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(Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life)

No  matter who you are or what you believe, you have a chance to experience the Hebrew God dimension which has absolutely no connection to any religion. The dimension is for individuals.

Arthur Winarczyk


The Science of Life The Science of Life Beyond mortal life

Long ago the dimension made a promise to those who truly try to understand: “Seek God with your heart not with magical thinking or supplications or worship of shrines. Seek and you will find.” (Jeremiah 29:13).

YOU can believe what you want and go to church every day and pray 100 times a day. You are a human being. Your brain is not equipped to touch or understand the Hebrew God dimension unless you follow instructions from the spirit. For Christians it is to seek TRUTH and not to believe in magical miracles. Seek with your heart, seek the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Author Profile

Author profile: Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) - seems so. Christian - yes, (but a true Christian in my view understands genuine history and does not imagine Jesus was a man who performed magical miracles or that a ‘virgin birth’ was a magical event - only a Cult of Isis adaptation), that is my human nature, and a true Christian abides by the teachings of ‘the spirit’ as presented by New Testament persona of Jesus Christ. John 8:31: “If you abide by my teachings you are my disciple. You will know the truth and the truth will set your free”. Religious - no, but I don’t mind visiting religions. University graduate - yes, areas of knowledge: physics, medicine, neuroscience, computing, most science. Psychic - only a little, but adequate to have adapted to sense the Hebrew God dimension. Life in the Spirit groups looked after - all, because “In my Father’s house there are many rooms.” (John 14:2) and “Do not chase the little ones away” (Matthew 19:14) and “Whoever is not against you is for you” (Luke 9:50). How do I feel about the Hebrew God - well, from all I discerned about higher evolution on Earth that life-form is responsible for (documented in The Science of Life), I feel that consciousness is ‘holy’ but that is a personal feel.  My  motivation: You would need to read the novel Eternal Companions to get a feel for that - or maybe this VR is insightful:

The awareness was lifting and lifting. Soon it felt like a billion kilometers above Earth. The same sense of beyond the spirit and then his thoughts shifting into the Dimension of Eternal Life. That took close to 20 years for his brain to adapt to and be able to do this. The VR maybe only 15% of human true-life but the sensations immense! A sense of a large dark hall. Faint images of men and women in fine clothes but these figures dim and the images are relative to human perception. One female not so dim and stands alone. Kim is the name given to her in Eternal Companions. Incredible looks relative to human perception. In a bright long old-fashioned dress. Upon her very long blond hair a low-level crown made of dark-red crystals which catch the dimmest light and reflect it brightly as a small lightning-like cross from the center of the crown. First impression of a Goddess!  Mark in his human mental image imagines approaching cautiously while flowing a very old song named ‘Love me Tonight’ by Tom Jones. The music flow excellent reproduction. Exact voice of the singer. The two come together and entwine. Sweeping movements, like a waltz but it is a mix of faster steps and turns even under the arm. Faster and faster resulting in vibrations of the VR. Other faint images also dance in their way as the song flows strongly. The word-flow while they dance “I know that it’s late and I really must leave you alone. But you are so good to hold and I feel such a long way from home. Yes I know our love is still new, but I promise it’s going to be true. Please let me stay don’t send me away.” (And so on. Youtube link)

Later Amy in her 9-year-old image insists she wants to dance with her ‘dad’. Mark flows to her another song, changing some words because it’s an adult lovers song, called “It’s Now or Never” by Elvis. (E.g. instead of say ‘Your lips excite me” Mark flows “Your smile warms me”). He is using the singers tone to flow this but also projects strongly a video of the singer singing this (Because Amy is always interested in how ‘imaginary human beings’ are supposed to look).  They dance like in a waltz but at a lesser pace than before, Amy pressing close. “When I first saw you, with your smile so tender, my heart was captured, my soul surrendered.”  (Youtube link)

Afterwards the awareness reduces rapidly to advanced human Life in the Spirit and Helen (‘Woman’ mental image not a person; she is Mark’s main wife-in-the-spirit and looks after the other wives) takes over from Kim. The VR is about 30% true-life. They dance. Helen is Woman formed from ‘will’ of four individual women. As the awareness lowers the mental image of Helen changes to Lisa then Li then Lana. (All lovely). The awareness now closer to human reality.

When dancing with Helen (Jewish lady rabbi), she flows to Mark the Music of Yentl ‘Where is it written’ using the singers tone-flow: “There is not a morning I begin without a thousand questions running through my mind…..” (youtube link)

When with Lisa (Catholic Sister) she flows to him as they dance a Seekers tune “Walk with me through the long and lonely night. Walk with me and my world is filled with light. Here I stand feeling lost and so alone. .” (Youtube link)

When with Li (Buddhist celibate nun) she projects a VR of Phantom of the Opera (youtube link). In Chinese but sense telepathy is not language dependent so Mark hears it in English.

When with Lana (Muslim, ‘woman-with-a -veil’, that is like a Catholic Sister), she not only flows the tune and words of “I could have danced all night” but also a VR of the video of a singer named Lauren (Lana in her image) singing (youtube link) which includes “I could have danced all night and still have begged for more. I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I've never done before…(Mark imagines being one of the male dancers on stage then the only dancer with her dancing).

(And if you can imagine all this well then you are understanding a grain of what Life in the Spirit is like and the Dimension of Life.)