Mum. Are we going to fly into rain?”

“I don’t think so. This big bird lifts above the rain clouds.” Lana is fastening her seat belt. “Maybe dad should sit here. He can answer technical questions better.”

“Don’t want dad.” Cindy shakes her head. “You are softer.”

“I am?” Lana is entertained. “This won’t be a long flight, love. For now I need you to sit properly and I need to put this safety belt on you.”

“Why, mum?”

Like anything else in a dimension, in this Life in the Spirit matters are relative. The flight will be as long as Cindy wants it to be, and as short as Amy wants it to be. Same for Lana, and Mark, and Louise. Relative perceptions.

Once ‘up up and away’ and above the clouds Cindy can take her seatbelt off. She kneels on the seat again with face glued to the window. “Look, mum. Clouds! Pretty!”

For a while the flight. Then an announcement the plane is ready to descend and seatbelts are needed. Lana makes sure Cindy is seated properly and fastens her belt. Like with the flight, the experience of descending to land will be as long or short as an individual party to this interaction desires it to be.

They land. Wait for their luggage and exit. Amy and Louise immediately understand something. “Mum.” Amy turns to Lana. “This is Turkey, is it? Your personal memories? You can’t do this as well as Mark. I am hardly visualizing anything beyond a few meters. Like thick fog all around me.”

“I am learning.” Lana explains. “We will catch a taxi. First to our apartment. We will stay there for a few days.”

A journey by taxi. Lana isn’t as good at this as Mark so the visual effect is disappointing - more like driving through a thick fog - until they reach an apartment building and leave the taxi. Lana pays the driver. They walk inside and into an elevator. To a floor and then a walk to a door. Lana unlocks the door. They move in. The girls, except Cindy, have small suitcases. Mark is imagining carrying a big one.

The girls walk about this apartment then come to the large room and sit on the edge of the bed. Lana is unpacking the large suitcase.

“Mum. There is hardly any room in this apartment.”

“It has two rooms. You two can stay in one. Cindy can stay with me and dad in this room. When I unpack I will prepare a meal. There is food in the fridge.”

Amy and Louise, Cindy following, come into the short corridor and into the lounge room and kitchen. This is a small apartment. A sofa. A television. A table at one end in the kitchen area. Louise and Amy imagine sitting on the sofa whispering. “Our house in Haven Point has ten room and a view of the ocean.”

“This is abysmal. Look out the window.” Louise points. “An ugly building and so close. How claustrophobic.”

Cindy found a toy box in a corner and sat down and is pulling out dark-blue and red and yellow blocks. “Play with me.”

Amy and Louise join her on the carpet. The three start building a tower which Cindy regularly knocks down laughing.

Lana imagines cooking. Mark is sitting at the table looking at the girls playing with blocks. Cindy is delighted each time she knocks the tower down. Laughing. That is contagious. Amy and Louise laugh too. A time to eat. Not long after the VR alters. They are on a ferry looking over a railing at the water and enjoying the fresh air and views. Cindy too, she holding onto Mark’s hand. Lana explains what they are seeing in places (or are supposed to see; Lana is still not so good at this form of a VR). For the next few days it is like a family visiting a city and its sights.

In between an experience of the Dimension of Eternal Life. This was important to regularly experience for Mark and Lana and Cindy and Louise. While the previous alien Realms of Life from which Harla (within Lana in this VR) and Louise came from were, or seemed, eternal in their life span, that wasn’t the case. It just seemed that way. In this Dimension now the sense of eternal life is irrefutable and makes Louise and Harla shiver and worry. Not Mark that much because he maps onto a human being and his human brain doesn’t have a concept of life more than a 100 years or so, so to him this is more a ‘hope’ or ‘imagination’ or ‘speculation’, but to Harla and Louise this is truth, reality. Cindy is never concerned because her biological body is a chimp and primates live in the state of NOW hence this doesn’t mean anything to Cindy. This to her is still heaven. “In heaven there are different rooms.” Cindy might explain while nodding. This time Lana forms an adult image independent of Harla. Harla explains to Lana “Yes, that’s it. You will be in a life to come like a seed in me and now and then you can pop out.”

