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Hebrew God

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The Third Testament

(Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life)

No  matter who you are or what you believe, you have a chance to experience the Hebrew God dimension which has absolutely no connection to any religion. The dimension is for individuals.

Arthur Winarczyk


The Science of Life The Science of Life Beyond mortal life

Long ago the dimension made a promise to those who truly try to understand: “Seek God with your heart not with magical thinking or supplications or worship of shrines. Seek and you will find.” (Jeremiah 29:13).

YOU can believe what you want and go to church every day and pray 100 times a day. You are a human being. Your brain is not equipped to touch or understand the Hebrew God dimension unless you follow instructions from the spirit. For Christians it is to seek TRUTH and not to believe in magical miracles. Seek with your heart, seek the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

When A Man Loves a Woman

“Man” with a capital letter refers to a female image in the spirit, but “man” with a small letter refers to a person, a biological body. Same for “Woman” and “woman”. Woman was created from Adam’s rib. A man has more than one rib. Hence a Woman can be many individual women blending together into a Woman by an ancient technique referred to as ‘WILL’.

From the very beginning in Genesis it was always about Man and Woman. However, we are talking about ‘spirit’ not biological bodies. That is the hard part for carnal people to understand. After the narrative some explanations and clarifications. That is the most important thing to understand about the Hebrew God with respect to his own meaning ‘true Jews’ (as defined in the spirit; it means those acceptable to him).

Here is a narrative from the ancient Jewish (not modern Judaism) Way of Life in the Spirit still known as “The Way of a Man and a Woman”. Sometimes Life in the Spirit takes the form of an almost life-like and true to life dream. The state-of-mind that forms is exactly as if this was true life. Two younger people but not too young, have arranged a date. The only thing Mark understands about Irena is that she is from a Jewish family, which he isn’t. Hence for a first date, and it feels exactly like that in this kind of true to life dream which is say 95% vivid, there is uncertainty in Mark how this will work out.

The Experience (True to life dream VR, about 95% clarity of real life)

Time for a first date. Mark is looking forward to this but is nervous and uncertain. They meet and then in a car Irena, but he doesn’t know her name at this point, and he are driving to meet her parents. The only thing he knows about Irena is that she is a Jew, or from a Jewish family. Also that she is an older young woman, say late twenties, but not married. The fact that she is from a Jewish family is interesting to him but he isn’t sure how to ask questions about this.

They arrive at a small property on the outskirt, as Mark thinks, of Sydney. A house. A creek or river near it. Mark is nervous. He isn’t sure why Irena wanted him, on a first date, to meet her parents - but because of the cultural difference between them, as he thinks of this, he is going along. They step out of the car and walk to the house. A simple house but on a reasonably large area of land. Mark, thinking this is the outer Sydney area, points out if this larger land is sold to developers Irena’s parents will have a fortune.

They walk into the house. First he is introduced to the mother, then a sister, then a young man who shakes his hand saying “I hope to be the best man.” An amiable young man. As they walk away Mark asks how old he was. Irena explains “My brother Aaron is 17. The youngest.”

For a while they wait outside. Not saying much or doing anything, just being together. Irena’s sister comes out for a while. Seems to ignore Mark until Irena introduces her. Then a chat with Irena’s sister but ever so brief, so much so Mark isn’t sure what they talked about. Food seems to be being prepared. Irena says it isn’t for them so they may as well leave early.

They walk to the car. Mark suggests could they drive to Parramatta and a restaurant for dinner. Irena agrees.

“What about Chinese?” Mark asks.

“Chinese makes my stomach unsettled.”

“What about….”

“Beef. Something with beef.” Irena suggests.

They drive. Mark studies the young woman. Not a super model but looks fine. He doesn't know what he looks like to her but perhaps much the same.

A short drive. Irena parks on the footpath. That seems unusual. On the other side young trees in bloom. Mark looks about protesting this isn’t what he meant. “Is this even Parramatta? I meant the city itself. Lots of restaurants.”

“Let’s look around.”

For a while they walk around this area, saying little. Mark is trying to work out which area of Parramatta this could be. It seems like small double storey terrace houses. They come upon a park. They walk past a dead kangaroo. They walk past youths trying to hide a human dummy in their van. The youths ignore them as they stop to see what they were doing.

“What are they doing? Is that a dead person?” Irena comes closer, puts a hand around his upper arm, and whispers the question.