“As a doll. A puppet. Something Amy can play with.” Mark now in his Dark Lord image explains.

Amy laughs and shakes her head. “Not true, Lana. One Holy Rabbi managed to climb this high and his Hebrew God made a quantum leap possible for him. His image was small. Dad imagined being as small and saying to the Rabbi, “Please, Rabbi, refrain from gratitude yet. Amy is a natural child Eternal Being and such are extremely extremely rare. The God of Gods is Amy’s grandfather. You are a present, a toy, for Amy to play with in the kingdom of Eternal Life. So let’s build a doll house that you might not mind.”

Amy was laughing. Louise asked what happened next.

“Oh, Louise, that was ever so embarrassing for me. The two kept inventing and building, both at times little craftsman cutting wood or making bricks, or carpenters or builders, a doll house and forming it in the lounge room. Dad even suggested he better design a room for himself just in case he misunderstood his destiny. I was so so embarrassed, so so embarrassed, but I couldn’t stop laughing. That day was ever so funny. I may always treasure it.”

The VR faded. They were at the kitchen table in Lana’s apartment eating spaghetti. A glass of water near the plates. “Amy and Louise. Do you know why I ended up your mother-in-the-spirit instead of Helen and Lisa?”

“Why?” Cindy asked, not Amy or Louise.

“Lisa, being a Catholic Sister, can’t understand how to use their techniques, or teach, when she can’t through her confidence work out if a mental image maps onto a person. The Jews, Helen, can sense both of you are so different that they accept you in theory, but in practice they don’t like strange Beings among their Ways. Cindy is the only one Helen feels comfortable with, even though she can sense Cindy maps onto a chimp. That is still natural biological life. But Islam-in-the-spirit doesn’t depend on understanding if a Being in the spirit maps onto a body. That is forbidden by….” Lana turns to Mark. “I won’t mention that naughty word, love, but there are some jewels hidden therein.”

Amy put a hand over Louise’s ear to explain what Lana meant. Cindy lost all interest because she noticed a bright yellow banana near her plate and reached for it, began peeling.

“What? What are you thinking Mark?” Lana put a hand softly on his.

“I am not going to say because you won’t like it.”

“Come on, love, we have learned to talk over anything. What?”

“I read a comprehensive article written by a young woman in the psychiatry ward in a hospital. The reason I kept reading, and reading and reading page after page, was that she sounded so much like me. Articular. Intelligent. The ideas she had about many things were exactly like mine. I kept thinking to myself what on Earth is she doing in that ward? When I turned to the last page. Horror. She explained that she regularly liked to attempt suicide, and is so sorry she never managed to succeed, by cutting herself all over her body. I was shocked! So shocked. How…”

“Stop right there.” Lana leaned to give him a kiss. “I don’t like where that is going.”


The VR altered rapidly. This happens often. In a past interaction (in the spirit) they were visiting Tasmania, Australia. For some reason that VR closed unexpectedly. Now it resumed. A complete change of state of mind. Mark is in a hire car which has a child seat for Cindy. He parks in a town called George Town. They step out. The older girls insist they are hungry. This happens often too. For some reason a kind of hunger is frequent enough in Life in the Spirit. Lana organized Mark to take Cindy to a supermarket to find bananas. She and the girls cross the road to what seems the only cafe in this small town.

Mark and Cindy find a larger supermarket - the only one in this area of town. They find the fruit section. Cindy is much better at selection of bananas. Mark holds her while she inspects and points to a bunch she likes. Mark picks that bunch up. They pay and exit and meet the others outside. Amy has a bag of hot chips, old-fashioned style wrapped in newspaper. She had opened the top and is eating one.

“Don’t eat them all.” Cindy demands.