“No. It’s a store dummy. I wonder where they got that from. It just occurred to me. I didn’t meet your father.”

“He died.”


“Yesterday. From a heart attack.”

Mark freezes. Yesterday? This seems peculiar. For a daughter to go out on a date the day after her father died? Then he thinks that people respond to grief in different ways so he best not say anything about that.

“Can we please drive to the city of Parramatta? I don’t even know where this is.” Mark is looking about at the two storey terrace houses and just not recalling which parts of Parramatta have such. On the outskirts there are some but they don’t look like this.

They set out to find the car. It isn’t in the spot they parked. Irena knows where it is. “I know where it is. In the garage.”

They set off. Mark trying to make sense how did the car shift from that spot to a garage. They arrive and sure enough behind an iron gate in what looks like a mechanics shop there is Irena’s white car. She walks down a slope and finds a door on the side, enters, and returns with a key to open the iron grid gate. They step into the car. The car is facing the wall. Mark comments this is a tight squeeze to get the car out. Irena is confident and does clever turns back and forth until the car is ready to be driven out.

“Very good, but I heard you slightly bump the bumper against the wall.”

“I did not.” She protests and drives out. Mark knows she did, but best left aside.

They drive. A wide road. Busy. To his left, not that far away but in a shallow valley, a large church. That reminds Mark of his interest. “Irena. Did you grow up in that area? Swim in that creek? Walk to school? Which school?”

“I don’t like it when you ask questions that are too personal.”

Aha. Mark understands this. After all this is the first date. As much as he would love to ask her all about growing up as a Jew, he best not. On the other hand he is short of what to talk about. They keep driving. On his left two huge dark-blue and yellow trains coming from opposite directions and connecting.

Mark explains where he lives. A fair distance from Sydney. “The change from summer to winter seems so quick. A few weeks.” He talks about that weather. Irena is interested, asks questions.

Coming onto a stop sign Mark notices an old tram. “Wait on. This isn’t even Sydney. This has to be Melbourne. Or - wait? I think there is a place in Sydney where they have an old tram near a crossroad? Where was that? Sutherland? No, but I can’t think of the place.”

The experience ends. The end of the first date. This type of dream is such that there is a blur between the awake and dream state. When awake Mark is going over the first date. How did it went? Not brilliantly, he thinks, but no so bad because Irena agreed to a second date. He thinks over a strategy for the next date. While they seem to be fine just being together, there didn’t seem much to talk about. As much as he would love to hear what it was like growing up a Jew in Australia, this he better leave alone even on a second date. So what to talk about?

As Mark is wondering about this and going over in his thoughts, thinking it wasn’t all that brilliant overall, Irena’s thoughts present themselves as a female flow from deep in his spirit “I loved it.”

Mark is relieved. For him, just being together, was the worth in this experience.

Some Explanations/Clarifications

In the tale Irena may map onto one biological woman more than any other, but the ‘Woman’ is a consciousness that connects in some way, however subtly, to biological females that Mark might know in ordinary life. If Mark was a Jew like Irena, and was married to a woman and Irena was to a man, and all four were true Jews by definition in the spirit, then a transfer would take place and the Woman would be giving birth to the woman. (This is hard to explain but easy to understand in Life in the Spirit).

In Genesis it is written God created a Man and a Woman to be companions, and the two separate from their parents and become one. That is really perhaps the most important aspect. The above a narrative as accurate as possible. However, it can take years to get to this point. Two people begin to understand one another in different settings (VR) of Life in the Spirit, but eventually may come together in the way described above. The mental imagery in Life in the Spirit (in a VR known as ‘setting’) can be cartoon-like, else it is closer to true-life but not really and not that high a quality and faces rarely clear, while this type of ‘dream experience’ is a big change because of its true to life clarity.

In the spirit a general principle is that a Woman gives birth to a man from a Man, and then to herself as a woman. (Easier to experience than to put your head around this. It seems simple enough until you try to think this through).

When you are clearer on this, think of Jesus and Mary as Man and Woman. What kind of ‘Woman’ would be an ideal companion for the Man?

Note that some aspects of the unconscious do intrude. Example. The car was parked on the footpath but later they found it in the garage. This suggests at one time in her human life Irena did that and her car was towed away and she had to retrieve it from a holding place.

If you are gay or transgender there is no need to relate ‘Man’ and “Woman’ to flesh.