“I won’t.” Amy laughs. “There is so many chips here.”

“Can we go there, dad?” Louise points to a table by the Tamar river. They proceed to it and eat their fish and chips. Mark not fond of fish but in this VR there isn’t much taste. Mark is much better at this style of VR than Lana. So good that it seems they are literally in that place at that time.

“This house you bought, dad.” Louise asks while eating. “You just want to do it up and sell it? Yes?”

“I hope we don’t loose too much money on this.” Lana smiles at Mark.

“We won’t. We will probably make 5000 at least. I hope. I just want a project to get my mind of you know who.” The idea was for Mark to come back on his own for two weeks and repair the house which was in disrepair and the reason it was relatively inexpensive.

“Dad means granddad.” Amy clarifies.

“I know what he means. Granddad may have put the idea in Mark’s head.” Lana said.

The house had some furniture including three beds. Two single and one Queen size. They had already picked up the key from an agent in Launceston. Lana also bought sheets in Launceston for the beds before they arrived in George Town which was about 50 km from a larger town of Launceston in Northern Tasmania. As they ate darkness began.

“You are overlapping memories, dad.” Amy pointed out. The darkness was unexpected.

“Just as well. Let’s finish up, clean up, and retire for the night.” Lana felt.

“We should stay here tomorrow, Lana. They have a penguin parade. We go to an area of the beach and the penguins come at dusk. I think it’s dusk. It costs a bit, but Cindy will enjoy it, so will we.”

“Just one day. Yes? There seems nothing else in this place of interest.” Lana said.

“Oh. I like it. There is a beach. Not far. Too cold at the moment. And this river is nice at night, the lights around it.”

“Dad. Can we keep the house? We could use it for holidays.” Louise suggested.

“We can’t afford to pay for rates and expenses on two houses.” Lana said.

“Dad. You can fix this.” Amy leaned closer whispering but not that quietly. “No one may ever know we own it.”

“I can’t do that. Not right.” Mark whispered to Amy, but in a suspicious way. “All the records will show I owned it but sold it. Is that what you mean?”

“I don’t wish to understand that part, dear.” Lana said firmly. “No talk like that with me around, thank you. I don’t desire to work out if you two are white or black angels when you do that. A Muslim tends to think in terms of angels. That works for me.”

Above and below. Closest I could find to what Mark and Lana look like in the spirit when using a man-image and woman-image (not with that Elvis hair style, rather plain style). But few would see that well. Most people are not comfortable with too strong a VR.

(Above) Very close to what Cindy looks like. (Below) Fairly close to Louise. She and Amy look almost identical except Louise is taller.

The ‘sense’ of this image is the sense of their house-image in the Dimension of Eternal Life. Not what it looks like, just the sense. The actual main room is large and has a huge window right across one wall. Outside incredible brightness but inside it is kind of semi-dark. Their image of an Earth house looks very modern. The walls plain and usually dark. It is like a house made of sizzling dot-like energy bits so close together it can look uniform.

Amy likes to draw or paint. She might sit at an easel by the window (this is a comparison relative to human understanding). The paints she uses contain eternal life particles. If she uses the wrong paint, say it contains an eternal curiosity particle, what she paints alters so subtly she is forever curious what else can she add to this painting. This can keep going literally forever. If Kim (Mark’s Eternal Companion whose relative image is a human woman) or Mark notice Amy too close to the window, they literally have to pick her up and move her away - else she would eventually blend with the window and then become part of the Mountains of Everlasting Life seen through the window.

It was Kim who decided to design such an image of an Earth house so that Mark, and a few others, once their natural human life expires, can ‘awake’ in an environment familiar to them. Mark will not have human memories because he won’t have a human brain, but much of what he is and his natural ‘instinct’ will be the same. However, by this time after decades of experiencing and learning about all this, Amy thinks Mark no longer needs his human brain anyway to be as he is when in the Dimension of Eternal Life with her.